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The broken window

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  • And here is another couple of observations.

    The landlord was present. He knew about the window.
    He would also know what to type of lock the door had.
    There is a possibility that the landlord would have an extra key.

    So..If the idea of entering the place via an axe of sorts is used..It is very simple to imagine that the hole the axe made would be for reaching in and unlocking the door.

    I ask again. If that were the purpose of gaining entry, however long they had waited..why not simply take out the rest of the broken pane of glass instead?

    No need for an axe. No need for the door to be destroyed either.

    I know I'm not a qualified policeman... but this isn't rocket science.

    Yet nobody..not one person of the very many...thought of it.
    And guess what. .I thought of that over four decades ago when I first read about the murder in Millers Court.

    Please tell me this is quite normal, practical thinking?
    All before the age of the Internet, please note.

    Last edited by Phil Carter; 10-10-2015, 07:58 AM.
    Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

    Justice for the 96 = achieved
    Accountability? ....


    • Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post

      Hi All,

      Abberline told the inquest he had received an intimation from Inspector Beck that the bloodhounds were on the way.

      Landlord John McCarthy told Central News—“The Inspector [Abberline] waited a little while, and then sent a telegram to Sir Charles Warren to bring the bloodhounds, so as to trace the murderer, if possible.”


      Morning Simon,

      You do realise you will now he told one of the following. .
      Either McCarthy got the inspectors name wrong.
      The newspaper invented the comment
      Abberline clearly knew nothing of the reality of the bloodhounds whereabouts
      Warren was otherwise occupied and could not respond immediately
      Any other reason that seems logical enough to deflect from anything untoward happening that morning from the side of the Met Police.

      Does it ever make you wonder why people continually try to keep doing this, despite the ever mounting evidence to the contrary?

      Have a good breakfast. ☺

      Last edited by Phil Carter; 10-10-2015, 08:09 AM.
      Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

      Justice for the 96 = achieved
      Accountability? ....


      • Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
        All before the age of the Internet, please note.

        I did suggest a 13 year old would work it out in 5 minutes


        • Under the bed

          Of course if they thought the murderer might still be hiding in the room somewhere, going in with an axe might not be a bad idea. Don't know how much of the room could be seen from the window with the coat hanging in front of it but it's possible the police couldn't see into every corner (or under the bed even).



          • Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
            Morning Simon,

            You do realise you will now he told one of the following. .

            Warren was otherwise occupied and could not respond immediately
            Could be on a winner there.


            • Originally posted by DJA View Post
              I did suggest a 13 year old would work it out in 5 minutes
              It was 1972. I was it probably took 4 mins. .lol ��

              Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

              Justice for the 96 = achieved
              Accountability? ....


              • Originally posted by curious4 View Post
                Of course if they thought the murderer might still be hiding in the room somewhere, going in with an axe might not be a bad idea. Don't know how much of the room could be seen from the window with the coat hanging in front of it but it's possible the police couldn't see into every corner (or under the bed even).

                The room was tiny. I have a feeling that would have been impossible. Unless the killer was under the bed. Besides.
                With everyone peeping through the window.. I'm sure any movement. .noise..would have been heard in the course of two hours?

                I have never seen the possibility mentioned anywhere that this thought had come to mind. Have you? Therefore I know of no evidence to back up the possibility.

                Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                Justice for the 96 = achieved
                Accountability? ....


                • Hi curious4,

                  So it might be true.

                  The bogeyman was hiding under the bed.


                  Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


                  • Originally posted by packers stem View Post
                    Definitely?? Why?
                    Hello Packers

                    According to Elizabeth Prater, her neighbour.



                    • Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
                      Hi curious4,

                      So it might be true.

                      The bogeyman was hiding under the bed.


                      That's why one should always carry a pickaxe when retiring for the night.
                      Just in case. I always check under my bed before getting in to it, but no luck so far.



                      • Anyone know if the house had a coal cellar?


                        • Hi All,

                          I bought this t-shirt the other day.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	005 (640x360).jpg
Views:	1
Size:	96.2 KB
ID:	666270

                          I can't think why.


                          Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


                          • Hello Phil,

                            Is it really hard to believe that after witnessing the horror that they did that rational thought was impaired?



                            • Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
                              The room was tiny. I have a feeling that would have been impossible. Unless the killer was under the bed. Besides.
                              With everyone peeping through the window.. I'm sure any movement. .noise..would have been heard in the course of two hours?

                              I have never seen the possibility mentioned anywhere that this thought had come to mind. Have you? Therefore I know of no evidence to back up the possibility.

                              Hello Phil

                              As they had never come across this type of murderer before, perhaps they didn't know what to think. Or what he would be capable of. Might have crossed their minds that he could be hiding, knife at the ready. Forewarned is forearmed.

                              Best wishes


                              • Hello Simon,

                                Laughs out loud ��

                                Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                                Justice for the 96 = achieved
                                Accountability? ....

