It was I that suggested a culmination scenario involving the Fenians, and you'll note that I offered it "hypothetically".
And something David suggested caught my that he agreed with Richard that a copycat scenario doesnt work, particularly because the uterus wasnt a target organ.
I suggest to both of you conversely that the lack of interest in a uterus in room 13 might be some evidence that Jack wasnt in that room. His 2 previous organ thefts had only the uterus in common. Also.... the man who took Annies uterus had some skill, but none is present in room 13.
What caught me about the stuff I posted last night is that it seems right around 1887 after the Trafalgar debacle, the left wing Radicals were being separated from the core non-violent Socialist movement as the mainstream began to see the increasing violence as being counter productive to reaching their goals. Which suggests to me that the more radical fringe of Socialist/Fenian movements were then unencumbered by the conscience and methods of the more peaceful protesters among them.
That seems to me to perhaps set up a radical fringe that may just have had anarchy as a goal at the start of 1888.
My best regards all.

And something David suggested caught my that he agreed with Richard that a copycat scenario doesnt work, particularly because the uterus wasnt a target organ.
I suggest to both of you conversely that the lack of interest in a uterus in room 13 might be some evidence that Jack wasnt in that room. His 2 previous organ thefts had only the uterus in common. Also.... the man who took Annies uterus had some skill, but none is present in room 13.
What caught me about the stuff I posted last night is that it seems right around 1887 after the Trafalgar debacle, the left wing Radicals were being separated from the core non-violent Socialist movement as the mainstream began to see the increasing violence as being counter productive to reaching their goals. Which suggests to me that the more radical fringe of Socialist/Fenian movements were then unencumbered by the conscience and methods of the more peaceful protesters among them.
That seems to me to perhaps set up a radical fringe that may just have had anarchy as a goal at the start of 1888.
My best regards all.