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  • Originally posted by Monty View Post

    I really do not understand your point here. His regular beat is still the same reversed or not. It seems he worked that beat for a number of years.

    Rob is showing the direction of travel Watkins (and Harvey) took that night upon their beats. Watkins states it was left handed beat, meaning the majority of turns were to the left.

    As Im sure you are aware, all beats are numbered (this one being 11 or 12 - I cant recall exact) for reference. Watkins lists his beat from starting point (Duke Street) and back, this is what you quote him as stating above. This is taken from the inquest and is Watkins explaining the exact order of his beat that night.

    Theres no amibuigty, it is all straightforward.

    I am not suggesting the details of the beat are wrong its a question of the fact that becasue his beat was reversed he would have approached the various streets on that beat from a different direction do you agree ?

    I agree his normal beat was left handed but on that night being reversed it would be right handed . Robs map I suggest shows the normal beat and not the beat on the night of the murder.


    • Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
      I am not suggesting the details of the beat are wrong its a question of the fact that becasue his beat was reversed he would have approached the various streets on that beat from a different direction do you agree ?

      I agree his normal beat was left handed but on that night being reversed it would be right handed . Robs map I suggest shows the normal beat and not the beat on the night of the murder.
      No, his normal beat was right handed. He had just been informed to work left handed that night.

      Also, with reference to Bridewells suggestion, part of Watkins inquest testimony -

      Edward Watkin, No. 881 of the City Police, said: I was on duty at Mitre-square on Saturday night. I have been in the force seventeen years. I went on duty at 9.45 upon my regular beat. That extends from Duke-street, Aldgate, through Heneage-lane, a portion of Bury-street, through Cree-lane, into Leadenhall-street, along eastward into Mitre-street, then into Mitre-square, round the square again into Mitre-street, then into King-street to St. James's-place, round the place, then into Duke-street, where I started from. That beat takes twelve or fourteen minutes. I had been patrolling the beat continually from ten o'clock at night until one o'clock on Sunday morning.

      [Coroner] Had anything excited your attention during those hours? - No.

      [Coroner] Or any person? - No. I passed through Mitre-square at 1.30 on the Sunday morning. I had my lantern alight and on - fixed to my belt. According to my usual practice, I looked at the different passages and corners.


      Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


      • Originally posted by Monty View Post
        No, his normal beat was right handed. He had just been informed to work left handed that night.

        Also, with reference to Bridewells suggestion, part of Watkins inquest testimony -

        Edward Watkin, No. 881 of the City Police, said: I was on duty at Mitre-square on Saturday night. I have been in the force seventeen years. I went on duty at 9.45 upon my regular beat. That extends from Duke-street, Aldgate, through Heneage-lane, a portion of Bury-street, through Cree-lane, into Leadenhall-street, along eastward into Mitre-street, then into Mitre-square, round the square again into Mitre-street, then into King-street to St. James's-place, round the place, then into Duke-street, where I started from. That beat takes twelve or fourteen minutes. I had been patrolling the beat continually from ten o'clock at night until one o'clock on Sunday morning.

        [Coroner] Had anything excited your attention during those hours? - No.

        [Coroner] Or any person? - No. I passed through Mitre-square at 1.30 on the Sunday morning. I had my lantern alight and on - fixed to my belt. According to my usual practice, I looked at the different passages and corners.

        You are missing my point the beat he describes in his inquest testimony is his normal beat and the direction of travel on that normal beat is in Robs map.

        If it were reversed the direction of travel would be the opposite way would it not. He would still visit the same streets but for example instead of going up Leadenhall street he would have gone down it.?


        • Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
          You are missing my point the beat he describes in his inquest testimony is his normal beat and the direction of travel on that normal beat is in Robs map.

          If it were reversed the direction of travel would be the opposite way would it not. He would still visit the same streets but for example instead of going up Leadenhall street he would have gone down it.?
          The beat is his normal beat in termsof the streets named. However his route (the order he visited these streets) was not usual for Watkins. Again, as stated, Rob Houses diagram is correct for that specific night.

          ....anyone got an asprin?


          Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


          • Originally posted by Monty View Post
            The beat is his normal beat in termsof the streets named. However his route (the order he visited these streets) was not usual for Watkins. Again, as stated, Rob Houses diagram is correct for that specific night.

            ....anyone got an asprin?

            I give up all will be revealed in due course. There is a method in my madness !


            • One sincerely hopes so.



              Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



              • I Agree

                Originally posted by Monty View Post
                One sincerely hopes so.

                Hi Monty,

                For what it's worth, I agree with you. His "normal beat" is the area he normally covers, not necessarily the route. The route varied; the area for which he had responsibility did not. Right-handed = clockwise; left-handed = anti-clockwise.

                Regards, Bridewell.
                I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                • Left hand down a bit number one...

                  Last edited by Cogidubnus; 04-05-2012, 02:34 AM.

