Originally posted by Sam Flynn
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Good to see you back!
I agree that the ripper would not have had the 'luxury' of murdering and mutilating where he lived, if he didn't live alone. Equally, he may or may not have had a place of his own if he simply preferred to leave his victims where he found them, to be quickly discovered. I can't see why a serial killer would have wanted the chore of transporting a body or body parts, if he could have avoided it by continuing to select victims at random out on the open streets, where no connection could be made with his home or place of work.
I certainly struggle with the idea that, if the ripper was living with his family [Lechmere, for example], he would have given himself the additional headache of including any woman among his victims who had to be dismembered and then dumped at a distance, either because he had foolishly killed her too close to 'home', or because of some personal connection between the two.
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