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The GSG - Did Jack write it? POLL

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post

    There is only the very suspicious proximity to the cloth, and the content which refers to Jews evading blame...which is happening on that same night. The cloth and message were found at the same time, and the cloth was left no later than 70 minutes after the murder, hence, they may well have been left by the same source.

    There are circumstances Trevor...surprised I have to point that out to a police person.
    I have to agree with Trevor on this, I have never believed the GSG was written by the killer.

    What I do find intriguing though, is that Foster was asked to provide the nearest light source to the graffiti on his scale map.
    Why was that important if the graffiti was deep inside the entrance?
    It is only important if the graffiti was on the right-side jamb, which would have received direct light from the lamp, which was located north of the entrance.
    This fact is more consistent with the graffiti being written in the dark.
    I would be more than happy to support the idea the graffiti was written deep inside the entrance as that would be more consistent with it being written in daylight, so not connected to the murder. But, the meager evidence we have does not support this location.

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  • Sam Flynn
    Originally posted by APerno View Post

    Agreed. If he was up to something simple, something he could have done in the Square,
    Not with his hand(s) smeared in fresh excrement. There's nothing simple, or quick, about removing that.

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  • Sam Flynn
    Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

    But Goulston street is far too far away for someone just wiping their hands.
    It's only a few minutes' walk, and far enough from Mitre Square to be clear of the bizzies but without going too far. That, and the fact that Wentworth Dwellings had open entrance passageways to duck into strikes me as a perfect place to stop and scrub up.

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  • APerno
    Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

    But Goulston street is far too far away for someone just wiping their hands.
    Agreed. If he was up to something simple, something he could have done in the Square, and was then chased out by PC Watkins as I suggest, then he need not hold on to it for very long, he wipes and drops the rag much sooner. OK!

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  • APerno
    How do we know a murderer, who has just killed, is filled with adrenaline? Maybe it is like sex, maybe there is a satisfaction and a quiet fatigue that follows? I have never murdered anyone; are there psychological studies that claim such adrenaline occurs?

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by APerno View Post

    Could have been chased from the square by PC Watkins and had to wipe as he fled.
    But Goulston street is far too far away for someone just wiping their hands.

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    Just seems weird thats THE KILLER is in his lair with the organs in his possession, why the need to go out to dispose of the bloody apron in the street when he could have got rid of it the next day .
    Thats the important question.
    Because it seems irrational to us doesn't mean it didn't happen.

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by Robert St Devil View Post

    Considering the brief timespans and public scenario of his crimes, daring the constables seems to be an aspect of his nature. He could have been spotted murdering Stride earlier that night but that didn't stop him from murdering Eddowes round about an hour later; don't see why he'd be much concerned about being spotted by a constable scribbling on a wall after Kate's murder.
    Agreed, it's all about adrenaline. Just after a murder the killer is intoxicated with adrenaline. He can take on the world.

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  • Wickerman
    This is a press article I was not aware of....

    Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
    I think because he wasn't writing about the crime as much as he was venting his animosity towards Jews, concerning their claims about the crime.

    Its apparent that the City Police believed the writing was also connected to their investigation, the apron section was obviously so. And their concern about preserving that evidence is here, Pall Mall Gazette, Oct 11...

    [I]"It is now stated that the erasure was made by the express orders of Sir Charles Warren, who personally superintended the operation! The City police attached the greatest value to this clue, and decided to have the inscription photographed in order that it might be compared with "Jack the Ripper's" letters. Of course there is no proof that the inscription was written by the assassin. But it was not there the previous evening, and the probability is great that it was written by him...
    How did they know it was not there the previous evening?

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post

    People spoke differently then Sam, and some still use double negatives to make a positive point at times.
    Though, if indirect implication was the intent, the phrasing is more consistent with an educated man, as is the style of writing.

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    Therefor its just possible he left the apron to deliberately draw attention to the GSG,otherwise how else would people know it was written by the killer .
    But why?
    What message is provided by the GSG?

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  • Simon Wood
    The fact that Stride's killer was "interrupted" by Louis Diemschutz at 1.00 am, and that at exactly the same moment Catherine Eddowes was being discharged from Bishopsgate police station, and that the two of them later met up in Mitre Square smacks too much of a contrivance for my liking.

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  • APerno
    Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post

    Then the cloth would have been dropped before Longs 2:20 pass, and he would have seen it. Because "it was not there" at 2:20...this doesn't work.
    That's just your cognitive bias talking, there are so many possibilities brewing:

    PC Long was an incompetent drunk, who left his post to see all the hub-bub in the Square an never made his 2:20 round.

    D Halse's supportive claim was just him covering for a fellow officer; the cops do that.

    The Ripper actually walked around with the apron on him until 2:25 AM and then dropped it.

    The Ripper took the kidney home with him and then went back out and dumped the apron fearing a possible house to house search.

    But actually I am not supporting any of these arguments, and was only trying to reply to the question 'why didn't he just wipe his hands in the Square.' Why? because he was chased out. That's all I think I said. I don't remember making any argument as to when or where he dropped the rag.

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  • Michael W Richards
    Originally posted by Robert St Devil View Post

    Considering the brief timespans and public scenario of his crimes, daring the constables seems to be an aspect of his nature. He could have been spotted murdering Stride earlier that night but that didn't stop him from murdering Eddowes round about an hour later; don't see why he'd be much concerned about being spotted by a constable scribbling on a wall after Kate's murder.
    Its almost a certainty that Liz Strides killer was not Kates killer, the lack of any mutilations and any interruption evidence says so.

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  • Michael W Richards
    Originally posted by APerno View Post

    Could have been chased from the square by PC Watkins and had to wipe as he fled.
    Then the cloth would have been dropped before Longs 2:20 pass, and he would have seen it. Because "it was not there" at 2:20...this doesn't work.

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