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What 5 Questions Would You Like Answered?

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  • #61
    Hullo UkranianPhil!

    All of the times given, except Dr. Blackwell's upon his arrival, are approximations. With no known corroboration between different witnesses times. And if it was "JTR" why should he linger after IS strolled on by. Also there was Pipe/Knifeman. A high risk scenario to attempt a mutilation in. Of course there is no corroboration for IS. I'm on the fence, but something about what happened there feels off. Or at least how it seems to go together does.
    Valour pleases Crom.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Digalittledeeperwatson View Post
      You can beat a horse in water, but you can't make him think it.
      I think that's "You can lead a 'horticulture,' but you can't make her think."

      My questions:

      1. Did the Lusk kidney really come from Eddowes?

      2. What is the exact wording, with misspellings intact, of the GSD?

      3. Were any of the significant letters written by the killer? (i.e., the Lusk letter, the "Dear Boss" letter, and the "Saucy Jack" postcard.)

      4. Did any of the victims know the killer? that is, if one had somehow survived, would she have been able to give his name to the police? --what I'm getting at, is that Ripper murders look more like stranger murders based on 20th century data on serial murder, and I think there's always been a presumption that is what they were, but I'm asking to know that for certain.

      5. How religiously observant was Aaron Kosminski, and his family in general?

      6. Did Caroline Maxwell really see MJK on the morning the body was found in Miller's Court?


      to 1. If the kidney was not Eddowes', was it from some murder victim?

      to 3. If not the killer, who wrote those three particular letters, and did the killer write any public letter? By "public," I mean to the police, the news office, a particular paper, or some government official, or some other type of non-personal addressee.

      to 6. If Maxwell did not see Kelly, then was she mistaken, or deliberately lying?


      • #63

        Hello Phil. Thanks.

        ""if the ripper killed Liz Stride between 12:45 and 1am with no one about, why did he not mutilate her"?"

        Well, one possibility springs to mind.

        But what is YOUR answer?



        • #64
          Be not faithless, but believing.

          Hello DLDW.

          "but something about what happened there feels off."

          Only if you refuse to accept the story on faith.



          • #65
            Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
            Hello Phil. Thanks.

            ""if the ripper killed Liz Stride between 12:45 and 1am with no one about, why did he not mutilate her"?"

            Well, one possibility springs to mind.

            But what is YOUR answer?

            Actually more than one does.



            Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



            • #66
              Who killed the victims in the WC series.
              Who were other victims of the person who killed most of the victims above.
              Who wrote GSG,dear boss letters and from hell letter.
              What kind of upbringing did the killer have.
              What was the motivation for the murders.
              why did he stop?

              I know thats 6 but oh well.
              "Is all that we see or seem
              but a dream within a dream?"

              -Edgar Allan Poe

              "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
              quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

              -Frederick G. Abberline


              • #67

                Hello Neil. Thanks.

                Very well, at LEAST one.



                • #68
                  1. What name was Charles Cross known as at Pickfords ?
                  2. Did either PC Barrett or Mary Ann Conolly pick out the correct soldier?
                  3. Who was PC L63, and was he on duty in Dorset St on 9th Nov ?
                  4. Where was Martha Tabram between midnight and 2am ?
                  5. Where was William Grant Grainger during the murders of 1888 ?


                  • #69
                    Liz stride was not killed by the ripper. thats what i think Lynncates.
                    Last edited by ukranianphil; 07-01-2013, 02:18 PM.


                    • #70
                      Something feels off? your not wrong there Digalittledeeperwatson.
                      Last edited by ukranianphil; 07-01-2013, 02:18 PM. Reason: forgot to add who i am replying to


                      • #71
                        Taking it in Stride.

                        Hello Phil. Thanks.



                        • #72
                          She's been killed by Mikhaïl Kidnowski, the well-known anarchist pimp.
                          And that another prostitute had her throat cut one hour later is just an everyday coincidence.
                          Just routine, in Chinatown.



                          • #73
                            Originally posted by The Good Michael View Post
                            I'm with you on this. Kelly is the best choice of bad choices if he stuck around London. I think he was there for some time else the police wouldn't have looked for him and asked questions. Dis James Kelly know the city well enough to be in and out so quickly? That's the hard part for me.

                            My favorite candidate is "someone we've never heard of," but if I had to pick someone who has already been named, James Kelly, we know, did previously kill someone with a knife. Also, he seemed to have the sort of low regard-- I almost want to say "irregard" (no, not "irregardless), that reminds me, with the correct number of shivers up the spine, of Ted Bundy, or Rodney Alcala.

                            The only problem with James Kelly, is that JtR seemed to have some need to explore women's reproductive organs, and unless Kelly saw this as a way to humiliate the victims-- stripping them of what he perceived as their one function (aside from being a sex toy) by taking out their wombs, I don't see him having that much interest in women. But then, I don't really know the Ripper's motive. It looks like some kind of bizarre necrophilia-- playing with the body-- but without asking the killer, we don't really know.


                            • #74
                              Quadruple event?

                              Hello David. Thanks.

                              A prostitute!!? Hmm, I know of only 3 killings that night--Brown, Stride and Eddowes. Whom was the fourth--the prostitute?



                              • #75
                                Quadruple saucisse

                                Hi Lynn.

                                I suppose you find yourself saucy.


