Originally posted by Phil H
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There is no real basis for the canonical five apart from Melville Macnaghten who was not there in 1888 and demonstrably got his facts wrong in other instances. So we should, and I do, feel free to question MM's assumption by adding or subtracting to and from that total.

At the moment i'd subtract MJK and stride and add in Mckenzie.
But get this, Caz, none of my musings (like modern adaptations of Shakespeare) remove, change or destroy the MM memorandum.

Nevertheless, it is those who cling so desperately (and sadly IMHO) to the "five2 who create the problems, because it could exclude killers who only struck once. Indeed, that may have been why suspects got away in 1888/8, because the police saw they had an alibi for one murder and absolved them of the lot.
Good hunting Caz, but intellectual bullying - damning all as heretical who disagree with you - is not pretty and wholly unnecessary.
Good hunting Caz, but intellectual bullying - damning all as heretical who disagree with you - is not pretty and wholly unnecessary.