It seems this point has difficulty landing on some posters, so....there is no-one who saw Louis arrive, Morris arrive, Lave standing by the gates, or Israel, BSM, or Pipeman. All these witness events are claimed to have happened at the 12:40-12:45 time period, excluding Louis who by his account stated that he didn't arrive until "precisely 1". They are all individuals providing accounts without any corroboration whatsoever. An eye witness can be used to verify the circumstances on Berner Street from 12:50 until 1am...later CORROBERATED BY Goldstein.. That witness does not see or hear any cart arrive during that time. 4 witnesses claimed that they were in the passageway,...(most whose initial statements were taken within an hour of the murder), with other people gathered around the dead/dying woman... including Louis, at 12:40-12:45. Issac Kozebrodski says later that night he was there in the passageway at 12:40-12:45 and Louis sends him out to look for help, he does not say anyone accompanied him.
Not one club staffer said they saw anyone else, (not even the young couple seen by Fanny and James Brown), nor did anyone see what the club staffers (Louis, Morris..perhaps Lave as photographer) claim occurred, including when they arrived at the scene. Not one person saw, or heard, anything Israel described.
The preponderance of evidence given by eye witnesses suggest a discovery time of somewhere between Liz Strides last legitimate sighting, 12:35, and 12:40-12:45, when we have a plethora of stories...that by their contents, suggest something quite different than the accounts by those who made regular money from an open and operating Mens club.
Not one club staffer said they saw anyone else, (not even the young couple seen by Fanny and James Brown), nor did anyone see what the club staffers (Louis, Morris..perhaps Lave as photographer) claim occurred, including when they arrived at the scene. Not one person saw, or heard, anything Israel described.
The preponderance of evidence given by eye witnesses suggest a discovery time of somewhere between Liz Strides last legitimate sighting, 12:35, and 12:40-12:45, when we have a plethora of stories...that by their contents, suggest something quite different than the accounts by those who made regular money from an open and operating Mens club.