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Not Again

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Steadmund Brand View Post
    Another day another mass shooting in the U.S.A....

    We can't go one week without this happening...
    How about one day. There has been 357 mass shootings in the US this year. There was another one in Georgia same day as the San Bernardino one.

    Don't want to rub it in, but you know you have a gun violence problem when the authorities say "this mass shooting was atypical".
    Is it progress when a cannibal uses a fork?
    - Stanislaw Jerzy Lee


    • #17
      Seems to me that they were planning a terrorist attack but just not at the party. Something set him off while he was there and he left went home got his wife and said come on we're doing it now.


      • #18
        Originally posted by SirJohnFalstaff View Post
        How about one day. There has been 357 mass shootings in the US this year. There was another one in Georgia same day as the San Bernardino one.

        Don't want to rub it in, but you know you have a gun violence problem when the authorities say "this mass shooting was atypical".
        And the senate rejects legislation to limit selling guns to suspected terrorists.
        G U T

        There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


        • #19
          I've had to check out of this story. For the foreseeable future I'll be watching only football, movies, maybe the odd cooking show. In my view, the media coverage has been reprehensible and, as always, the "social" media response has been nonsensical, inane, absurd.

          Out of the chute, politicians, celebrity tweeters, bloggers, and - finally - the more "mainstream" media defined this as another "gun" story. The narrative was crafted before the names of the shooters were publicized. Of course, when the names were reported, liberal sensibilities prevented most everyone from - at least publicly - hearing the names "Farook" and "Malik" and seeing a link to Islam or terrorism. I mean, I'm sure everyone thought it, and then engaged in the requisite self-flagellation to expel such awful thoughts.

          So, the obvious possible connections were ignored (for as long as possible), because that's what good, right thinking, liberal minded people do. And it continued to be a story about the NRA, guns, America's gun culture, the usual. Meanwhile, most rational people could already see where this was going. Obviously, you can't say it out loud! That would be racist, you see. I mean, I know that Islam is technically not a race, but "racism" is such a fun word to throw around these days. It's become a great catch-all. We use it all the time here in America. It's a great way to ruin someone's reputation and prevent them from obtaining gainful employment. Try it on people you don't like! I'm lucky in that I'm part of a wonderfully progressive interracial couple with wonderful, amazing, beautiful interracial kids. So, obviously, I have the right opinions and I get invited to parties where I can't voice my disgust about any of this because, well, that would get be uninvited to the parties and people would think that I wasn't, you know, a liberal (gasp).....

          Anyway, the die has been cast. The story is set in stone and it cannot be changed. This is and always will be a GUN story and not a TERRORISM story. Our timid, guilt-ridden, social-media driven culture demands it. We'll continue to blame bogeymen: The NRA, Republicans, Democrats, Obama, Trump, Bush, Clinton, Fox News, the New York Times. As usual, the killers themselves are marginalized. Their names will be forgotten but their crime will live on because it so wonderfully serves myriad political purposes.

          I feel like I'm surrounded by people who are brainwashed, incapable of thinking for themselves. I used to be outspoken about what I believed. These days, since I don't fit into either the conservative or liberal category, I just - mostly - keep my mouth shut. I've always considered myself pretty conservative. I don't believe in God but I will defend anyone's right to do so, even as I think that religion gives smart people some very not smart ideas. I loath Donald Trump. I support more gun control. I think marijuana should be legal. I think people should be allowed to live a life that makes them happy without someone screwing it up simply because they find it "offensive". So, if that means gay marriage or abortion. Well, live and let live. It's your life. On the other hand, I see Obama as Trump's liberal clone, sitting unaccomplished and unqualified atop a cult of personality. I think that government should be small, taxes should be low, defense should be robust, legal and military action should be taken based upon reality and rational thought, not politics, and that we should always move in directions that provide citizens with more freedom, not less. Because of these ideals, I've never voted for a democrat. I feel almost completely disconnected from Republicans at this point too.

          I'm sure I offended someone with this treatise, if anyone hung in and read it all. Oh, well. I feel better. That's all that matters.


          • #20
            Good opinion post, Patrick (and I did read it all), and best wishes to you and your family. I've always voted Democrat, but am leery of Ms. Clinton's dishonesty. Maybe I'll try the Jewish socialist-- that should rile up the conservatives even more. Seriously, there are no intelligent, qualified candidates in either party.
            Workplace violence with a supply of three thousand bullets-- nothing suspicious here, folks, move along. Meanwhile, we keep our heads down and listen to news reports on fighting back with scissors and staples in case of an active shooter at our offices. It's as stupid as the "Duck and Cover" drills we had when I was in grade school.
            Pat D.
            Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
              Good opinion post, Patrick (and I did read it all), and best wishes to you and your family. I've always voted Democrat, but am leery of Ms. Clinton's dishonesty. Maybe I'll try the Jewish socialist-- that should rile up the conservatives even more. Seriously, there are no intelligent, qualified candidates in either party.
              Workplace violence with a supply of three thousand bullets-- nothing suspicious here, folks, move along. Meanwhile, we keep our heads down and listen to news reports on fighting back with scissors and staples in case of an active shooter at our offices. It's as stupid as the "Duck and Cover" drills we had when I was in grade school.
              My vote will likely sit idle. For me, it's a disgusting lot. It seems like only the lowest common denominator even enters politics these days. It seems as if we are bound and determined to entrust power to the people who are among the most least qualified to have it. Its no wonder Trump is leading in the polls. I mean, he had a reality TV show, right? Isn't that was most people look for in a leader these days?

              I've been distracted from my Ripper pursuits lately by another topic: How technology has changed, shaped, altered our culture. I touched on some of the themes in my rant (thanks for staying the course and finishing it). Its an interesting discussion, but its also disturbing in many ways. When you discuss things with younger people you realize that their "opinions" simply mirror what's floating around social media. We really do live in a time where there is such a thing as the CORRECT opinion, and it is ALWAYS the one that gets the most "likes", "shares", etc. on social media. These days, opinions, so long as they are CORRECT, are meant to be shared and celebrated. Join the crowd. Get a few pats on the back. Then, join the mob and search out the Neanderthals who have the INCORRECT opinions and expose them! WAIT! You haven't changed your profile picture to 'rainbow' colors to celebrate gay marriage? You must be a bigot! Hold on! You didn't change your profile picture to the colors of the French flag? Oh, man! I'm unfriending you. It's groupthink, crowd mentality.


              • #22
                I have a problem with the double standard. White middle age man attack Planned Parenthood clinic = insane.

                Someone with an Eastern last name = terrorism.

                It doesn't matter, for me, if the person was radicalized by a website or an imam, that person clearly had mental problem in the first place.

                The KKK and other far right organisations clearly count on the "lone wolves" to do their dirty jobs, it's about time we apply the same standard to everything.

                In fact, I'm not 100% sure yet, but the whole "terrorism" label should be dismiss and events should be treated as crime.

                We had two separate events last year in Canada, with one casualty each (not including perpetrator)
                1- recently converted white Canadian killed a soldier and hurt another one ramming them with his car.
                2- Young man with mental health history ran into the Parliament building in Ottawa, killing one guard.

                Both men declared doing it for ISIS. None of them were in contact with the organization.
                Is it progress when a cannibal uses a fork?
                - Stanislaw Jerzy Lee


                • #23
                  Was there ever anything more pathetic than social media? Tweet, Watson. Unmitigated tweet.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SirJohnFalstaff View Post
                    I have a problem with the double standard. White middle age man attack Planned Parenthood clinic = insane.

                    Someone with an Eastern last name = terrorism.

                    It doesn't matter, for me, if the person was radicalized by a website or an imam, that person clearly had mental problem in the first place.

                    The KKK and other far right organisations clearly count on the "lone wolves" to do their dirty jobs, it's about time we apply the same standard to everything.

                    In fact, I'm not 100% sure yet, but the whole "terrorism" label should be dismiss and events should be treated as crime.

                    We had two separate events last year in Canada, with one casualty each (not including perpetrator)
                    1- recently converted white Canadian killed a soldier and hurt another one ramming them with his car.
                    2- Young man with mental health history ran into the Parliament building in Ottawa, killing one guard.

                    Both men declared doing it for ISIS. None of them were in contact with the organization.
                    Radicalized Muslim man and his radicalized Muslim wife kill a bunch of people at a Christmas party? Blame the bastards who oppose "gun control" and not the ideology that may have driven him to it. IGNORE that. Don't even pursue it! A crime is a crime. Who needs labels? Oh, unless the "lone wolf" crazy white guy listened to Rush Limbaugh or watched Fox News. Then it's okay to point fingers. If you recall the Gabby Giffords incident was blamed SQUARELY on Sarah Palin (for suggesting that voters 'target' Giffords seat in the next election). So, okay to blame Palin, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh....but hands off Allah, Islam, ISIS, et al. I mean, we must have the right, state-sanctioned opinions now, mustn't we?

                    This is, of course, nonsense. Wonderful sounding words that sound good to you because you figure you're being open-minded and wonderfully liberal. Of course it all means nothing.

                    Dylann Storm Roof was ACCURATELY called a white supremacist after he shot up the church in Charleston. Did you think it was wrong when - as a result - the confederate flag was removed from the SC statehouse grounds? I mean, Roof was just crazy, right? Why blame the confederacy? He was a lone wolf, after all. Shouldn't they put that confederate flag back up? Using your logic, we should DISMISS the 'racist' label as its applied to Roof and call it, simply, a crime.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Patrick S View Post
                      Radicalized Muslim man and his radicalized Muslim wife kill a bunch of people at a Christmas party? Blame the bastards who oppose "gun control" and not the ideology that may have driven him to it. IGNORE that. Don't even pursue it! A crime is a crime. Who needs labels? Oh, unless the "lone wolf" crazy white guy listened to Rush Limbaugh or watched Fox News. Then it's okay to point fingers. If you recall the Gabby Giffords incident was blamed SQUARELY on Sarah Palin (for suggesting that voters 'target' Giffords seat in the next election). So, okay to blame Palin, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh....but hands off Allah, Islam, ISIS, et al. I mean, we must have the right, state-sanctioned opinions now, mustn't we?

                      This is, of course, nonsense. Wonderful sounding words that sound good to you because you figure you're being open-minded and wonderfully liberal. Of course it all means nothing.

                      Dylann Storm Roof was ACCURATELY called a white supremacist after he shot up the church in Charleston. Did you think it was wrong when - as a result - the confederate flag was removed from the SC statehouse grounds? I mean, Roof was just crazy, right? Why blame the confederacy? He was a lone wolf, after all. Shouldn't they put that confederate flag back up? Using your logic, we should DISMISS the 'racist' label as its applied to Roof and call it, simply, a crime.
                      calm down, dude, you're putting word in my mouth that I didn't say.

                      what part of "I'm not 100% sure" don't you understand? I'm questioning things.
                      Radical Islam is as much a problem as far right extremism.
                      I suggest you get off your high horse and take a deep breath.

                      EDIT- it came to my mind that those events might have affected you in a very particular way, in that case, I apologize for my tone. My point is both sides of the spectrum are very much in a hurry to validate their own agenda. The fact that a label should be put on those events when they still unfold baffles me, that's where my comment about "crime" came from.
                      Last edited by SirJohnFalstaff; 12-04-2015, 12:38 PM.
                      Is it progress when a cannibal uses a fork?
                      - Stanislaw Jerzy Lee


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by SirJohnFalstaff View Post
                        calm down, dude, you're putting word in my mouth that I didn't say.

                        what part of "I'm not 100% sure" don't you understand? I'm questioning things.
                        Radical Islam is as much a problem as far right extremism.
                        I suggest you get off your high horse and take a deep breath.
                        Believe me. I'm not on a high-horse. I'm on the wrong horse altogether.

                        Further, I know that you actually MEANT to say that Radical Islam is a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH bigger problem than far right extremism. So, I won't quibble about you categorizing them as equals. I mean, we could get into a whole thing here and talk about what radical Islam is doing in the Middle East. We could talk about......

                        and compare it to this....

                        And then we could talk about how any sane person could equate the two. But, I know you chose your words poorly. So I'll let it drop.

                        I'll take that deep breath now......


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by SirJohnFalstaff View Post
                          calm down, dude, you're putting word in my mouth that I didn't say.

                          what part of "I'm not 100% sure" don't you understand? I'm questioning things.
                          Radical Islam is as much a problem as far right extremism.
                          I suggest you get off your high horse and take a deep breath.

                          EDIT- it came to my mind that those events might have affected you in a very particular way, in that case, I apologize for my tone. My point is both sides of the spectrum are very much in a hurry to validate their own agenda. The fact that a label should be put on those events when they still unfold baffles me, that's where my comment about "crime" came from.
                          No need to apologize. My experiences are not yours and I don't expect you to think what I think. Argument is a wonderful thing. I come on too strong..pretty much all the time. I firmly believe that your opinions are YOURS. No right or wrong. Although, I state mine as if they are fact!

                          My wife lived in Saudi for a few years and I've spent time in Malaysia and a few other Muslim counties. So, I'm hyper-sensitive to things I judge as ill informed, etc.


                          • #28
                            One cast iron fact that we can all be sure about is that when it comes to setting up shop in other people's countries, Western nations hold court.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Robert View Post
                              Was there ever anything more pathetic than social media? Tweet, Watson. Unmitigated tweet.
                              I just don't get the whole Social Media thing?

                              "Guts having chips at mazzaries 4star restaurant"

                              "Gut's at Elton John" (Who I saw yesterday by the way)

                              "Gut's having a ....."

                              1. who gives a rats

                              2. Why do I want to tell everyone

                              (my turn for a rant).
                              G U T

                              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                              • #30
                                This all makes me think the end times are coming soon because it sure looks like the world going to hell in a hand basket. Sometimes it feels like the hand basket is on fire.

                                Yes, the World as America isn't the only country with major problems. I recently started writing fiction again on FictionPress. Specifically a story of growing up gay in the bible belt in the early 90s which has tinted events to a certain perspective for me. I have been looking at a lot of newspapers, music videos, fashion mags from 1990-95 and trust me even then things were starting to come undone and people were treating each other like garbage and at the end of the day this type of anti-social behavior is going to be the result. Folks loosing their minds and going on a spree kill while the demons they had inside them from past hurts are working their way out.

