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  • Zeppelin albums.

    Here is my list of best to worst LedZeppelin albums.
    Im am uncertain if the list is not complete, but it covers the albums that i currently own and listen to.
    LedZeppelin IV
    LedZeppelin III
    LedZeppelin II
    Houses Of The Holy
    LedZeppelin I


    • Originally posted by sdreid View Post
      White's style is natural and raw, I think that's what I like. As a bonus, she looks bubblicious in that video wearing those leather pants and that painted on Army t-shirt ;-p
      I think that's why sonny enjoyed White Stripes so much.
      G U T

      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


      • Originally posted by GUT View Post
        I think that's why sonny enjoyed White Stripes so much.
        Meg's right out of the jungle!
        This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

        Stan Reid


        • Films about Baseball, Best to Worst:

          The Natural
          Bull Durham
          Eight Men Out
          Major League
          Bad News Bears (w/ Walter Mathau)
          The Sandlot
          A League of Their Own
          Pride of the Yankees
          Bang the Drum Slowly
          For Love of the Game
          Mr. 3000


          • Originally posted by Patrick S View Post
            Films about Baseball, Best to Worst:

            The Natural
            Bull Durham
            Eight Men Out
            Major League
            Bad News Bears (w/ Walter Mathau)
            The Sandlot
            A League of Their Own
            Pride of the Yankees
            Bang the Drum Slowly
            For Love of the Game
            Mr. 3000
            Hi Patrick,

            I'm a little confused. You did not like "Pride of the Yankees" or "Bang the Drum Slowly", because the list is supposed to be from best to worst and those two are at the end.

            Actually for a list of the more interesting Baseball films you did a good one. I can only think of "The Babe" (somewhat better than "The Babe Ruth Story" with William Bendix) with John Goodman as a credible Ruth, though the film is not fully as good as it should be, and (believe it or not) "Take Me Out to the Ballgame", which (although a musical for Kelly, Sinatra, and Esther Williams) is the only film I am aware of which looks at pre-1900 baseball. In fact, one of the numbers in it (with Kelly, Sinatra, and Jules Munshin) is a twist on the classic "Tinker to Taylor to Chance" combination, called "O'Brien to Ryan to Goldberg".



            • Originally posted by Mayerling View Post
              Hi Patrick,

              I'm a little confused. You did not like "Pride of the Yankees" or "Bang the Drum Slowly", because the list is supposed to be from best to worst and those two are at the end.

              Actually for a list of the more interesting Baseball films you did a good one. I can only think of "The Babe" (somewhat better than "The Babe Ruth Story" with William Bendix) with John Goodman as a credible Ruth, though the film is not fully as good as it should be, and (believe it or not) "Take Me Out to the Ballgame", which (although a musical for Kelly, Sinatra, and Esther Williams) is the only film I am aware of which looks at pre-1900 baseball. In fact, one of the numbers in it (with Kelly, Sinatra, and Jules Munshin) is a twist on the classic "Tinker to Taylor to Chance" combination, called "O'Brien to Ryan to Goldberg".

              Hi, Jeff. My rationale is pretty screwed up, probably. But...its my rationale. So.....

              I am not a fan of either movie because the actors are so god awful at playing baseball. In 'Bang the Drum', both Michael Moriarity and Robert DiNiro look ridiculous trying to do the most simple things on a baseball field. DiNiro can't throw a baseball! Moriarity can't even fill out the uniform. Very upsetting.

              "Pride of the Yankees" is out because they cast Gary Cooper and let him hit right handed then reversed the film to make him look like a lefty. Notice "Field of Dreams" didn't even MAKE my list because Liotta hits right handed as Shoeless Joe Jackson. Come on!'s also out because it treats baseball like this religious experience or transcendent metaphysical art-form. That always puts me off. I played baseball from age five though college, right up until last year - I hung up my spikes at 45. I love baseball. But, it's hard work and repetition, not spiritual baffoonery honked up by a some screeenwriter that never played. That's why I like Ron Shelton's "Bull Durham". He played minor league ball and he leaves all the "church of baseball" crap to Annie (the fan) and leaves the players to play.

              Other films are saved from awfulness by a few instances of unassailable awesomeness. Corbin Bernson and Tom Berringer can't play, but Major League is great because of lines like, "You may run like Mays but you hit like ****" and "That ball wouldn't have been out of a lot parks." "Yeah. Name one." "Yellowstone." The Natural is number one because, well, who doesn't love a ball crashing into the lights for a two run bomb to send your team to the series and because of two lines. The first by Redford: "God I love baseball." and the second by Wilfred Brumley: "Well...your better'n anyone I ever had.... and your the best goddmamn hitter I ever SAW.......Suit up."

              Hell. I'm calling my guys and playing with them this weekend. I know I can still put the bat on the ball and pick it down at third. If I watch Bull Durham first, I may even catch a few innings.


              • Originally posted by Scorpio View Post
                Here is my list of best to worst LedZeppelin albums.
                Im am uncertain if the list is not complete, but it covers the albums that i currently own and listen to.
                LedZeppelin IV
                LedZeppelin III
                LedZeppelin II
                Houses Of The Holy
                LedZeppelin I
                This is more a list of great to less great, correct?


                • Originally posted by Patrick S View Post
                  Films about Baseball, Best to Worst:

                  The Natural
                  Bull Durham
                  Eight Men Out
                  Major League
                  Bad News Bears (w/ Walter Mathau)
                  The Sandlot
                  A League of Their Own
                  Pride of the Yankees
                  Bang the Drum Slowly
                  For Love of the Game
                  Mr. 3000
                  Not a bad list....I do have to say.. I hate the movie The Sandlot ( I know, I am terrible for saying that) but it's just such dribble... and no kid.. no matter how "nerdy" he is hasn't HEARD of Babe Ruth.. especially if there was a Babe Ruth ball in the house.... hmm nobody ever told him a story about why that ball was important or anything... like " keep your damn hands off this ball.. it's worth your college tuition" haha.. plus, as much as I love James Earl Jones.. but his "feel good" section was just NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING BELIEVABLE.....I'm sorry but the color line was drawn in baseball, and sad a point in history as it was, no black player would have been so close with white players...I wish that wasn't a fact but it is.

         a movie it was fun.. But.... it was made too soon after the actual event... and was not even close to accurate...dramatic license is ok.. but wait a few years if you are going to do that.. when the facts aren’t so fresh in people’s minds haha..

                  I wish I liked The Natural more than I do.. as I am actually in the film hahaha (crowd shots... I was a kid when they filmed it here in Buffalo... and they asked for people to show up for crowd scenes etc.. in fact a friend of mine from school at the time is the kid in the newsreel scene with Redford).. however the original story is SO MUCH BETTER.. darker, sure, but why can't a film be dark.. it doesn't all have to be "feel good"...would have been much better had they kept the original ending.. other than that.. good memories and a good film.

                  I would like to add some films

                  1-It Happens Every Spring-- goofy sure.. but so much fun.... and while we are talking about Ray Milland I have to add...

                  2- Rhubarb- personal film for me in a way.. as my cat (Sgt. Pepper) looks a bit like Rhubarb... plus it's fun to see a very young Leonard Nimoy and Strother Martin as ballplayers (plus hey a cat that saves a baseball team from gamblers... what a great plot hahaha)

                  3-Safe At Home--- ok not a great (or even good film) but seeing Mantle, Marris and Whitey Ford play themselves is great!!

                  4- 61*- This made for HBO film about the historic 1961 Yankees season and the home run race between Mantle and Marris was a labor of love for filmmaker and lifelong Yankee fan Billy Crystal... and it shows.. the casting is spot on, the script great and it shows the hero’s as people flaws and all....

                  5-The Stratton Story--- again, not a great film, but Jimmy Stewart is great to watch

                  6- Fear Strikes Out- OK.. Anthony Perkins is NOT AT ALL CONVINCING as a ball player.. but again, this is a very personal film for me... as someone who suffers from anxiety disorders (as does most of my family going back several generations...some were unfortunately "hospitalized" and "treated" for these disorders before modern science caught up and learned to control the condition with medication) so this story hits close to home... as a Yankee fan it pains me to have affection for a Red Sox... I even told him that in the letter I wrote Mr. Piersall..(who did write back by the way.. very nice man )

                  Steadmund Brand
                  "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


                  • Originally posted by Steadmund Brand View Post
                    Not a bad list....I do have to say.. I hate the movie The Sandlot ( I know, I am terrible for saying that) but it's just such dribble... and no kid.. no matter how "nerdy" he is hasn't HEARD of Babe Ruth.. especially if there was a Babe Ruth ball in the house.... hmm nobody ever told him a story about why that ball was important or anything... like " keep your damn hands off this ball.. it's worth your college tuition" haha.. plus, as much as I love James Earl Jones.. but his "feel good" section was just NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING BELIEVABLE.....I'm sorry but the color line was drawn in baseball, and sad a point in history as it was, no black player would have been so close with white players...I wish that wasn't a fact but it is.

           a movie it was fun.. But.... it was made too soon after the actual event... and was not even close to accurate...dramatic license is ok.. but wait a few years if you are going to do that.. when the facts aren’t so fresh in people’s minds haha..

                    I wish I liked The Natural more than I do.. as I am actually in the film hahaha (crowd shots... I was a kid when they filmed it here in Buffalo... and they asked for people to show up for crowd scenes etc.. in fact a friend of mine from school at the time is the kid in the newsreel scene with Redford).. however the original story is SO MUCH BETTER.. darker, sure, but why can't a film be dark.. it doesn't all have to be "feel good"...would have been much better had they kept the original ending.. other than that.. good memories and a good film.

                    I would like to add some films

                    1-It Happens Every Spring-- goofy sure.. but so much fun.... and while we are talking about Ray Milland I have to add...

                    2- Rhubarb- personal film for me in a way.. as my cat (Sgt. Pepper) looks a bit like Rhubarb... plus it's fun to see a very young Leonard Nimoy and Strother Martin as ballplayers (plus hey a cat that saves a baseball team from gamblers... what a great plot hahaha)

                    3-Safe At Home--- ok not a great (or even good film) but seeing Mantle, Marris and Whitey Ford play themselves is great!!

                    4- 61*- This made for HBO film about the historic 1961 Yankees season and the home run race between Mantle and Marris was a labor of love for filmmaker and lifelong Yankee fan Billy Crystal... and it shows.. the casting is spot on, the script great and it shows the hero’s as people flaws and all....

                    5-The Stratton Story--- again, not a great film, but Jimmy Stewart is great to watch

                    6- Fear Strikes Out- OK.. Anthony Perkins is NOT AT ALL CONVINCING as a ball player.. but again, this is a very personal film for me... as someone who suffers from anxiety disorders (as does most of my family going back several generations...some were unfortunately "hospitalized" and "treated" for these disorders before modern science caught up and learned to control the condition with medication) so this story hits close to home... as a Yankee fan it pains me to have affection for a Red Sox... I even told him that in the letter I wrote Mr. Piersall..(who did write back by the way.. very nice man )

                    Steadmund Brand
                    Good choices Steadmund (in additional to the earlier ones - I have to admit I did not see Sandlot, which you don't think much of).

                    I could add a few of interest:

                    1) The Bingo Little Travelling All-Stars - one of the few films that dealt with the African-Americans in pre-Robinson/Rickey Baseball
                    2) The Pride of St. Louis - a cleaned up version (to be sure) of the Great Dizzy Dean and the "Gas-House" gang, but I liked that they took the story into his second baseball career as a game commentator on radio. Dizzy may have been the first sports "talking head" on any media.

                    There is also that recent film with Harrison Ford as Branch Rickey about bringing Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers. But I did not see it either, though I wanted to.

                    I do wish they would do one baseball player's story, because it goes beyond baseball: Moe Berg, who besides being an average catcher became an O.S.S. agent in World War II. I read a great biography about him, "The Catcher Was A Spy". At one point he was sent to Switzerland, after a crash course in higher physics, to attend lectures by Werner Heisenberg to see if it was necessary to assassinate the physicist (to prevent the Nazis from developing an atomic bomb). Heisenberg's diaries later verified the presence of some pest who was asking him too many questions that showed he barely understood the subjects being discussed.



                    • Originally posted by Steadmund Brand View Post
                      Not a bad list....I do have to say.. I hate the movie The Sandlot ( I know, I am terrible for saying that) but it's just such dribble... and no kid.. no matter how "nerdy" he is hasn't HEARD of Babe Ruth.. especially if there was a Babe Ruth ball in the house.... hmm nobody ever told him a story about why that ball was important or anything... like " keep your damn hands off this ball.. it's worth your college tuition" haha..

                      Steadmund Brand
                      Even dumb Aussies who know nothing about Baseball know who Babe was.

                      I actually got a shock when I first learnt that there were actually players with better figures, I thought he was like the "Don" just the best ever.
                      G U T

                      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                      • Originally posted by GUT View Post
                        Even dumb Aussies who know nothing about Baseball know who Babe was.

                        I actually got a shock when I first learnt that there were actually players with better figures, I thought he was like the "Don" just the best ever.
                        Babe Ruth IS the greatest to ever play, sure there are those who have better #'s in some places.. but not if you look at ALL the numbers... because he was not only the greatest (or one of them) hitter who ever lived, he was also a Hall of Fame caliber pitcher early in his career, they made him an outfielder so he could play every day, not just every 5 days.... he changed the way the game was played... you have to remember, baseball was NOT a game about home runs.. until the Babe...infact the year he hit 54 home runs (in 1920) the highest home run total of ANY ENTIRE TEAM was 50 that year...then in 1927 when he hit 60 home runs the highest home run total of ANY TEAM ( yes again entire team!!)was the A's with 56....

                        Always sad that he is thought of as a fat goof (thanks in large part to movies) but Babe was not "fat" until well into his his prime years he was 6 feet 1 inch tall and 195 pounds....that is not FAT by any stretch of the imagination... and he was strong and built.. muscular especially for his time, there is footage of him "play fighting" with the legendary Heavyweight champ Jack Dempsey and you see that The Babe is much more powerful looking that the champ...

                        Yeah George Herman "Babe" Ruth is the greatest to ever play the of the few who were actually better then their legend.. as nobody ever talks about what an amazing pitcher he was!!!

                        Steadmund Brand
                        "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


                        • Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                          My all time female rock supergroup:

                          1-Drums-Meg White(The White Stripes)
                          2-Keyboards-Tori Amos
                          3-Bass-Nicole Fiorentino(The Smashing Pumpkins)
                          4-Guitar-Bonnie Raitt
                          5-Vocals-Janis Joplin
                          In general, this is my current favorite rock chick.

                          Pedestrian at Best by Courtney Barnett

                          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                          Stan Reid


                          • When the Babe was suffering from the effects of a venereal disease and couldn't play that day, the story was put forth that he had eaten too many hot dogs and was suffering from indigestion. He did like the ladies.



                            • Originally posted by Patrick S View Post
                              This is more a list of great to less great, correct?
                              My rating system begins at 10 and goes upto 11


                              • My List of Bad Led Zeppelin Albums:
                                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                                Stan Reid

