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  • Originally posted by Svensson View Post

    You are asking questions that have already been answered in the article that Herlock posted: "and four men were arrested, who have since been released on bail." So they were charged (with something) and then they were released ON BAIL. You can't be bailed if you have not been charged with something.
    They have still NOT been charged.
    The two accused appeared on BBC yesterday, which shows they have not been charged, had that been the case the BBC would have broken the law for interfering with an ongoing court case.
    Media are not allowed to comment on a case before the courts.

    Yes he has: "A senior judge has issued an arrest warrant for far-right campaigner Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - better known by his alias Tommy Robinson - after learning he has left the country on the eve of a major legal case against him."
    Yes, I already explained that in my post - the charge concerns defamation from the contents of the film he made.

    Hint - don't believe the BBC. They are the mouthpiece of the Government.

    So, Wicker, what is YOUR source on your suggestion that Tony "two-names" Robinson had in fact NOT left thr country? remember that made-up sources don't count.
    Everything I posted came from his lawyer - not some dubious media outlet.

    He is out of the country on vacation, he was at home in Spain, until the Daily Mail published his address. Then he had to move to Cyprus, last I heard he was in Greece.

    No. there have been no "Muslim Thugs out protesting", there have been white thugs, nationalists and Nazi fanboys attacking and attempting to murder anyone who has brown skin.
    Hundreds of Muslims are shown on Sky, armed with swords, knives & pieces of metal pipe, out looking for "white people" in Bordesley Green, Birmingham. The Sky reporter had to leave as a group harassed her, then stabbed the tires of the van they came in.
    All captured on film.

    They attacked a local pub, one worker came out and they kicked him to the ground and 5 or 6 repeatedly stuck the boot in. He now has a fractured liver.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	TELEMMGLPICT000388705988_17229688454640_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqRo0U4xU-30oDveS4pXV-Vv4Xpit_DMGvdp2n7FDd82k.webp
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    Not a policeman in sight! - Two Tier Policing.

    Sky was only reporting because they thought it was a peaceful gathering, and got caught up in the mayhem.

    I know you are averse to looking at actual evidence of your peaceful middle eastern friends. But this link shows what you claim does not exist. The 5th video as you scroll down the page shows their savage attack on Sean McDonagh, who was 51, and set upon by 5 or 6 maniacs.
    They also smashed cars and tried to drag a white man out of one car.

    Not forgetting the 8 youths who decided to have a machete fight on the front at Southend, plus all the Asian/Muslim stabbings across the country, especially in London. Which have only got much worse under their Muslim Mayor.

    You seem to have blinkers on when it comes to recognizing just how barbarous these people are.

    The protests by the "Right-so-far" groups are recent, and are in response to this ideological violence that has been going on for years.

    This is what happens when no-one listens to complaints from the public.

    Regards, Jon S.


    • Originally posted by Svensson View Post
      ...You are asking questions that have already been answered in the article that Herlock posted: "and four men were arrested, who have since been released on bail." So they were charged (with something) and then they were released ON BAIL. You can't be bailed if you have not been charged with something.
      I've called you out on your lack of research before.

      An accused can be released on bail, either before they are charged, or after.

      A person can be placed on bail before being charged, for 12 months.

      Following arrest, there are varied outcomes for defendants, the most common being released on bail or released under investigation (RUI).

      Not Mike's fault, once again it is you who are at fault "You can't be bailed if you have not been charged" - really?
      As I previously advised, you would do well to read up on a subject before you jump in.
      You can get up off your arse now, for the second time.
      Regards, Jon S.


      • ok, fair enough. They may not have bee ncharged yet but investigations are ongoing, hence the bail. And the difference is exactly what? Do you require your perceived enemies to be charged within a arbitrary timeframe?


        • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

          They have still NOT been charged.
          The two accused appeared on BBC yesterday, which shows they have not been charged, had that been the case the BBC would have broken the law for interfering with an ongoing court case.
          Media are not allowed to comment on a case before the courts.

          Media are commenting on an ongoing cases every single day.


          • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

            Click image for larger version  Name:	TELEMMGLPICT000388705988_17229688454640_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqRo0U4xU-30oDveS4pXV-Vv4Xpit_DMGvdp2n7FDd82k.webp Views:	7 Size:	91.2 KB ID:	839395
            Not a policeman in sight! - Two Tier Policing.
            lol. And I see no violence taking place....

            Here are nazi thugs are printed in the Irish Times and not a single policeman in sight. #sametierpolicing

            Click image for larger version  Name:	XMI5A3U2IMOETUKXAUAYIWAHUU.jpg?auth=e346bcc30cd43fccf7f23799394093a67c3563efde45cf64806cffc4312987f0&smart=true&width=1024&height=683.jpg Views:	0 Size:	125.0 KB ID:	839408


            • Originally posted by Svensson View Post
              So they firebombed the Citizens Advice Bureau, which is in the same hysical building as the police station. And as a result of the fire damage, the police station is now closed. By Wickerman's own definition, it has been destroyed because it can no longer fulfil its primary function.​ So after the rioters have attacked police up and down the country, the arrived in front of a police station in Sunderland and said "hey, let's burn down the Citizens Advice Bureau". Right? This must be exactly how it happened.
              Well considering I live in Sunderland I'm probably more aware of the 'facts' other than what the mainstream media are portraying to force their narrative. That particular 'Police' Station has been shut for over three years. So that kind of stuffs your point.

              Originally posted by Svensson View Post
              because A) this was a separate incident and B) your comment is an excrutiatingly lame attempt of "bothsideism". There have been 400 arrests in connection to the weeklong riots in the UK and you are complaining about THREE (!!!) from an unrelated incident being omitted in the article? There simply is no equialence here.
              What an idiotic point that is. This is the whole problem. How can 'justice' be served if it's not served equally and fairly across the board? Those Muslim men are on video punching and attacking the Police, one WPC suffered a broken nose and they have not even been arrested, worse they are paraded out in front of the media with a solicitor claiming the Police blacked the mother's eye when it's plain to see in the video it's her own son's flying elbow causing the damage. However three white 'thugs' over the weekend are charged and convicted within four days for 'pushing' a Police officer. How is that fair? If you can't see that is a huge problem then you are not worth even conversing with. You are worse than Starmer. How can Starmer address and solve a problem without first understanding what the problem is?

              Originally posted by Svensson View Post
              What were they "protesting", or possibly "protecting? Also, what is your definition of "heavily armed"? You don't state that they had contributed to the rioting (if they have, please provide the source) so there is no need for the article to mention them.
              Heavily armed as in carrying knifes, swords, baseball bats, wooden planks. Source, I'm sure if you search you will find plenty of videos of them beating a man outside the pub in Birmingham, smashing a Greggs in Stoke On Trent. Being left alone to walk the streets of Blackburn to find the so called EDL for a punch up. Slashing the tyres of the Sky TV van etc etc. Open your chuffing eyes will you!!!

              Originally posted by Svensson View Post
              What? How is this even relevant?
              Jesus Christ, have you not seen the mainstream media whipping it up shouting it's the EDL thugs? That is how it's relevant because the EDL do not exist and have not done for over ten years, they (left wingers, wokists) are blaming something that does not exist and gullible people, like yourself are swallowing it whole. I wonder what their agenda is.

              Originally posted by Svensson View Post
              No. there have been no "Muslim Thugs out protesting", there have been white thugs, nationalists and Nazi fanboys attacking and attempting to murder anyone who has brown skin.
              Haha, what a numpty. Are you blind, see above for examples and add to the gangs on bikes blocking the North Circular Road in London last night because the 'media' had told them the EDL were coming. Get a chuffing grip.

              Originally posted by Svensson View Post
              are you referring to the person that had his/her head kicked while on the ground? Or are you referring to a different incident? If this is yet another incident or "Muslim thuggery" you are complaining about, then I raise your incident by several hundred incidents of GBH and criminal damage that occurred over the last week.
              I'm referring to the Muslim mother whose kids had just beat the crap out of three Police and caught her son's flaying elbow in the face BEFORE he was tasered and kicked in the head. The Police did not kick him in the head for shits and giggles did they. Are these people like yourself that stupid to believe what the mainstream media is telling you? You do know the 'first' video is out now don't you, you have seen it I take it. Why are you condoning these actions? Why have these not been arrested and charged with GBH? Why, because they are Muslims that is why.


              • Originally posted by Svensson View Post
                Here are nazi thugs are printed in the Irish Times and not a single policeman in sight. #sametierpolicing

                Click image for larger version Name:	XMI5A3U2IMOETUKXAUAYIWAHUU.jpg?auth=e346bcc30cd43fccf7f23799394093a67c3563efde45cf64806cffc4312987f0&smart=true&width=1024&height=683.jpg Views:	0 Size:	125.0 KB ID:	839408
                Hahaha that is a rather doctored picture from the Rotherham hotel, the Police are all about 8 feet away to the left - hence that is what the thug is throwing the brick at. Try again with your biased 'reporting'...


                • From a different angle... Policemen are very much there..

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	c61ee05238e18ea8f61bb3609e012ef0Y29udGVudHNlYXJjaGFwaSwxNzIyODY2MTk2-2.77057186.jpg
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ID:	839413


                  • exatly my point. A picture from this angle and that angle can tell very different stories. It just depends on wht story you want it to tell.


                    • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                      Click image for larger version  Name:	TELEMMGLPICT000388705988_17229688454640_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqRo0U4xU-30oDveS4pXV-Vv4Xpit_DMGvdp2n7FDd82k.webp Views:	20 Size:	91.2 KB ID:	839395

                      Not a policeman in sight! - Two Tier Policing.

                      Here are your policemen. Happy now?

                      Click image for larger version  Name:	gettyimages-1775566094-5e76b2b4b5953f86512829688801162d0f44e3bc.jpg?s=1200&c=85&f=webp.webp Views:	0 Size:	195.8 KB ID:	839417
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Svensson; 08-08-2024, 10:22 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                        Hint - don't believe the BBC. They are the mouthpiece of the Government.
                        Yeah. So you rather believe this BS here, right?

                        Click image for larger version

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ID:	839421


                        • or maybe you belive this here over the BBC?

                          Click image for larger version

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                          • or this one?

                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	839425


                            • or maybe you prefer to get your news from instagram rather than the BBC?

                              Click image for larger version

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ID:	839427


                              • Looks like Ricky Jones, the Labour man is suggesting we need to 'cut all their throats'

