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  • Originally posted by caz View Post

    Hi Ms Diddles,

    Ooh, please miss! Did Jacob Rees-Mogg donate his redundant penny-farthing bicycles, to try and make his fellow countrymen even more angry about asylum seekers than they were already?

    Do I win £5?

    Yes, you could donate it to Care for Calais!

    If the anger is directed at you and me instead, for telling it like it is, perhaps they will leave minorities alone who will never enjoy anything like the benefits that their loudest critics have always taken for granted, solely by accident of birth and not because they had to work their way up from extreme deprivation caused by world events or people better off than themselves.

    Yep, I'm happy to draw the fire too!

    My heart bleeds for those who imagine they have never had it so bad, and that this is because people who are infinitely worse off - and always will be - have never had it so good.

    This may officially be a Christian country, but where have all its values gone?


    Deported to Rwanda perhaps???


    • Originally posted by caz View Post

      If anyone tried to dictate to me how to live my life I'd tell them to shove off and mind their own business.....
      Unfortunately Caz, that is not how it works.
      Control will be at arms length, have you heard about Kentucky Chicken switching to all halal chicken?

      This, it how it begins.

      Canadians react to KFC Canada serving only halal meat while excluding pork options

      KFC in Canada now requires nearly all of its Ontario restaurants to serve halal chicken and eliminate pork products, sparking some disparaging comments on social media.
      The switch to a menu that abides by Muslim dietary restrictions was made in May.

      This is how they tell you what to do, they remove your choices to do anything else.
      There won't be anyone coming to your door to confront you, but one day when you go for groceries, you'll find nothing pork on the meat counter, no pork chops, and no bacon. You can say goodbye to the great British breakfast; no bacon with your eggs, sausage, toast & beans.
      There'll be no xmas celebrations in the town center.
      Next year's Ramadan, it is a month long fast from mid March to mid April, see if coffee shops, cafe's and fast food places have to close in daylight hours, until sunset.

      Oh, by the way, halal meat is inhumane, which is strange why leftist/woke supporters are not crying from the rooftops about how such inhumane practices should be immediately abandoned.
      But they can't, because they are in bed with that minority group.

      Talk about dying on your own blade.

      Regards, Jon S.


      • So you’re saying the Muslim community contacted KFC and demanded they serve halal because they’re all up in arms and desperate to try a zinger burger?
        Or is this a case of KFC corporate heads getting together and wanting to attract Muslim customers?

        If this is KFC just trying to widen their customer base and not the unlikely scenario that the local Muslim community are getting mad because they can’t try popcorn chicken then it’s hardly fair of you to blame Muslims is it?
        Last edited by Yabs; 07-11-2024, 06:40 AM.


        • Look, companies like KFC or their parent company "Yum" don't give a hoot about what some communities think until it is quantifiable on the balance sheet. The idea that some minority contacts a global fast-food behemoth to "demand" that they change thier menu so that the minority is not offended is laughable. They thought they can make a buck here. And I donlt even think that the "Halal" story is the main part here. Most likely, they did a business review following thier recent struggles and they decided to change a few things.

          The fact that they are dropping pork is almost certainly down to it not being profitable (enough) to justify the logistics (transportation, storage, preparation) of having a second meat product on the menu. And I don't think for a second that animal welfare is a factor for KFC either or else they would have switched to free-range a long time ago. What is most likely is that from a logistics point of view, it is a lot easier and cheaper for them to just do Halal chicken. I'm sure they would have discussed internally that there will be some right-wing nutjobs up in arms about it but they thought they can ride it.

          Another pointer in that direction is the article's "Many are also questioning why Thunder Bay and Ottawa have been excluded." bit. This sounds like a classic case of these stores not being ready for the switch for XYZ reason (on-site refrigeration is not suitable, drive-way not big enough for the trucks that the new supplier uses, it literally could be anything). Did I say "new supplier"? I also think there is a greater than 70% chance that the halal supplier is cheaper than the current supplier. Or they have demonstrated to KFC that their supply is more reliable in the wake of the "great chicken shortage" of 2018. Maybe the halal-supplier are simply running a more solid busness than the current non-halal supplier.

          Bottom line is, there are many many reason why this is happening and given that the KFC executive's motivation is to make money for themselves and thier investors, "pandering to minorities" is unlikely to be in the top 20 or top 30 reasons.


          • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
            Oh, by the way, halal meat is inhumane, which is strange why leftist/woke supporters are not crying from the rooftops about how such inhumane practices should be immediately abandoned.
            But they can't, because they are in bed with that minority group.
            This is one of the stranger political statements I've read on this website, Wick.

            Do you think non-halal factory chicken farming is in any way humane? Have you been inside a chicken factory?

            Most of these chickens never go outdoors, stand on firm ground, or live outside tiny cages their entire pathetic lives. That they are stunned before being beheaded in one system and not in another is a fairly fine distinction!

            It was animal activists (you, know the 'leftists' woke crowd) who led to the banning of halal and kosher slaughter practices in Denmark and other Scandanavian and European countries years ago. I'm fairly confident that some of your right-of-center counterparts on the other side were up in arms that this 'woke' concern for animals put an end to 'traditional' methods that have been around for centuries. In fact, I know they were:

            Top European rights court upholds bans on halal, kosher slaughter in Belgium | The Times of Israel

            That you are blaming the poorly defined 'woke' crowd for a business decision by a corporate entity, KFC, is really quite strange. I've read that 40% of consumption of halal meat is by non-Muslims. These people think it is healthier because it is non-GMO and the draining of the blood drains out toxins, etc.

            It was strictly a business decision. Other chains (such as Popeye's, Church's Fried Chicken, etc.) had already gone to halal meat. Like any decision, it was made to increase profits. Corporate Capitalism. Supply and demand. Increased profits for their shareholders.


            • Looks like a few more pages of misinformation have appeared since I was last here.

              Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

              There's another govt. document I turned up yesterday that listed Migrants applying for Asylum who have a polygamous relationship (more than one wife), can receive about £350, and £114 for each additional wife, per month. Muslims, I think, are allowed 4 wives. At least those I spoke to in Egypt said that was the case.
              Muslims are indeed allowed four wives according to Islam, however it makes no difference to asylum support. The allowance amount does not vary based on the number of spouses in a polygamous relationship - there are no special amounts. It's a standard allowance across the board based on each person in a household.

              Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
              I don't know if you are old enough to remember the Conservative party of the 50' - 70's, this Reform party are only promoting the same values. Sunak's Conservatives are not Conservative any more, they have shifted to a Left-wing party, which is why a lot of Brit's say they have two parties on the left, but nothing on the right.
              Both the Labor & Cons. are basically the same, no significant difference.
              Reform have taken up the banner of the old Conservatives; Secure Borders, Reduce Immigration, Lower Taxes, Scrap Net Zero, Reform the NHS to be fit for purpose, bolster police, Leave the ECHR, and so on.
              A return to a basic Conservative platform.
              This is what over 4 million voters preferred.
              Also what more than 24 million voters didn't prefer I guess.

              Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
              Every country must have the ability to decide who enters their country, and how many.
              We already have this ability.

              All the best,


              • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                As an example, a small minority want to change the national school curriculum to impose their multi-gender philosophy on every school child.
                This is teaching lies about biology to radicalise future generations.
                Lets not confuse gender and biology. Funnily enough my son never makes this mistake, as he was taught the difference... in school.

                All the best,


                • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                  Even the ECHR rules dictate an "Asylum seeker" MUST apply for asylum in the first available country from their flight to safety, NOT travel through 9, 10, 11 countries to reach Britain THEN claim asylum. No-one coming by boat from a safe country like France is an asylum seeker - they have committed a crime in paying the gangs to get across, by defacto they are criminals, "illegal migrants". They ALL need to be treated as such.
                  This isn't true. The Geneva Convention and the UN Refugee Convention, which the ECHR incorporates, state there is no obligation for asylum seekers to claim asylum in the first safe country they enter. The only people with the ability to determine someone's asylum or refugee status are the immigration officials who review the applications. This should be common sense.

                  I would again urge everyone reading this to remember these are human beings, the vast majority having been through hell.

                  Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                  The UK is being invaded Caz
                  It's not.

                  Will we get an apology for all these easily verifiable falsehoods being posted, I doubt it.

                  All the best,


                  • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                    Unfortunately Caz, that is not how it works.
                    Control will be at arms length, have you heard about Kentucky Chicken switching to all halal chicken?

                    This, it how it begins.

                    Canadians react to KFC Canada serving only halal meat while excluding pork options

                    KFC in Canada now requires nearly all of its Ontario restaurants to serve halal chicken and eliminate pork products, sparking some disparaging comments on social media.
                    The switch to a menu that abides by Muslim dietary restrictions was made in May.


                    This is how they tell you what to do, they remove your choices to do anything else.
                    There won't be anyone coming to your door to confront you, but one day when you go for groceries, you'll find nothing pork on the meat counter, no pork chops, and no bacon. You can say goodbye to the great British breakfast; no bacon with your eggs, sausage, toast & beans.
                    There'll be no xmas celebrations in the town center.
                    Next year's Ramadan, it is a month long fast from mid March to mid April, see if coffee shops, cafe's and fast food places have to close in daylight hours, until sunset.

                    Oh, by the way, halal meat is inhumane, which is strange why leftist/woke supporters are not crying from the rooftops about how such inhumane practices should be immediately abandoned.
                    But they can't, because they are in bed with that minority group.

                    Talk about dying on your own blade.
                    Well this just tipped in to the bizarre. No pork on the shelves, no 'great British breakfast', no Christmas celebrations?!??!


                    These can't possibly be genuine concerns around immigration?


                    • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                      You clearly are not aware that being called "woke" is not "name-calling", as I explained earlier. It is a genuine position to take, but the position has been hijacked by radicals to use as a weapon to get their own minority views into mainstream.

                      Perhaps you are still wedded to the original meaning of the term, as I can't imagine you feel it is acceptable for men who think they are women, to enter women's toilets, or have multi-gender'ism taught in the Junior schools, or have men, who think they are women, taking part in sports against biological females.

                      If that represents your views of being "woke" then you don't sound like the same Caz I've known for, what? - nearly 30 years?
                      I think the sports issue is one that would be concerning if unregulated, simply from the point of view of fairness - like with regular testing for drug use.

                      But don't get me started on the public lavatory safe space hysteria.

                      J. K. Rowling doesn't speak for me, but the poor lamb must have one hell of a time of it if she has to cross her legs and won't visit the Ladies for fear that her space will be invaded by trans women giving her the willies.

                      Straight male predators have always pushed their luck wherever females could be found, and they won't be stopped by a sign on a door, whether or not they try to fake it in a frock and a wig. Trans women as a much maligned minority group are no more responsible for the criminal behaviour of a sexual predator faking it, than teachers are responsible for a child abuser who only enters the profession for that purpose.

                      Why does any innocent person, straight, gay or trans, have to justify their existence and who they are to all the hate-filled people who still talk of mental illness or lifestyle choice, and feel personally threatened by anyone who is 'different' but doing them no harm?

                      "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                      • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                        Hi Caz, sorry to bring this racist and xenophobic point up (it's not btw it was a perfectly factual observation), but are you trying to say when I said I was the only white man on the street in London that I was living in a fantasy land and it simply was not true, my eyes were deceiving me? Or is it as I hope I'm missing the point here?
                        Yeah, you are missing the point, Geddy, but so am I. I don't think I commented on your observation about being the only white man on the street, but I assumed that it was a one-off experience or you would have said it happens regularly on others streets on other days. I also assumed that your problem was the lack of white faces, but perhaps it was something else? Perhaps it was not a problem at all?

                        When my daughter started school in Croydon, back in 1992, hers was the only white face in a class of twelve, mostly boys, until a couple more children joined the following term. She was blessed because my brother, who has no children of his own and was in a highly paid profession, recognised how bright she was and insisted on contributing to a private education for her. The other children were mostly Asian and Afro-Caribbean. She settled in happily straight away and got on well with everyone, children and teachers alike.

                        I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy if you found yourself in a minority for once and didn't like it. It ought to have given you a taste of what that can feel like every day, on nearly every other street, for the kind of people you would prefer not to see anywhere.
                        Last edited by caz; 07-11-2024, 03:43 PM.
                        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                        • Originally posted by caz View Post
                          Yeah, you are missing the point, Geddy, but so am I. I don't think I commented on your observation about being the only white man on the street, but I assumed that it was a one-off experience or you would have said it happens regularly on others streets on other days. I also assumed that your problem was the lack of white faces, but perhaps it was something else? Perhaps it was not a problem at all?
                          Again I think we are missing the point here. I never said it was a problem I said it was an observation. I was only in London for that day, however I would guess the white/brown skin colour ratio did not change just for my visit.

                          Originally posted by caz View Post
                          I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy if you found yourself in a minority for once and didn't like it. It ought to have given you a taste of what that can feel like every day, on nearly every other street, for the kind of people you would prefer not to see anywhere.
                          Like I said missing the point.


                          • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                            I'm sorry but it appears you are missing the point and I'm not the only one to make it here. Out of respect I do not think anyone who decides to go and live in a new country, wherever that may be should demand said country to change to suit them. Out of respect they should change to suit their new home not vice-versa.
                            I'm not the one being the snowflake here it's the ones who take perfectly innocent observations and brandish them racist or xenophobic who are the snowflakes.
                            Who are all these people who have arrived in a new country, 'demanding' it to change to suit them? What evidence do you have that your own country has agreed to any such demand? The Tories were in power for the last 14 years and could hardly be arsed to change a light bulb, so I doubt they'd have gone out of their way to change the country to suit the immigrants they never wanted here in the first place but did bugger all except moan about the numbers.

                            My country hasn't changed for the worse due to foreigners demanding it, since I was born in the 1950s. It changed very much for the worse in 2016 when idiots claiming to love their country trashed it by voting for Brexit, and later for Boris Johnson. Recovery will be painfully slow, and we are all in the same boat, but thankfully not a small one sinking in the Channel.
                            "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                            • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                              The UK is being invaded Caz...
                              Come off it, Jon.

                              "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                              • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                                Again I think we are missing the point here. I never said it was a problem I said it was an observation. I was only in London for that day, however I would guess the white/brown skin colour ratio did not change just for my visit.

                                Like I said missing the point.
                                Yes, that's why I allowed for it not being a problem for you at all, but if it was just an observation I'm not clear what your point was in making it.

                                You were talking about one street, so I don't doubt the skin colour ratio you observed there would be much the same without your own white face in evidence.

                                But I was suggesting that you'd have noticed and commented on it if this was not the only street during your visit to London with the same lack of white faces. It would have been an obvious observation to add, whether your point was to highlight a problem or you were just making random statements for no particular reason.
                                "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov

