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URGENT- Don Souden Has Had A Stroke

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  • Today Is Don's Birthday

    Hi everyone.

    Today is Don's birthday. His sister and I haven't been able to get through to him on the phone yet but will keep trying.

    I know he has gotten lots of cards and gifts and is very happy about that. Apparently he is also pigging out on the shortbread I sent him. I sent extra because he was supposed to share it with his nurses and therapists, so I'll find out if he's doing that...

    I'll post again after I'm able to speak to Don.
    Thanks, Archaic


    • Messages from Don

      Just spoke with Don. He's amazed at all the cards and gifts he's getting. He likes reading the cards & postcards.

      Don told me he got a lovely card from Sweden from Carol and her husband Per-Ake, and that Robert Linford sent him a hat- I think he said "a Ripper hat."
      (-Is that right, Robert? Gosh, I'd love to see a photo of Don in that!)

      Don said the nurses are always nagging him to eat, and he said, "If they would just let my brother bring me a meatball sandwich from Subway, they'd see how I can eat!"
      Hmm, I wonder if I'd get in big trouble if I order him delivery from the closest Italian sub shop? Probably. But I'll ask his sister.

      Don's looking forward to watching the Baseball World series; it's the Boston Red Sox against the Saint Louis Cardinals. told him a story I heard on NPR Radio this weekend about a league in Massachusetts that plays according to 1865 regulations, including playing without gloves & spelling the name as two words: "Base Ball". Don took part in an 1870's style baseball game years ago so it brought back fond memories.

      I read him some more of the messages on here, and he asked me to thank everybody for him.

      So... THANK YOU!


      • Hi Bunny

        Don sounds on the up, which is good.

        Yeah, I sent him a Ripper Bloke hat.


        • Hi Bunny,

          Thanks for the update on Don. I've just told Per-Åke and he's as relieved as I am that Don is beginning to behave himself and 'co-operating' in his own inimitable way with therapists, nurses, relatives, etc.

          A meatball sandwich from Subway sounds healthy enough to me. (We've even got a Subway near here!).

          Not only would I like to see Don in his new Ripper hat but I would also like to see Robert wearing it, too.



          • That sounds either as though you think the hat is very large, or that Don and I have very small brains.


            • Trying...

              I tried to get through to Don on Sunday evening and failed. Subsequently tried Monday evening and was advised by nurses to try Tuesday at 1pm (six pm here in UK) as Don was tired/resting. Tried today as instructed but Don wasn't about (guess he was in therapy). They've told me to try again at 6pm (11pm in UK) when he'll be back. I'll try, but...

              All the best



              • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                That sounds either as though you think the hat is very large, or that Don and I have very small brains.
                I'll get back to you, Robert.


                • Originally posted by Cogidubnus View Post
                  I tried to get through to Don on Sunday evening and failed. Subsequently tried Monday evening and was advised by nurses to try Tuesday at 1pm (six pm here in UK) as Don was tired/resting. Tried today as instructed but Don wasn't about (guess he was in therapy). They've told me to try again at 6pm (11pm in UK) when he'll be back. I'll try, but...

                  All the best

                  They've lost him, haven't they! I bet the young blighter is out and about trying to find the nearest Subway.



                  • failed call

                    ...And after a quarter of an hour waiting about, they "lost me" and I couldn't get through. Bunny tells me that she and Don's sister are both having the same problem and often can't get through...trouble is Don's often so tired.

                    Nil Desperandum. I understand he loves the cards and stuff (and loves practising his reading on then) so please keep it up folks!

                    For UK posters I gather picture postcards or cards showing British scenes might well be welcomed.

                    All the best



                    • Don Has Stomach Infection

                      Hi everyone.

                      Apparently Don has a stomach infection.

                      He's currently hooked up to a monitor for his blood clots. They had to stop the blood thinners meant to break up the clots as it somehow exacerbates the stomach infection. And he's recently had pneumonia, and before that other infections, so it's very worrisome. He's lost 37 pounds and has bedsores, which I'm upset about.

                      I don't have more details about his stomach infection; the Dr is supposed to be calling Don's brother with an update.

                      I was able to talk to Don a bit tonight. He said he ate all of his dinner, which was good to hear. I had told him we're all worried about his weight.

                      His speech was both rapid and slurred, probably due to the pain pills for his stomach, so there were times I couldn't catch what he said even when I asked him to repeat it.

                      He told me he'd received lovely cards, notes and gifts from Stewart & Rosie, Paul, Adam, Robert Linford, Ally, Carol and Per-Ake, Cris Malone, Phil Carter and others, but those were the names I could make out. (Apologies to those whose names he said that I couldn't decipher.)

                      Don said he is seeing his favorite doctor, his Cardiologist; I think he said tomorrow. He said he likes the Cardiologist because he "tells him the truth". But he also said the Cardiologist was giving him a cardio stress test, the pill kind, which seems odd timing given his other conditions, unless they are maybe planning some kind of procedure such as blood-clot removal and want to see if he's up to it? I don't know but will try to find out and tell you all.

                      Don also did some more daydreaming about his trip to London. He told me he "wants the window seat on the airplane going over".
                      He's deciding which kind of ale to drink and where to eat. He said we can ask our friends and they'll know the best places to go. I asked if we could work some curry into the travel menu and he said "Why not?"

                      He's also planning all kinds of side trips across England and Scotland.

                      Which gives me an idea- if anybody comes across any postcards of your local sights, favorite pubs and restaurants, travel brochures, paper menus, cricket, anything that could be a diversion for him and help him plan his cherished trip- it would be really wonderful if you would send it to him.

                      And don't think it won't be interesting to him; pretty much anything is more interesting than where he is right now!

                      I'm going to collect a bunch of travel brochures of Seattle, Washington State and the Pacific Northwest and send those too, just for the heck of it- Don can start planning his Grand Tour of America, which will follow his Grand Tour of England & Scotland.

                      Thanks everybody,


                      • Poor Don. I hope the infection clears up soon. It's good that he's thinking positivley though.


                        • Bunny, tell Don that if he wants to go round the world, literally, this is the ideal opportunity. A bit pricey but here you go :

                          Virgin Galactic is launching a new space age, where all are invited along for the ride.


                          • Originally posted by Archaic View Post
                            Hi everyone.

                            Apparently Don has a stomach infection.

                            He's currently hooked up to a monitor for his blood clots. They had to stop the blood thinners meant to break up the clots as it somehow exacerbates the stomach infection. And he's recently had pneumonia, and before that other infections, so it's very worrisome. He's lost 37 pounds and has bedsores, which I'm upset about.
                            Don't be upset. When someone like him is on blood thinners, there is no amount of shifting, rotating, or even softness that prevents bedsores. His skin is fragile from antibiotics, his blood vessels are fragile from diabetes, and his blood doesn't clot. It's an annoyance, but unless they hire someone to spin him around constantly like some psychotic baton twirler, this is going to happen. It is not a sign of neglect, which is always a worry with long term care facilities. It's also not a sign of worsening condition, though clearly open wounds are ripe for opportunistic infections. This is pretty normal.

                            The weight loss is clearly not good. But it could be a LOT worse. 37 pounds in three months is not healthy. But people on lunatic diets or The Biggest Loser can achieve the same. It is too rapid, and while the doctors of Type II diabetics always want their patients to lose weight, this is not what they envision. So not good. But if he was completely refusing food, it would be worse. So he's trying. And he's trying with food that is safe for his diabetes, safe for his blood pressure, safe for his clotting factors, safe for his stomach woes... so no sugar, no salt, no taste really. In fact I'm struggling to come up with anything other than jello, plain grilled chicken and boiled peas. No one wants that. What might be a good idea is to talk to his doctor and find out what foods are okay. There are any number of safe "treats" out there that hospitals simply don't have. He might be able to have some sugar free candy, or cookies, chocolate (which may lower blood pressure). With it being Halloween and all, a care package of doctor approved chocolate bleeding hearts might be nice.

                            But for the love of god check with the doctor first. Don't send homemade cake. We do want him to get better.

                            Finally, one of the biggest factors in mood is scent. It is the sense most tightly linked with memories. As someone with severe depression, I have to try a bunch of different ways to alter my mood. Working at renaissance festivals, I got to talking to the ubiquitous essential oil guy who persuaded me to try it. When I was a kid I had a honeysuckle bush in my yard that was my fort. It's my favorite scent. This guy gave me honeysuckle oil, and it has been a lifesaver. It makes me feel safe. Everyone has something like that. Not even from childhood. My best friend loves the smell of pipe smoke, because her grandfather smoked one. Another friend loves mowed grass because he plays soccer. And they make essential oils that smell like just about everything. There is some scent out there that Don loves. It inspires, relaxes, invigorates, something. It will help his mood. If his sense of smell isn't scrambled (which might account for a lack of appetite) it's worth trying to get him something with that smell. My best friend keeps a pouch of tobacco in her bedside table. She doesn't smoke, it's there for her when her husband is away and she gets lonely. I have a bottle of oil. My director keeps a bottle of leather oil from his riding days. My sister has been known to surreptitiously sniff an old book. I think we can find something with that smell for him, if we can figure out what that smell is. He probably knows. It's the one that transports him. It makes him smile, or makes him excited.
                            The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                            • How To Bottle A Ripper Conference?

                              Originally posted by Errata View Post
                              I think we can find something with that smell for him, if we can figure out what that smell is. He probably knows. It's the one that transports him. It makes him smile, or makes him excited.
                              - What does a Ripper Conference smell like?

                              Hmmm... maybe slightly musty old documents...lots of new and old books, he'll love that... perfect pints...London traffic...I think we can skip the sweat on the karaoke dance floor.

                              What do they serve for meals?

                              I'd throw in the smell of some nice English cheddar, fresh pasties & scones just 'cus i like them, and Don probably does too. Plus a whiff of good Cognac by the fireside. (A whiff of Scotch or Irish Whiskey might knock him over. It does me.)



                              • Originally posted by Archaic View Post
                                - What does a Ripper Conference smell like?

                                Hmmm... maybe slightly musty old documents...lots of new and old books, he'll love that... perfect pints...London traffic...I think we can skip the sweat on the karaoke dance floor.

                                What do they serve for meals?

                                I'd throw in the smell of some nice English cheddar, fresh pasties & scones just 'cus i like them, and Don probably does too. Plus a whiff of good Cognac by the fireside. (A whiff of Scotch or Irish Whiskey might knock him over. It does me.)

                                Lets see... I found essential oils that come in the exciting scents of leather, beer, scones, red wine, firewood.

                                Oh and bacon.
                                The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

