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URGENT- Don Souden Has Had A Stroke

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  • Originally posted by Errata View Post
    Tell him that Charlie tunnel comes out just beyond the treeline.
    Actually, I will tell him!

    I wouldn't be surprised if Don's fomenting rebellion and has cut a trap door under his hospital bed using his spoon - although seeing as he's lost so much weight maybe he could squeeze out through the air vents?

    Oh, and he told me we are going to "have high tea" in one of London's famous old high tea places...I think it was a hotel, or maybe Claridge's? Which is the most famous place to have tea? Will have to ask him. And brush up on my Victorian/Edwardian Tea Etiquette, which I fear has lapsed quite dreadfully.

    Don also said he wants to attend a cricket match with Neil Bell, "Because Neil's the greatest cricket expert there is."

    - Hear that Neil??

    (Disclaimer: Don is not responsible for any message board/pub fistfights his endorsement of Neil's superior cricket expertise might give rise too... and please don't shoot the messenger either. Thanks)

    Originally posted by belinda View Post
    Is he planning a trip to Australia
    Send some picture postcards and I bet he will add it to his itinerary. Australia is very beautiful.

    Don texted me a blank message at 6 AM my time, so I'll be giving him a call to see how he's doing today, and pass along your messages.

    Hope everyone at the conference had a good time, and those unable to attend this year will be there next year.



    • Hello Belinda

      just checking to see if there any updates on Don, and wanted to ask if you could pass along my best holiday wishes to Don and yourself

      and to everyone on casebook

      Steadmund Brand
      Last edited by Steadmund Brand; 11-26-2013, 06:46 AM. Reason: spelling error
      "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


      • Don's Address Again

        Hi everyone.

        I'm going to try calling Don today. Haven't gotten through the last few times. He called me and left me a voicemail when I was at an appt. His voice sounded quite clear. I know he talked to Cris (Hunter) a few days ago; Don regaled him with Baseball stories.

        I was notified that a card sent to Don was returned, and I discovered that the address in Post #7 still has the old facility name (correct address, just the name of the care facility has changed.)

        Don's brother had originally given me the old name of the care facility, but once I found out it had changed I thought with Admin's help we had gone in and corrected them all. I'm sorry that post #7 escaped my notice.

        *If any of you see the OLD name "Southport Manor" appear in any post, please notify Admin of the post #so it can be corrected.

        Here is the correct address:

        Fairview of Fairfield
        930 Mill Hill Terrace
        ATTN: Donald Souden
        Southport, CT

        Thanks everyone,


        • Good news for Thanksgiving!

          I just talked to Don and he had wonderful news for us-

          today he was able to stand for about a minute without holding on to anything!

          It was a lot of exertion and he's tired, but elated. He asked me to thank everybody for all their love & encouragement. Don said it makes him try to give it his best effort, knowing that his friends are cheering him on.

          I told him that was a wonderful Thanksgiving & Hanukkah gift for his friends, and he's happy to know that others will be happy.

          Hope everyone has a safe & peaceful holiday.


          • Good news



            • Excellent news!

              All the best



              • Hi Bunny

                Please wish Don a happy holiday for me and tell him well done. He is gradually getting there.


                • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                  Hi Bunny

                  Please wish Don a happy holiday for me and tell him well done. He is gradually getting there.
                  The same goes for me.
                  I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                  • That's wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • good

                      Hello Bunny. Thanks for posting that. It is good news indeed.

                      Please convey our regards to Don.



                      • Thanks for your updates Bunny. My very best wishes to Don.


                        • Hi everybody. You're very welcome; I am so glad to have good news to share!

                          More good news: Don has gained back some of the weight he lost. I think he said he is 181 lbs, whereas he had gotten down to 160-something which was terrible for someone of his height. He's been trying to make himself eat despite being on a very bland diet. I explained to him that having some body fat actually cushions your nerves & helps to alleviate chronic nerve pain. One of the best tips I ever got from my doctor; it makes me eat even when I'm not hungry. Glad Don is trying to do the same.

                          He told me he "is in the best shape of his life" (well, maybe he took a little poetic license there), and keeps saying he wishes he could go buy some of the stylish "2-for-1" suits he sees advertised on tv. He wants to look like a toff in London.

                          I don't know the current status of his blood clots but will check with his sister.

                          Oh, something else- Don said he is supposed to be getting a vision exam, and is hoping to get new glasses that will help correct the vision problems caused by the stroke. He's very eager to be able to read a computer screen and hopefully use his email again.

                          He asked me to tell you all that as soon as he is able he will write or email each one of you who have so kindly written to him.

                          When I talk to Don next I will read him your posts & pass along your good wishes.

                          Thanks & take care,
                          Last edited by Archaic; 11-29-2013, 03:27 PM.


                          • I hope he doesn't email me...he's always been a boring ******...

                            All the best



                            • I'm so relieved that Don is making such excellent progress. Thanks for keeping us informed, Bunny. Tell him I often think of him and wonder how he's getting on.

                              Last edited by Carol; 12-01-2013, 08:58 AM.


                              • Don Souden

                                Can I please put in a plea here (and ask to have this "bumped" by admin or whoever else where/when necessary)

                                Could we all please consider an all-out effort to send Christmas Cards to Don Souden, (alias "Supe"), an all-round great guy, who's recovering from serious illness in a Connecticut nursing might well make all that much difference to his morale to receive loads of cards from "xxxx from Casebook", even if he can't recall quite who it is you are (and to be fair he does remember most folk quite strongly)....and I'm sure he'd even love a humorous card from a total stranger if it came to it...

                                The address is:-

                                Fairview of Fairfield
                                930 Mill Hill Terrace
                                ATTN: Donald Souden
                                Southport, CT

                                The most it's ever cost me in postage from the UK is £2.40 - it's not a lot to help out a fellow Casebooker is it? Please, please do remember Don!

                                All the best


