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Just where do we go from here?

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  • Originally posted by Chris View Post

    I'm asking you to explain what exactly you mean by a statement in your own post, and to explain why you believe that.

    And when I say there is no answer to my question in the other post you referred me to, I mean simply that there is no answer to my question in that post.

    How could it be any simpler?
    The post I initially referred you to showed you the "HOW"
    I believe it also showed you the "WHY"
    unfortunately I cant show you the "WHEN"
    Because that would require inside knowledge of troop movements,regional wars, public response and what not.
    How indeed, could it be any simpler?


    • Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
      You have not asked me a question.
      You are at least correct in that. I didnt ask you a question. I assumed your post was from the person it was addressed to.I didnt realise you were that person's receptionist.

      Exactly which part of my post offended thee? And which stereotype portrait were you referring to? And which part did you deem crass?
      I mean its not that I care ,but with that knowledge that you no doubt want to inflict upon me,maybe I can become a better person .........


      • Smoking Joe

        OK. If you really can't understand a question put to you in simple English I'll give up.


        • Originally posted by Chris View Post
          Smoking Joe

          OK. If you really can't understand a question put to you in simple English I'll give up.
          AWW gee Chris,
          Maybe you might put your question in a slightly different way. Maybe you might drop your patronizing tone .I am but a poor, humble journeyman with very little education. Dont mock me because I am unable to understand your (to your eyes) simple question.I feel humbled.


          • Originally posted by Smoking Joe View Post
            You are at least correct in that. I didnt ask you a question. I assumed your post was from the person it was addressed to.I didnt realise you were that person's receptionist.

            Exactly which part of my post offended thee? And which stereotype portrait were you referring to? And which part did you deem crass?
            I mean its not that I care ,but with that knowledge that you no doubt want to inflict upon me,maybe I can become a better person .........
            Your first sentence makes no sense at all.

            Regarding your subsequent comments, I made it clear in my post which part of your post I found offensive.

            Your final comments are not worthy of comment.


            • Originally posted by Smoking Joe View Post
              I am but a poor, humble journeyman with very little education. Dont mock me because I am unable to understand your (to your eyes) simple question.I feel humbled.
              Don't be ridiculous

              How can you possible not understand, when someone is simply asking you what you mean by a statement you have just made?


              • Originally posted by Chris View Post
                Don't be ridiculous

                How can you possible not understand, when someone is simply asking you what you mean by a statement you have just made?
                Not sure what you mean.Do you mean the statement on page 1?


                • Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
                  Your first sentence makes no sense at all.

                  Regarding your subsequent comments, I made it clear in my post which part of your post I found offensive.

                  Your final comments are not worthy of comment.
                  Thanks for clearing that up.
                  However, could you please highlight my offending sentence(s) and explain why you found them/it offensive?
                  Which comments are not worthy of comment please?
                  They must have been ,in some way worthy of comment, because you commented.
                  Im sure you are a busy person,but it would only take a moment. Im sure your entourage would understand your abscence.


                  • Originally posted by Smoking Joe View Post
                    Thanks for clearing that up.
                    However, could you please highlight my offending sentence(s) and explain why you found them/it offensive?
                    Which comments are not worthy of comment please?
                    They must have been ,in some way worthy of comment, because you commented.
                    Im sure you are a busy person,but it would only take a moment. Im sure your entourage would understand your abscence.
                    My entourage? Who would they be then?


                    • Originally posted by DVV View Post
                      I'm in full agreement with Chris Scott and will not post anymore on this thread either.

                      If some people are convinced that "real" Muslims are those who don't follow the example and commandments of their Prophet, well, that's not my problem.

                      They have the right to be stupid, haven't they ?
                      The facts are this: 99.9% of muslims in this country are not involved in such acts of terrorism.

                      That should be clear to anyone.

                      Now, you do have many muslims who justify this on the back of the actions of the British Government, but then we have many more left-wing types who talk the same bollocks.

                      Either way, any ****** wandering round lopping heads off should be hanged. A no nonsense message for anyone of any persuasion tempted by such acts for whatever warped reason.

                      We have a ridiculous situation in this country where prisoners are not far off having the vote. Jesus Christ. Could it get more ridiculous?

                      Hang 'em. What an absolute disgrace of a barbaric act. Act like a barbarian; hang like a barbarian.

                      RIP. Poor lad and his family. What a disgrace this is happening on our streets.


                      • Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
                        The facts are this: 99.9% of muslims in this country are not involved in such acts of terrorism.

                        That should be clear to anyone.

                        Now, you do have many muslims who justify this on the back of the actions of the British Government, but then we have many more left-wing types who talk the same bollocks.

                        Either way, any ****** wandering round lopping heads off should be hanged. A no nonsense message for anyone of any persuasion tempted by such acts for whatever warped reason.

                        We have a ridiculous situation in this country where prisoners are not far off having the vote. Jesus Christ. Could it get more ridiculous?

                        Hang 'em. What an absolute disgrace of a barbaric act. Act like a barbarian; hang like a barbarian.

                        RIP. Poor lad and his family. What a disgrace this is happening on our streets.
                        100% agreed Mac.. you would have my vote for PM .



                        • He wouldn't have mine.


                          • Hi all,

                            As I read this thread I bless the God or natural order of events or history or whatever that nobody has tried to prove that Jack the Ripper was a Muslim practicing a weird version of Sharia Law in Britain in 1888 against Prostitutes, as part of a sinister "Let's scare 'em!" plot to assist the followers of the Mahdi and his successor in the Sudan!! Too bad the Goulston Street graffito did not say "The Juwes are not the men to venerate General "Chinese" Gordon! Tremble Cristendom!!!"

                            Boy what a theory that would have been!

                            Yesterday I almost sent you all a revealing message of how the last twelve years or so have turned me from a moderate liberal into a bigot. Except for my being Jewish (as I notice I share with another member on this board) Hitler would be very proud of my reactions and suspicions to my fellow semitic cousins (don't forget - Isaac of the Jews and Ishmael of the Arabs are half brothers sharing Abraham as common father). Only Hitler had a deal going with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to destroy the Jews. But never fear - Vladimir Jabotinski once wrote to Joseph Goebbels to suggest an alliance of his forces with the Nazis against Britain over Palestine. Goebbels actually considered it for awhile, but turned it down.

                            One has to keep in mind the way history moves. And I am reminded that in the Passover seder (the meal that Jesus was eating with the disciples before he was betrayed by Judas) there is a passage that Passover is the Jewish holiday of freedom due to our leaving the slavery in Egypt for freedom in Palestine (or Israel), but that in every age a new form of evil or discrimination or such appears that we have to fight against.

                            So yes I can vouch that when one hears the arguments shouted by their adherents in favor of slavery from 1830-1865 (and in favor of "Jim Crow" from 1877 - 1954), or against woman's suffrage in the U.S. and Britain from 1868 to 1920 (by the way, why did it take France to grant voting rights to women only in 1948?), or against allowing "Eastern and Southern" Europeans into the U.S. accept by severe quotas (read Jews and Italians) after 1924, or against "Gay rights" since "Stonewall" in the 1960s, one gets tired. I suppose I am even tired about the pros and cons of the Muslim/Sharia Law issues in modern immigration. On the other hand, given 9/11, the bombings in Madrid and the London Underground, the attacks on various American embassies (like the one in Bengazi), and the Boston Marathon incident this year, I feel I would not mind seeing a serious restriction on Muslims entering this country.

                            Does that mean I have joined the Breckenridge Long faction of "keep the U.S. pure of those lesser humans we don't need!"? Hardly. If the former State Department figure (and anti-Semite) who fought against Jews escaping from Hitler and his goons in the 1930s and 1940s were in front of me, I would demonstrate that Jack the Ripper was not the only person capable (if well armed with sharp knives) to totally eviscerate a human (here a self-righteous pig of an official, not a poor prostitute) to the point that Long would look like carved up meat in a butcher shop.

                            No...I simply feel that a restriction on the rights of a group like the Islamic group with many malcontents and terrorists among them, has to be kept at bay for security sake. My guess is they will be for awhile by the new immigration law.

                            Long only had his dislike of Jew to back him - one shared by far too many people in the world. The difference was that aside from stereotypes dealing with Jews as grasping and greedy businessmen and bankers, or supporters of Socialist or Communist theories, Jews were not known to be running amuck as suicide bombers, or mass murderers. The last time Jews were accussed of such acts was in the middle ages, when we accused of poisoning drinking wells and causing the bubonic plague. There were charges of "blood libel" dealing with using the blood of Christians (especially children) to make matzoh at Passover - in 1913 the Mendel Beiliss Case of two children murdered and a Jew (Beiliss) accused shook up Russia. Even notorious anti-Semitic regimes in Germany and Austria - Hungary joined in the protests against the Tsarist show trial (which ended - I am glad to say - with Beiliss' acquittal).* None of these actions were active in the U.S. anti-Semitic groups itinerary, but simply the left of center politics or the greedy banker image.

                            [*Lest you think only Jews got this idiotic rumor against them, early Christians had problems about the Eucharist, and the "cannibalistic" image of the wafer and wine turning into Jesus' body and blood. It took awhile to realize the key word was "symbolism".]

                            So Jews were kept out for a mixture of political and economic reasons (to be fair, the 1924 restrictions were also supported by American labor leaders who wanted to restrict a constant flow of "cheap labor" competing with union members - one of those leaders was Samuel Gompers, who was a Jew from England!). The current issue is regarding a subgroup (that is constantly changing) of Muslims who do create incidents of violence - real violence. This is not the same thing at all.

                            So I have an ill-feeling within me - the moderate hates turning bigot, but the bigot takes a measure of satisfaction that something is being done about a security problem (a serious one).

                            In looking back at the earlier instances i mentioned, one incident shows how violence (even when we sympathize with the reason for the violence) can boomerang. In 1831 Virginia was holding a state Constitutional Convention. One of the attendees was James Madison, one of the leaders in creating the Federal Constitution in 1787. Indeed Madison is called "Father of the Constitution" and he was the leader of Congress who got the Bill of Rights passed. Madison planned to get the state Convention to pass a section of the Constitution for Virginia to allow for gradual emancipation of the slaves. Unfortunately, just as this was underway, Nat Turner led his revolt in Virginia that killed scores of people (mostly caucasions). After hearing the bad news, Madison dropped his gradual emancipation idea.

                            Violence follows many reform movements. The suffragettes in Britain set fires and broke windows (fairly mild in comparison to the Muslims or Turner), and the most violent act was a symbolic suicide - that of Emily Davidson at the 1913 Derby (which was also the first suicide filmed in its entirety).

                            Even Turner (fighting to free the slaves, remember) was not as grotesquely violent as the men flying into the World Trade Center with jet liners, or the ones blowing up the London Underground trains. The symbolism of these acts escape me - they are just pure evil. No amount of semantics about how they are attacking the centers of financial power makes them less so. Look at another way. Currently the world's tallest building is in Malaysia, a Muslim country. By destroying the World Trade Center, the terrorists were also reminding the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Confusionists, Zoroastrians, etc. that by Muslim law only buildings owned by Muslims are supposed to tower above everyone else's buildings.

                            When this thread was started it hinged on the tragic murder of that soldier at Woolwich Arsenal by two fanatics. Since then there have been rampaging riots in a small Swedish town by the Muslim youth in protest of a shooting of an Arab (who was threatening people) by the police. Somehow, even with all the calming words of sensible people available, the activities of too many of these active immigrants and fanatics wipe out any desire to "hold meaningful dialog.

                            This message has taken too long - I apologize for that - but had you seen the earlier message I did not send yesterday - boy what a rant it was!!!



                            • Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
                              The facts are this: 99.9% of muslims in this country are not involved in such acts of terrorism.

                              That should be clear to anyone.

                              Now, you do have many muslims who justify this on the back of the actions of the British Government, but then we have many more left-wing types who talk the same bollocks.

                              Either way, any ****** wandering round lopping heads off should be hanged. A no nonsense message for anyone of any persuasion tempted by such acts for whatever warped reason.

                              We have a ridiculous situation in this country where prisoners are not far off having the vote. Jesus Christ. Could it get more ridiculous?

                              Hang 'em. What an absolute disgrace of a barbaric act. Act like a barbarian; hang like a barbarian.

                              RIP. Poor lad and his family. What a disgrace this is happening on our streets.
                              Hanging is far too good for them. There are no mitigating circumstances what so ever.No doubt who the attackers were.Why any need for a trial?
                              It could be they will plead not guilty,or argue that they are worthy of political prisoner status.Either way it will cost the taxpayer millions it can ill afford. At the moment there is very little to deter these people, prison today isnt the punishment it should be. Some might argue that prisoners have a better standard of living inside ,than some people who live free in society.
                              Hang them yes, the short drop method preferably.Or the Polish method of post WW2.
                              Of course the bleeding hearts brigade will have their usual.


                              • Originally posted by Smoking Joe View Post
                                Hanging is far too good for them. There are no mitigating circumstances what so ever.No doubt who the attackers were.Why any need for a trial?
                                It could be they will plead not guilty,or argue that they are worthy of political prisoner status.Either way it will cost the taxpayer millions it can ill afford. At the moment there is very little to deter these people, prison today isnt the punishment it should be. Some might argue that prisoners have a better standard of living inside ,than some people who live free in society.
                                Hang them yes, the short drop method preferably.Or the Polish method of post WW2.
                                Of course the bleeding hearts brigade will have their usual.
                                It's unadulterated madness.

                                The usual response is: "they're human beings".

                                Well yeah, they are human beings, unless by some freak of nature they've transcended the boundaries of earthly wisdom and turned in to a half man, half horse species.

                                Being a human being is not an excuse to circumvent law and order; it is the very reason why we should uphold law and order.

                                If they don't value human life, then I'm afraid they shouldn't expect their lives to be valued.

                                Justice really is mercy for the human life.

