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  • #16

    Well yes,
    but the article does not really suggest that Clinton is any worse than trump in that regard. Straight out the trap, the article states
    Whoever is elected on Nov. 8 will be a war president on day one, with the power and autonomy to undertake destabilizing shows of force, drone strikes, special operations raids and ever-deepening military interventions"

    followed by

    Unlike Donald Trump, who has wildly shifting positions and alleged “secret” plans to defeat the Islamic State"

    at which point we all knew that we are dealing with a total clown

    pretty much on par with trump's claims that he helped 9/11 first responders. Or that his generals went to him and said "Sir, we have no ammunition". Or that the NIH doctors said to him "How come you understand do much about the Corona virus?" . Or his insistence that China are paying the tarrifs on Chinese Goods. Or that his taxcuts were the largest in history. Or this, or that. There are basically 20k examples to chose from. It often cracks me up when Trumpists accuse their political adversaries of lying.

    sorry, I hesitate to click on youtube links about the Clintons. The danger that my youtube suggestions are spo
    ilt with nonsense forever is too high to ignore. What does it say?

    In the end, the whole world can see what is going on here. Trump lost an election and tried to nullify an election result using the power of the state, his goons, and a group of MAGA-terrorists on Jan 06. Since then, Trump is playing president from his hide-out in Mar-a-Largo with a replica of the resolute desk and a presidential Seal he ordered from Etsy. It's the best example of a lunatic cry-baby who has lost his marbles going around atm. The only demographic on the planet who does not recognise this are American GOP members who are ok with trashing thier country in order to attain power.

    I stand by my comment from a few months ago that the bottom will fall out of the country over the next two years. And the reason for this will not be Hillary Clinton, no matter how much Trumpists want this to be the case.

    Last edited by Svensson; 11-10-2021, 05:50 PM.


    • #17
      I don’t know where she gets the time for all this warmongering

      The former presidential candidate describes the university as "special" during her speech.


      • #18
        for comparison, this is what a peaceful transfer of power between two adults looks like:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	_121782012_olafmerkel.jpg
Views:	316
Size:	112.3 KB
ID:	774561


        • #19
          I can not believe Trump bashing is still going on after everything we know now. We know for a fact Trump never colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. We know for a fact Trump never called white supremist "fine people." We know for a fact he did not incite an insurrection etc.... The number of times the media got the story wrong is mind blowing. Not one liberal media narrative about the "Orange man" has turned out to be true. Is President Trump a babe in the woods? Is the Trump family without sin? No, but I doubt seriously the Biden family or Clinton family could stand up to the kind of investigation into their personal lives that the Trump family had to. Another false media narrative proven wrong was Hunter's lap top was not Russian misinformation. I guess when the media narrative fails to be true Trump haters just move on without even acknowledging the media was wrong. They just blindly follow the next false narrative. At the end of the day people need to check in with reality. Joe Biden is the President. He has a 36% approval rating. V.P. Harris approval rating is even lower. The current administration is the most unpopular in American History. "Progressive" liberal policies are destroying our country and almost 200,000 more people have died from Covid under Biden's watch last year than died while Trump was President. Despite of the vaccines. America is falling and people are still crying about Trump and Hillary. What people should be discussing is Democrat policies or Republican policies? Personally I think Democrat leadership is destroying America.
          Last edited by celee; 01-11-2022, 04:59 AM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by celee View Post
            I can not believe Trump bashing is still going on after everything we know now.We know for a fact Trump never colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. We know for a fact Trump never called white supremist "fine people." We know for a fact he did not incite an insurrection etc.... The number of times the media got the story wrong is mind blowing. Not one liberal media narrative about the "Orange man" has turned out to be true. Is President Trump a babe in the woods? Is the Trump family without sin? No, but I doubt seriously the Biden family or Clinton family could stand up to the kind of investigation into their personal lives that the Trump family had to. Another false media narrative proven wrong was Hunter's lap top was not Russian misinformation. I guess when the media narrative fails to be true Trump haters just move on without even acknowledging the media was wrong. They just blindly follow the next false narrative. At the end of the day people need to check in with reality. Joe Biden is the President. He has a 36% approval rating. V.P. Harris approval rating is even lower. The current administration is the most unpopular in American History. "Progressive" liberal policies are destroying our country and almost 200,000 more people have died from Covid under Biden's watch last year than died while Trump was President. Despite of the vaccines. America is falling and people are still crying about Trump and Hillary. What people should be discussing is Democrat policies or Republican policies? Personally I think Democrat leadership is destroying America.
            Personally I think you are at the receiving end of Trump's delusional newsletter where he is hallucinating about an alternate universe.

            1. Trump attempted to collude with Russia but according to Mueller, he was basically too dumb to criminally cooperate with Russia or he can not prove criminal intent. Don Jr. would have LOVED IT if the information offered to hm had turned out to be what he was expecting (which again begs the quetion, what was he expecting and why?), Mueller documented around 100 contacts of the trump campaign with Russian officials and they ALL lied about these which is why many of Trump's goons ended up doing time.

            2. The Mueller report also established that Russia intervened in the 2016 election ON BEHALF OF TRUMP and that Paul Manafort shared campaign internal polling data with Russian intelligence. We also know thaT Roger Stone was attempting to reach out to Wikileaks and co-ordinate the releases to stolen data with them ON BEHALF OF THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. WE and Roger Stone knew that this was highly dodgy, politically damaging and possibly illegal. Which is why he ALSO lied about it.

            3. We have been over this "fine people" thing many times. He called people on "both sides" fine people, one of those both sides includes white supremacists and he was backing them for 4 years. basically if you are a white supremacist in today's US of A, Donald Trump is your man.

            4. The whole world was watching and we all know exactly what was going on for the two months running up to 06 JAN. the whole world recognises that this was an attempt by the outgoing president to overturn a legitimate election result. I say legitimate becasue if you have concerns about the legitimacy of an election, you get to present your evidence. No evidence was presented in over 60 court cases. Multiple audits have found no evidence either. There comes a point where you no longer get to say something that you have failed to prove in a court of law. All the lunatic theories about dead peoiple voting, ballot stuffing and switching votes turned out to be hogwash. Once you put the accuser in front of a judge and his hand on a bible, it all fell apart. Not once, not twice, but more than 60 times.

            5. Just to drive the point home one more time: The whole world knows that this was an attempted insurrection against the incoming government becasue the loser has a small dick. The only demographic on the planet that are not aware of this is a subset of Republicans and the lunatic fringe of the right-wing press that YOU really need to disconnect yourself from if you value your sanity.

            6. Hilary Clinton did 10 hours in front of the Foreign affairs Committee in 2014. I would settle for Trump doing one hour in front of the Jan 6 committee. I think he would completely implode and humiliate himself after 20 seconds (like he does every time he releases a statement "from the Resulte-desk replica of Donald Trump")

            The second half our your post is now just sentence after sentence non-sequitur world-salad and random right-wing media talking points copied and pasted with no connection to facts. To takle each of them would merrit its own website. For example: "Not one liberal media narrative about the "Orange man" has turned out to be true." I mean, where do I even begin? it's impossible. The Post's database of 20,000 lies and misleading statements documented is probably a starting point.

            7. The Trump bashing is still going on becasue Trump is still hogging the right-wing media-space with mental maneure and lies about the election and the grift about "any day now there will be unbeliveable stories coming out, it should never be allowed". Or he gives and interview and he literally says "I came up with 3 vaccines" !!!!!

            So finally, and I REALLY mean this from the bottom of my heart. YOU need to come out of that Rabbit hole before you end up dead or in jail. You need to do yourself and your family this favour. When I talked to my grandfather about his time in the SS from 1943 onwards, his overwhelming feeling from that experience was one of shame that could be strung along so easily with lies and propaganda. Don't let this happen to yourself. Take some pride by getting yourself out of that rabbit hole before life does it for you (like it did for my grand father).

            Last edited by Svensson; 01-11-2022, 11:44 AM.


            • #21
              Everything you post on this subject does not mean anything to me. I have no wish to argue with you. I have no wish to convince you. I live in America. I am living the Democrate nightmare. Super inflation, horrible job reports. Border crisis. Energy crisis. Covid crisis. Russia threatening Ukraine. China threatens Taiwan. Democrat Senator's threatening nuclear war with Russia. Afghanistan disaster. America has never been in worst shape. Polls show that former President Trump is more popular than Joe Biden. Your support of Biden would put you in the minority here in America. If our country makes it to the 2022 midterms, I do not think we will get to vote I doubt America will ever be the same because no country ever votes its way out of communism, Democrats will be destroyed in the elections.

              Every American politician is corrupt. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So, I like to discuss policies rather than individual candidates because claiming Biden and Hillary have any moral character is laughable. I like Republican policies. I like secure borders. Energy independence. A strong economy and job growth. I like putting America first on the world stage. So if I get a chance I will be voting Republican and your opinion about Trump means nothing. Like most people who are obsessed with Trump you are incapable of debating policy.

              You wrote "So finally, and I REALLY mean this from the bottom of my heart. YOU need to come out of that Rabbit hole before you end up dead or in jail."

              I do not know what you mean? Are you suggesting that the Democrat socialist that control America are like the Nazi regime and they will lock me up or even worst kill me for being a Republican? Because maybe I agree. Our First Amendment rights and our Second Amendment rights are very much under attack and there are several hundred political prisoners being held in custody right now and they have been for over a year. Most of them are charged with simple trespass and none of them have been charged with insurrection, funny enough. The FBI concluded there was no organized attempt to overthrow the government on January 6th.

              There is a huge difference between not having evidence and Judges refusing to hear the evidence of election fraud. The vast majority of the court cases filed were dismissed because the court ruled the plaintiffs had no standing. The judges never heard the evidence and the Trump lawyers only filed three of the lawsuits all were dismissed for lack of standing not lack of evidence. Again, I do not care. Election laws were changed illegally to allow mass mail in voting and limit voter identification. Those are facts. However, Joe Biden was declared the winner and elections have consequences. Now we are dealing with those horrible consequences. I am just curious what Democrat policies do you like? What good has the Biden administration done for America? Why should any American vote for him again? The 2020 election results are not going to be overturned and something bad is going to happen in the upcoming months because the ruling elite realize they have lost the battle of public opinion. I fear America is going down the path to marshal law. Our only hope is strong state leadership. Ron DeSantis and other red state governors must stay strong.

              You are German. So you do not understand. Americans love freedom. Our country was built on the principles of a free society. Americans have fought a Revolution to win our independence from a tyrannical King and two world wars protecting the freedom of all mankind. I understand and appreciate your concern but suggesting I should shut up and go along with tyrants to avoid jail or death is not registering with me.
              Last edited by celee; 01-12-2022, 05:04 AM.


              • #22
                If you feel like a prisoner in your own country, celee, what means do you have to regain the freedom you have lost, if democracy is not your cup of tea?


                "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                • #23
                  I forgot who it was but someone once wrote something like "educate yourself becasue you never know when your own ignorance will be used against you".

                  In your first paragraph, you have demonstrated that you do not understand what communism means. I don't hold it against you because your preferred news-outlets are trying to tell you that public health measures are communism. But it is an example of how your ignorance of basic political sciences is being used to weaponise you for the cultural war that they are perpetuating. Your comments on first and second amendment rights being under attack and the suggestion that there are political prisoners confirms this. For example, the definition of a political prisoner is that he/she is being incarcarated for political VIEWS. The people who stormed the Capitol on 06 JAN were charged and convicted of trespassing, damage to public property, violent assaults on law enforcement officers, obstruction of an official proceeding, etc. None of these are VIEWS, they are criminal actions. So I know that crazies like MTG and the alledge sex-trafficker of a minor are going around suggesting that these are political prisoners but the charges and convictions (i.e. the facts) don't support this. You also say that none of them have been charged with an inssurrection. First of all, this does not mean they are automatically POLITICAL prisoners because as mentioned above, there have been some serious charges and convictions. Secondly, the insurrection was the aggregate of all these crimes. The person who should get the insurrection charge is in fact Donald Trump.

                  Another problem you have is that you have an absolute world view. Everything is black or white, great or terrible, love or hate and your world view lack any kind of nuance. This is actually a cognitive distortion because it keeps you from seeing life the way it really is: complex, uncertain, and constantly changing. For example, you state that I support Biden. I do not, I never have and none of my posts should give the impression that I do. It is simply YOUR assumption that I support Biden becasue of my comments on Trump.

                  "Election laws were changed illegally to allow mass mail in voting and limit voter identification." it is not illegal to change laws. Mail in voting in an accepted alternative to in-person voting, even in the US. None of this is proof that there has been fraud as the tragic sequence of lost and dismissed court cases shows. Again, your own ignorance of how elections work is being weaponised against you.

                  "You are German. So you do not understand. Americans love freedom". The Investiture Contest of 1080 for the first time removed the state from the control of the catholic church and therefore, the secular state was born. Martin Luther's Reformation in 1520 ended the catholic church's opression (as he saw it at the time) of Christians. There was another revolution in 1848 to unite the various feudal states into a republic and the end of World War 1 was preceded by a Revolution in Germany to force Wilhelm II. to abdicate and an armistice was declared. So I think you are mistaken when you suggest that Americans are uniquely positioned to understand the concept of freedom. We have fought many more oppressive kings and popes than you guys have.

                  I'm not suggesting you should shut up. I am suggesting that you are too far down the rabbit hole that you will do something silly and get yourself into trouble. Like going to the Stop the Steal rally in the first place. Your posts are already suggesting that you have been brainwashed to take up arms for some misguided purpose. You are being used by Tump and Fox for thier own narcisistic purposes. It sounds like you are not a free person after all.


                  • #24
                    Svensson the United States Constitution grants the power of running election to the individual State legislators. Election laws can not be legally changed without being approved by the State Legislature. Election laws in swing states were changed illegally. Now Joe Biden and the communist Democrats want to Federalize elections. They wish to do away with the legislative filibuster to do so. I do not blame you for not truly understanding what is happening and election laws because you obviously are repeating what you hear on your news source.

                    I am glad you do not support Biden. I understand now you just hate Trump. Fair enough. I do not love him. I just support Republicans and Republican policies. So, whoever is the Republican nominee I will vote for. Former President Trump or whoever. Americans almost 3 to 1 hate the direction our country is going.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by caz View Post
                      If you feel like a prisoner in your own country, celee, what means do you have to regain the freedom you have lost, if democracy is not your cup of tea?


                      I do not understand your comment? I am very much for Democracy and freedom. However, it is the Democrats that wish to take our freedoms away and transform our rebublic into a totalitarian society.

                      I appreciate the love. Thanks.


                      • #26
                        How come India ,which has a billion more people than the US has only 485,035 deaths while the US has
                        866,891 deaths.
                        How come the US, the most scientifically advanced nation on earth, the richest and has one of the best medical field, has the most Covid deaths. Who was responsible for the policies, especially from the very beginning to prevent the spread as much as possible.
                        Whose oath was it to protect American lives and deliberately and incompetently failed. This was the worst treachery.

                        More than 60 court cases filed against the Democrats for cheating in the elections failed and all audits failed.
                        The only evidence of cheating in the election was Trump calling Georgia official Raffensperger to manipulate
                        the votes and find him 11000+ votes.

                        If Trump ,the man-child, gaslighter, could accept the lose, like Gore and Hillary, the Capitol riot would not have happened.

                        And the Republicans supported this traitor and con man. Republicans are frauds and gaslighters.
                        Last edited by Varqm; 01-13-2022, 08:21 AM.
                        Clearly the first human laws (way older and already established) spawned organized religion's morality - from which it's writers only copied/stole,ex. you cannot kill,rob,steal (forced,it started civil society).
                        M. Pacana


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by celee View Post

                          I do not understand your comment? I am very much for Democracy and freedom. However, it is the Democrats that wish to take our freedoms away and transform our rebublic into a totalitarian society.

                          I appreciate the love. Thanks.
                          That's fine, celee. I did use the 'if' word twice, to see if I understood what is making you so angry about your lot in life, and what you plan to do about it. Seems I didn't understand - and still don't.


                          Last edited by caz; 01-13-2022, 10:11 AM.
                          "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by celee View Post
                            Are you suggesting that the Democrat socialist that control America are like the Nazi regime and they will lock me up or even worst kill me for being a Republican?
                            Dude, I advise that you to lay off the OAN or the Newsmax or the Alex Jones or the QAnon propaganda or whatever social media bubble you are living in.

                            Go out and meet people--including these 'Commie' Democrats you are raving about---and engage with them.

                            The Democrat couple down the street that you are raving about and arming yourself against weed their gardens, quilt, attend PTA meetings, and watch football like everyone else.

                            Obama was in office for 8 years. Where were the concentration camps? Did you see him holding Nazi-style rallies and constantly thumping his chest, or was that the former guy?

                            Seriously, you are coming across like a half-baked fanatic in a tinfoil hat. The United States is nothing like you think it is.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Varqm View Post
                              And the Republicans supported this traitor and con man. Republicans are frauds and gaslighters.
                              Some. Not all. there are people who are ok with just doing conservative politics but they are being drowned out by the lunatics atm


                              • #30
                                "Election laws can not be legally changed without being approved by the State Legislature. Election laws in swing states were changed illegally."

                                Hang on, this makes no sense. In order to change a law, there is a process which includes ratification by the legislature. So you CAN NOT change a law without it going through the state legislature. What you MAY be referring to is that some PROCEDURES have been changed without being approved by the State legislature but this is not neccesarily required. From

                                "Some states did change election procedures without legislation, including some that supported Donald Trump. But experts said this is common.

                                "It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority," said Rebecca Green, an election law professor at the College of William and Mary. "So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

                                She added: "No statutory scheme can cover every required decision and contingency in election administration, especially in pandemic conditions.""

                                So you may think "This has gotta be fake news from Politifact" and I have no easy way to verify this but it would make sense for two reasons: 1. There were no complaints from Republicans PRIOR to the elections. Yes there was talk along the way "we don;t like it" but that was pretty much it. Only once Trump had lost did the litigation start and is a sure sign that the litigation was not about the principal of the regulation but about the fact that they had lost the election. 2. Pretty much all of the litigation has been dismissed by Judges who looked at the issues and know more about me.

                                "Now Joe Biden and the communist Democrats want to Federalize elections." Is this so crazy? I mean, this is a federal election for a federal government so surely, some federal standards should apply, no? Btw, the US Democratic Party is not communist but again, how would you know if Fox and AON are repeating this all the time while these constant "communist", "socialist" allegations are designed to enrage you, to weaponize you for their purpose. IN an attempt to put the record straight a little, here is the first sentence of each from Wikipedia:

                                "Communism is a philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state." Since these communist policies are absent from the DNC platform, you may from now on refrain from calling the Democratic party "communists" with a good conscience.

                                "Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production. It includes the political theories and movements associated with such systems. Social ownership can be public, collective, cooperative, or of equity. While no single definition encapsulates the many types of socialism, social ownership is the one common element." So, similarly to Communism, since there is no mention on the DNC platform to nationalise all industry, you can relax and stop worrying about it. Or you can continue to use the socialism or communism tag in the knowledge that this is not correct and is simply used to enrage yourself as well as others.

                                "Americans almost 3 to 1 hate the direction our country is going." This stat means nothing whatsoever. If I was American, I would be one of those three in one but for complete opposite reasons than you are.

