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  • Originally posted by Mark J D View Post
    How does a society come to be that sick?

    Most Americans don't even realize the full extent of how much we are getting screwed either. For example, a person near and dear to me, who fortunately is able to afford insurance, has cancer for which he takes oral chemotherapy and will have to do so, probably for the remainder of his life. During the time when it looked like the pre-existing clause of health insurance was going to be overturned (Obama signed a law that said insurance companies couldn't deny you because of a pre-existing condition, and the Republicans literally tried to overturn this law something like 65 times and fortunately failed) but anyway, we were exploring avenues of how we could pay for his medication, if the law was overturned and insurance was dropped.

    Price of Medication in the USA without insurance: $12,000 per MONTH. But you could fly to any other country in the world, Canada, India and the UK and get it, without insurance for $3,000 a month. Which is still a ridiculous gank, but it's freaking ludicrous to think that we're paying four times the amount of money for the same damn medication in "FREEDOM LAND!!" than they pay anywhere else in the world. It would literally have been cheaper to move to an entirely new country and pay out of pocket for all medical expenses than stay in America. But you know, FREEDOM. And people just roll over and die clinging to their delusions of how free they are. Morons.

    Let all Oz be agreed;
    I need a better class of flying monkeys.


    • Awhile ago, I called a mobile vet to look at one of my previous cats, and she told me a horror story about dealing with the same health care provider I go to, and have for years.

      The Asian-American vet said she injured her wrist lifting a big dog up to exam him, and went to a doctor. They "refused" to look at the injury, wouldn't prescribe anything or give her a referral elsewhere. I was stunned, as I couldn't imagine my provider being so callous.

      You know, I think I can finally explain why her experience was so different from mine. I have health insurance, first through my work, now on Medicare. But she is self-employed, and likely not covered by insurance.

      Sad. And probably far more common in the USA than we know. .
      Pat D.
      Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


      • Originally posted by Ally View Post
        But you know, FREEDOM. And people just roll over and die clinging to their delusions of how free they are. Morons.
        What is actually free in the US is *private capital*; and a guiding principle of US imperialism is that US-based capital should be free everywhere else in the world also.

        And, since private capital has the freedom to dominate every aspect of life in the US, including education and media, it inevitably transpires that anything that *might limit* the powers and freedoms of concentrated private wealth automatically becomes something the general population is taught to hate and fear.

        (Image of Charles Allen Lechmere is by artist Ashton Guilbeaux. Used by permission. Original art-work for sale.)


        • Here is a story I came across that made me think:

          By Kayla Ruble

          Man in small Michigan town refused the vaccines, ended up dying of coronavirus. He was president of the social center for elderly residents.
          Pat D.
          Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


          • Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
            Here is a story I came across that made me think: [...]
            There's a study somewhere in which the US's outlier status as a highly religious industrialised first-world society is explained in terms of the lack of a social safety net: if there is not adequate state protection for people (because that would erode state protection for concentrated private wealth), people turn to irrational and fantasy substitutes.

            (Image of Charles Allen Lechmere is by artist Ashton Guilbeaux. Used by permission. Original art-work for sale.)


            • Originally posted by Ally View Post
              This is all a hoax, fake news, and JFK is coming back to lead us all into a glorious future. Or something.
              It's JFK Jr.

              He faked his death at Martha's Vinyard so he could secretly work with the Former Guy behind the scenes.

              JFK is actually dead--killed by Ted Cruz's father.

              I read it in one of Rupert Murdoch's finer publications.


              • Doctor's having to make life or death decisions is not a "socialised medicine" problem. In this case, Allina Health....

                Court Battle Over a Ventilator Takes a Patient From Minnesota to Texas
                Last edited by Svensson; 01-21-2022, 05:27 PM.


                • Quote:
                  The democratic wellbeing of England is in crisis according to new report GDWe: A spotlight on democratic wellbeing from Carnegie UK.

                  Less than half of the English public (45%) feel that democracy works well in the UK and the overwhelming majority do not trust that MPs (76%) or the UK government (73%) will make decisions that will improve their lives.

                  While distrust of those in national political life is highest, local authorities do not escape unscathed with 60% making similar judgments about councils.

                  The lack of trust seeps into every facet of everyday life with only around a fifth (18%) trusting what they see and hear in the media and fewer than one in ten (8%) trusting social media content.

                  However, public services, such as doctors and transport services (71%), official statistics (61%) and even businesses used by respondents (51%) were on the whole trusted by the public.

                  The democratic wellbeing of England is in crisis according to new report GDWe: A spotlight on democratic wellbeing from Carnegie UK. Less than half of the English public (45%) feel that democracy works well in the UK and the overwhelming majority do not trust that MPs (76%) or the UK government (73%) will make decisions […]

                  PDF: GDWe-A-spotlight-on-democratic-wellbeing-FINAL.pdf
                  Sapere Aude


                  • Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post
                    ... The democratic wellbeing of England ...
                    Folks, the word 'democratic' has no real-world meaning anymore (if it ever did...). The old dictionary concept is *utterly irrelevant* to governance and decision-making in the UK. As indeed it is in the US. We all live in an age of oligarchy with democratic scene-painting.

                    The world is almost ended. Please try and catch up in time to know why it happened.

                    We now return you to your normal programming...

                    Last edited by Mark J D; 01-21-2022, 07:30 PM.
                    (Image of Charles Allen Lechmere is by artist Ashton Guilbeaux. Used by permission. Original art-work for sale.)


                    • Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post
                      The democratic wellbeing of England is in crisis according to new report GDWe: A spotlight on democratic wellbeing from Carnegie UK.

                      Less than half of the English public (45%) feel that democracy works well in the UK and the overwhelming majority do not trust that MPs (76%) or the UK government (73%) will make decisions that will improve their lives.

                      While distrust of those in national political life is highest, local authorities do not escape unscathed with 60% making similar judgments about councils.

                      The lack of trust seeps into every facet of everyday life with only around a fifth (18%) trusting what they see and hear in the media and fewer than one in ten (8%) trusting social media content.

                      However, public services, such as doctors and transport services (71%), official statistics (61%) and even businesses used by respondents (51%) were on the whole trusted by the public.

                      The democratic wellbeing of England is in crisis according to new report GDWe: A spotlight on democratic wellbeing from Carnegie UK. Less than half of the English public (45%) feel that democracy works well in the UK and the overwhelming majority do not trust that MPs (76%) or the UK government (73%) will make decisions […]

                      PDF: GDWe-A-spotlight-on-democratic-wellbeing-FINAL.pdf
                      45%, I guess is the number who are happy with Brexit, an exercise is in democracy (although led by a liar, clown and illegal raver who is now occupying No.10 ).


                      • "Happy with Brexit" will no doubt include many who voted for it and cannot now admit to themselves that they were conned rotten into an unprecedented act of self harm.

                        Compassion for the conned; contempt for the conmen and women.


                        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                        • Originally posted by caz View Post
                          "Happy with Brexit" will no doubt include many who voted for it and cannot now admit to themselves that they were conned rotten into an unprecedented act of self harm.
                          Social Identity Theory (see Tajfel & Turner and many following) reveals that an in-group will happily act to the detriment of its own interests as long as it believes its actions mean the out-group will also be harmed. Explains a lot of what we've seen, and of what we won't ever see. Or, to quote a moron I once heard, "I don't care if it does cost us the NHS -- because at least Romanians won't be coming over here and getting to use it for free!"

                          Last edited by Mark J D; 01-24-2022, 04:26 PM.
                          (Image of Charles Allen Lechmere is by artist Ashton Guilbeaux. Used by permission. Original art-work for sale.)


                          • Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post

                            It's JFK Jr.

                            He faked his death at Martha's Vinyard so he could secretly work with the Former Guy behind the scenes.

                            JFK is actually dead--killed by Ted Cruz's father.

                            I read it in one of Rupert Murdoch's finer publications.
                            You should take a trip over to the Schwartz thread Roger.

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Originally posted by Mark J D View Post

                              Social Identity Theory (see Tajfel & Turner and many following) reveals that an in-group will happily act to the detriment of its own interests as long as it believes its actions mean the out-group will also be harmed. Explains a lot of what we've seen, and of what we won't ever see. Or, to quote a moron I once heard, "I don't care if it does cost us the NHS -- because at least Romanians won't be coming over here and getting to use it for free!"

                              Reminds me of a caller to James O'Brien on LBC, who said: "I like the fact that Boris Johnson tells lies because it upsets people like you."


                              "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                              • Originally posted by caz View Post
                                ... Reminds me of a caller...
                                13 December 2019:
                                "We voted Conservative because we didn't like Jeremy Corbyn."
                                "Why was that, then?"
                                "Uh, ... dunno..."

                                (Image of Charles Allen Lechmere is by artist Ashton Guilbeaux. Used by permission. Original art-work for sale.)

