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The Royal Family - Who Is Being a Jerk?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    I’m not saying that you’re wrong Svensson but I’m not aware of them. Could you give us a few examples?
    Avocadogate is one they all bang on about.


    • #17
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ID:	753686 Fergie was the victim of press racism, wasn’t she? She’s ginger, right?


      • #18
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ID:	753689 Anyone who claims Meghan has been singled out for criticism from the press because of her skin colour needs to do their homework.


        • #19
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          Kate got off relatively lightly. Her DNA profile must have protected her.


          • #20
            So, what was it we were discussing - Meghan’s uniquely unfavourable treatment in the media was it?


            • #21
              We respect our Royals. It’s just interlopers we don’t like. ;-)


              • #22
                Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post

                Avocadogate is one they all bang on about.
                I hadn’t heard of that one Gary so I just read up on it. I think my reply would be “but it’s the Daily Mail being the Daily Mail?” I remember the Press going after poor old Michael Foot because they said that he’d worn a donkey jacket at the Cenotaph. A man who written against Appeasement and who’d volunteered for Military Service (but was rejected due to his asthma) His one brother fought in the war. His other brother was a British Military Administrator. Yet they went after him just on a coat.

                The Press are in the business of selling papers and they often go to ridiculous lengths to do it of course. Look at the bad press the Queen got after Diana died. To listen to the Press (and some of the public) you’d have thought that she’d arranged a “we’re glad that Diana’s dead party” at Buckingham Palace (perhaps with Harry turning up dressed as Herman Goering?)

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                  I hadn’t heard of that one Gary so I just read up on it. I think my reply would be “but it’s the Daily Mail being the Daily Mail?” I remember the Press going after poor old Michael Foot because they said that he’d worn a donkey jacket at the Cenotaph. A man who written against Appeasement and who’d volunteered for Military Service (but was rejected due to his asthma) His one brother fought in the war. His other brother was a British Military Administrator. Yet they went after him just on a coat.

                  The Press are in the business of selling papers and they often go to ridiculous lengths to do it of course. Look at the bad press the Queen got after Diana died. To listen to the Press (and some of the public) you’d have thought that she’d arranged a “we’re glad that Diana’s dead party” at Buckingham Palace (perhaps with Harry turning up dressed as Herman Goering?)
                  The two stories were very different and written by different journalists.

                  William was handed an avocado tied with a ribbon by a small child while he was visiting a school. Doing his duty as a royal.

                  The Woke Princess served one to her make-up artist. She and Hazza had been lecturing all and sundry about various environmental issues - so she was fair game in my opinion.


                  • #24

                    Andy: The Buffoon, the Duke of Ruritania.


                    • #25
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                      • #26
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ID:	753706

                        Even Liz isn’t immune.


                        • #27
                          Fergie ‘the Duchess of Pork’, Kate ‘Duchess Doolittle’ and Meghan ‘Duchess Difficult’ - spot the odd one out.


                          • #28
                            A guardsman, often billeted to Balmoral detail, advised my uncle that the Royal family are "commoner than you think... weirder than you know" - and without Stuart blood ancestry Meghan would not have got within yards of Harry so, you know, illusions upon illusions upon illusions.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Fantomas View Post
                              A guardsman, often billeted to Balmoral detail, advised my uncle that the Royal family are "commoner than you think... weirder than you know" - and without Stuart blood ancestry Meghan would not have got within yards of Harry so, you know, illusions upon illusions upon illusions.

                              Without Stuart blood ancestry? That must be it. Harry made her do a DNA test before he got too close. (????)

                              “Commoner than you think”? Than who thinks? That’s a cliche that everybody’s heard - except Meghan perhaps who probably thought they breakfasted on wild boar and truffles off silver salvers. The truth as ‘we’ know is that the Queen prefers cereal from a Tupperware box. As for weird, how do people obsessed with Jack the Ripper rate on that scale.


                              • #30
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                                It seems Meghan is somewhat ‘confused’ about when she and Harry married. She is under the impression that a private chat with an Archbishop in a garden constitutes a legal marriage.

