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Connecticut School Shooting

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  • Oh please. I have electricians and plumbers come to my house all the time and they all have the basic common sense to knock on the freaking door.
    Not being funny Ally, but your house is that much of a crapheap? In about thirty years or so the electricians have never had to visit us...mind you, I'm pretty handy....

    Thinking about it, in all that time we've only twice had plumbers round, when a job's been beyond my skills, and each time they've knocked at the door and been admitted like normal visitors...I'm sorry JR but your guy didn't/couldn't knock on the door?

    All the best



    • I really want to see a link to the original story (and please, someone link-- I don't want to Google, get a similar story, and assume I have the right one), because I want to know whether the shooter was a homeowner, or a renter. Landlords can send maintenance people to enter with notice, or even without notice in emergencies (water coming through the downstairs neighbor's ceiling). They may knock once, and enter if you don't answer, because people frequently aren't home during the day.

      Was this a house, duplex, condo, apartment? or what? owned outright, mortgaged, or rented?

      Also, was the plumber in the house, or just on the grounds?

      We owned a house for several years, that, as part of a settlement, had a water sample tested every years, paid for by the company that a couple of decades earlier had allowed some PCB waste to leak into the ground about 20 miles away (we didn't drink the water, but we did bathe in it). Anyway, we signed a blanket permission allowing a representative to come on the property and take a sample from the tap in the backyard, without coming to the door to get permission each time (we usually weren't home, and the first year, which was the days before cell phones were common, it was a comedy of errors getting someone there while we were there to give permission for them to come on the property and open the tap-- it was much easier once we signed the paper).

      So, did a plumber the resident wasn't expecting really just walk into the house? Or was some kind of miscommunication involved?


      • Lol ..well the guy we bought this house from was unfortunately a bit of a DIYer and we've had to undo some of his "handiwork" but we've lived in 3 different houses over the years and we like to tinker and add things.

        Let all Oz be agreed;
        I need a better class of flying monkeys.


        • Hello you all!

          Cogidubnus; in fact, the reporter probably found the question about knocking non-essential. Anyway, a life wasted for a stupid idea of feeling secure.

          Ally, sorry for using this kind of f-word, but I find it irritating, how you don't care about humans getting killed!

          All the best
          "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


          • And I find it irritating how some people put the lives of criminals and stupid people who die by their own mistakes over that of homeowners defending their property.

            Funnily enough though, I aim able to refrain from calling someone a fascist, especially during this time when doing so will earn you a nice long vacation.

            Let all Oz be agreed;
            I need a better class of flying monkeys.


            • Hello Ally!

              And I have told so many times about the tragic consequences of that kind of attitude to an innocent plumber in my home-country, that I won't do that anymore.

              Obviously Finland is then a real safe haven; I don't have to worry about being naturally absent-minded and mostly forgetting to tell people in advance about my plans to visit them. And since my army-year I have never had a need even for a track-and-field pistol.

              All right, I wish you a safe and peaceful christmas despite we completely disagree!

              All the best
              "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


              • Finland a real safe haven? Okie dokie then...
                I confess that altruistic and cynically selfish talk seem to me about equally unreal. With all humility, I think 'whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might,' infinitely more important than the vain attempt to love one's neighbour as one's self. If you want to hit a bird on the wing you must have all your will in focus, you must not be thinking about yourself, and equally, you must not be thinking about your neighbour; you must be living with your eye on that bird. Every achievement is a bird on the wing.
                Oliver Wendell Holmes


                • Hello sleekviper!

                  Note the word "obviously"...

                  There was once a perfect country called Sovjet Union... It was so perfect, that it was not allowed to say: "This country is not perfect!"

                  Have a Grand Christmas, dear friend!

                  All the best
                  Last edited by j.r-ahde; 12-23-2012, 04:08 PM.
                  "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


                  • Might want to double check that theory of safety. Per are 75% more likely to be an assault victim in....Finland than in.....USA.
                    Drug offences??? 13,857 per 100,000 in.....Finland...America??? 560.1 per 100,000. Faith in Law Enforcement??? We rank first...can see Finland.
                    crime stats...Finland versus the United States Of America.
                    Rape rate, Murder rate, Crime levels, Murder rate per million people, Intentional homicide rate and 88 More Interesting Facts and Stats

                    The view per 100,000. Please, Do not degrade my Nation, without knowing your own backyard. OUT OF HERE
                    I confess that altruistic and cynically selfish talk seem to me about equally unreal. With all humility, I think 'whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might,' infinitely more important than the vain attempt to love one's neighbour as one's self. If you want to hit a bird on the wing you must have all your will in focus, you must not be thinking about yourself, and equally, you must not be thinking about your neighbour; you must be living with your eye on that bird. Every achievement is a bird on the wing.
                    Oliver Wendell Holmes


                    • Hello sleekviper!

                      OK, I was making a comparison; Ally's view vs. my hometown.

                      Thanks for presenting a wider view and a sincere apology for not checking out that myself.

                      If you feel that I was trying to degrade your nation, believe it or not, it was not intentional. A sincere apology for that too.

                      All the best
                      "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


                      • [QUOTE=Fleetwood Mac;249111]All people are susceptible to propaganda and all governments lie to the people at times.

                        I wasn't talking about the odd government department set up to convince the Americans that The Sandinistas were the Mongol Hordes coming to eat their babies.

                        I was talking about a fundamental principle: the government is there for national defence and justice, but not to keep you safe and resolve all of your disputes, e.g. when someone enters your home illegally. If you think only the government can keep you safe then the ramifications of this are widespread beyond mere incidents of burglary.

                        You can have all the Fox News and BBC arguments in the world, but they are meaningless by comparison with the fundamental principle mentioned above. And, that's why I say the Americans hold far more poilitical acumen - they certainly are as susceptible to propaganda as we are - but to their credit they understand the bigger picture more than we do.

                        So, you can argue all you want about Fox News and all the packaging that any sensible person is not remotely interested in, but when push comes to shove they have the thing that really matters right and we don't (as a group).[/QUOTE]

                        And what they also have, and what many of them are deeply unhappy about, is spree killings of this sort on a much more regualr basis than we do.


                        • Hello Limehouse!

                          Like you said it - "these spree killings of this sort" - take place everywhere these days. This epidemic has been going on in the whole western world about since the mid-1990s.

                          Anyone, who is less dementic than me, can add more countries to this list, but at least to my memory: there has been these kinds of killings in Great Britain, France and yes.... Finland. And the worst of these - at least in my mind - is the case of Anders Behring Breivik, Norway.

                          Yes, dear Americans, I do owe you an apology for focusing too much on the US.

                          How to solve it, I am not witty enough to answer. But I personally don't believe in the "gun in every home" as an effective solution.

                          All the best
                          "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


                          • Originally posted by Limehouse View Post

                            And what they also have, and what many of them are deeply unhappy about, is spree killings of this sort on a much more regualr basis than we do.

                            Of course you guys have bombings a lot more than we do. And riots. Over football.

                            Good thing your country is such a model of well-behaved, non-criminal killing sorts. Here you riot, you run the risk of getting shot. There you riot and you get a stern talking to. Probably why y'all have more riots, over... football.

                            Let all Oz be agreed;
                            I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                            • Hi Ally

                              I'm with Edward lll on the issue of football...ban it I say, and we can all get in some practice with the longbow...that way when the bad guys come round we can shoot the buggers without the need for firearms!

                              All the best



                              • Originally posted by j.r-ahde View Post
                                Well, Ally. It happens to me all the the time: "Oh, you didn't say, that your are going to visit us this weekend?!" So, being an absent-minded person - who forgets everything by nature - is an excuse for fascists like you to gun down persons like me? Weird, to say the least...

                                All the best
                                Ha! The irony....

                                Individual rights and individual responsibility are good old fashioned liberal principles.

                                Now, what certainly is a totalitarian principle is this: the government will keep you safe; the individual has no right to keep him/herself safe.

                                That's the vulgarity of today's world - the totalitarians don't realise they're totalitarians and claim those who value good old liberal principles are fascists.

                                As I said, brain-washing. Even a cursory relflection on political philosophy would lead your average person to conclude that this world is arse over tit; which is why the Americans get a big thumbs up from me - they're the last sane people on this planet.

