Originally posted by DVV
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The actual god of the Jews and Christians ordered the slaughter of the Midianites, who had taken in Moses during his exile. Killed the firstborn son of every Egyptian with his own hand, down to innocent babies in cradles.
The infallible voice of god on earth, the Pope, ordered three crusades, stating that the slaughter of the infidel would guarantee a place a heaven. He ordered the death and banishment of Jews from Catholic nations. And his declarations are the largest contributing factor to the fastest spread of AIDS on the globe.
What makes all of that okay, and the slaughter of Jews in Medina not okay? At least Muhammad was a prophet, a flawed man who did something terrible. His god didn't do it. Not the way ours did. Not the way the head of gods church on earth did.
In case you were unaware of the difference, which seems strange to me, Muhammad was not a god. Jesus was a god. Jesus was god, or is god, or half a god, whatever. Muhammad was a man. No one ever implies otherwise.
Jesus did not go to Poland to kill Jews. His followers did. Allah did not go to Medina to kill Jews. His followers did. Every religion has the potential for violence. Every religion has committed, and still commits great acts of violence. A Christian can be just as sure of his own righteousness in killing as any Muslim. It's not the religions. It's the people.
Jews can follow the example of Noah, and see great evil and disaster, yet say nothing. Or we can follow the example of Abraham, who fought his own god for the lives of people he had never met. It's a choice. Christians can follow the example of Jesus, or they can follow the precepts of his church. Rarely do the two meet. It's a choice. Muslims can follow the example of Muhammad the peacemaker, who stopped a war between the major tribes of Mecca. Or they can follow the example of Muhammad the warrior, who slaughtered unbelievers. It's a choice.
And I didn't confess to being more or less happy with the death of Copts. I like Copts a lot. I like them a lot better than I like Baptists. I confessed to being human. Because sometimes I think that everybody is so stupid and so lacking in imagination that they have to actually suffer what they put others through in order to understand that it isn't okay. Because everyone takes a little bit of pleasure in anything that has even a hint of poetic justice. And every time I hear Christians crying out about how terrible it is that their people (who by the way most of them would completely dismiss Copts as barbarians and pagans) are suffering at the hands of others, I want to say "Good you recognize that it's evil. So STOP DOING IT TO OTHER PEOPLE." And I have said it. and you know what they say?
"But it's completely different."
No it isn't. THAT'S what you don't understand.