I understand your viewpoint Ginger but my issue (and yes it certainly is an issue) is that this is just another part of a pc plot to drive us all further down the rabbit-hole. When we get to a stage, as we’ve arrived at now in Canada, where someone can actually be sent to prison for using the wrong pronoun then it’s time to draw the battle lines. This is utterly insane. HateSpeech is one step away from ThoughError. Political correctness is a cancer that’s polluting the world. There is no such thing as a ‘Theybie.’ Islamaphobia is lie to sustain a victim mentality. More than ever we need clear thinking. Yes I could be accused of being a grumpy old man (I’m 54
) or worse but I really do worry about where we’re heading. I won’t be around to see it but the world that we’re going to be leaving are children and grandchildren is going to be one where people ignore major issues like war and terrorism and focus on meaningless trivialities which only exist in the minds of people who go desperately looking for a cause to be ‘heroic’ about.
