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Rioting in UK capital

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  • Rioting in UK capital

    Hello, gents...

    It's been a while since I have last been on (I am sorry am I not able to make it on here as often as I want, but due to obligations of holding 2 jobs PLUS school, it gets rather diffcicult). Anyway, I came across this article on MSNBC and I was wondering how my British friends on here are taking this whole matter...
    "Rioting and Looting in UK capital"

    I won't make any deals. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed,de-briefed, or numbered!

  • #2
    youth in the middle east riot for basic human freedoms,youth in London riot for 42" plasma tv.Semi literate low life scum and now spreading to Birmingham as well as the pond life there sees opportunity for rich pickings.


    • #3
      Originally posted by brummie View Post
      youth in the middle east riot for basic human freedoms,youth in London riot for 42" plasma tv.Semi literate low life scum and now spreading to Birmingham as well as the pond life there sees opportunity for rich pickings.
      Time to bring back hanging and hard labour. Too many people in this country have absolutely no respect for the rule of law. High time rehabilitation was made subordinate to punishment.


      • #4
        Have a look at this list.. and it's growing by the minute.. Whitechapel High Street and Brick Lane apparently...

        Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

        Justice for the 96 = achieved
        Accountability? ....


        • #5
          This is just terrible. I remember the riots in Notting Hill and Brixton, but they pale in comparison. Has the army been called in yet? The Met doesn't seem to be able to handle it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by The Grave Maurice View Post
            This is just terrible. I remember the riots in Notting Hill and Brixton, but they pale in comparison.
            I'd suggest the Broadwater Farm riot of 1985 doesn't pale in comparison, because someone was killed in that riot.


            • #7
              England is not the country it once was not so long ago.


              • #8
                I love that your outraged that people would riot for material gain. Most riots are like that. The first day is all self righteous and from then on it's emptying out electronics and liquor stores.
                The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                • #9
                  This list makes me so sad. I never, ever thought it would happen.

                  Croydon, Notting Hill, Fulham, Lee, Elephant and Castle, Colliers Wood, Chalk Farm, Balham, Clapham, Old Kent Road, Tower Bridge, Loughborough Junction,
                  Ladbroke Grove, Woolwich, Charlton, Greenwich, Camden, Brent, Clapham Junction, New Cross, Mile End, Ealing, West Ealing, Camden, Whitechapel, Kilburn, Deptford, Enfield, East Ham, Harrow, Catford, Peckham, Lewisham, Brixton, Bethnal Green, Hackney, Ladywell, Denmark Hill, Leyton Mills, Walthamstow, Chingford Mount, Waltham Forest, Dalston, Edmonton, Islington, King's College Hospital, Oxford Circus, Ponder's End, Walthamstow, Tottenham.

                  That's riot and mayhem in at least 50 areas of London.

                  In addition, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool.

                  All youths and teenagers.

                  No wonder the police were stretched.

                  I reckon there will be a curfew imposed in the big cities tonight. I also think the police don't stand a cat's hope in hell's chance.

                  And I wouldn't be at all surprised if the IOC (International Olympic Committee) start to wonder and question whether London is safe for the Olympics NEXT summer.

                  I also wonder what the proud parents of these youths think of their dear children now.

                  Little discipline, a politically correct system where no one dares go over the tiniest of lines, all fuelled by the instant message world we live in.

                  Gut- wrenchingly awful. I am disgusted and very sad that my dear home town of London is in the grip of anarchy conducted by mindless, brainless thugs.

                  I hope as many as humanly possible get caught and get put away for a very, very long time.

                  It's a small miracle that no-one has been killed.

                  God help the normal residents and police if this carries on.

                  My thoughts go out to them all.

                  Bring the Army in Mr. Cameron. Please. The police can't be everywhere chasing lighteningly swift mob rule. The resources are just not there.

                  sad and disgusted

                  Last edited by Phil Carter; 08-09-2011, 08:39 AM.
                  Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                  Justice for the 96 = achieved
                  Accountability? ....


                  • #10
                    I don't mean to be pessimistic, but here it happens every year (the original sparkle always being a cop blunder and always attracting looters and always ending up this way), and it always tend to take pretty long before restoring peace (here generally it takes weeks). I'm sad to know our brittish neighbours seem to start experiencing the same crap we have here on a regular basis.


                    • #11
                      I am saddened and sickend by this inexcusable behaviour and feel very sorry for those who have lost their homes - businesses or workplaces. There is absolutely no reason for this reaction except for outright greed and determination to destroy things for the fun of it.

                      I know the Tottenham Hale area very well. I was born in Walthamstow and raised in Chingford. These areas were always occupied by hard-working and clean living working class people. My elderly aunt and uncle who still live in the area are terrified to go out and hearbroken by the destruction being visited on their beloved London. My aunt lived through the blitz as a small child. That was bad enough - but now the enemy lives in her street.

                      My husband is a London cabbie and was out and about last night. He was keen to get people home from work safely. He leaves his cab in London and travels home to Peterborough on the last train. He arrived home at 3.30am this morning tired and concerned that his cab might be attacked - it's his means of earning a living.

                      My daughter is a paramedic in Leicester. Thankfully she is off duty this week but may get called in. She is part of an international emergency response crew but she qualified for that in order to help victims of earthquakes and floods etc - not people injured by mindless yobs.

                      It is well known on this site that I am a socialist - but I would like to say here and now that the actions of these people deserve harsh punishment. They are traitors to their own kind. Shame on them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Heinrich View Post
                        England is not the country it once was not so long ago.
                        This country is a mess and it needs sorting out.

                        We have a situation where wanton, casual violence is excused as 'disenfranchised sections of society'. This is what happens when the left hold court. To me this is a consequence of years of the 'we just want to make everyone equal' mantra.

                        It is absolutely beyond the pale. And it's high time criminals were subjected to breaking rocks and hard jail, as opposed to gyms, libraries and 3 square meals a day.

                        Now, I can't stand the far right as well as the left. But, let's say what a lot of people don't want to say. If the black sections of this country don't think they're getting a fair crack of the whip in this country, then why don't they just **** off to Africa or Jamaica and get their fair crack over there instead of smashing up this country.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
                          If the black sections of this country don't think they're getting a fair crack of the whip in this country, then why don't they just **** off to Africa or Jamaica and get their fair crack over there instead of smashing up this country.
                          As you've just illustrated, this situation will certainly be a gift to racists everywhere.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Chris View Post
                            As you've just illustrated, this situation will certainly be a gift to racists everywhere.
                            Oh god. All you have to say is 'black' and people jump to the racist conclusion. You've been brainwashed, mate.

                            If it's any consolation to you: I can't stand the far right and the left in equal measures.

                            Also, I want them all gone: white, Pakistani and black. The ones who can't respect private property and the rule of law - colour or race isn't the issue here.

                            It's high time we reverted to some simple principles: break the law and you're going to be on the wrong end of some serious punishment that you won't like (whether white, black, Pakistani or whatever).

                            Let's get out of the EU and have no truck with human rights laws. Let's do it our way, and anyone breaking the law will be subject to hard labour or the death penalty depending upon severity of the crime.

                            We're too much of a soft touch all in the name of the left who believe that people should not take repsonsibility for their actions, but, rather, it's our fault - law abiding citizens - for not giving them opportunity. I mean, ponder that viewpoint for a short period of time and I challenge anyone to not lauigh their heads off. Except it's not funny because that attitude is ruining this country.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post

                              This is what happens when the left hold court.

                              Now, I can't stand the far right as well as the left. But, let's say what a lot of people don't want to say. If the black sections of this country don't think they're getting a fair crack of the whip in this country, then why don't they just **** off to Africa or Jamaica and get their fair crack over there instead of smashing up this country.

                              Firstly - how on earth can you say the left is 'holding court?' Do we have a left-wing government in power? I don't think so! This is NOTHING to do with the left - or the right for that matter.

                              Secondly - why do you single out black people ? Did you see the TV reports? There were white and black involved.

                              This is a case of outrageous public disorder that needs to be dealt with for what it is - violence, thuggery and theft.

                              I agree with Phil - let's have a curfew and let's get some tropps on the streets with water cannons - just until things calm down.

