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  • #91
    Originally posted by babybird67 View Post

    What???? ALL - i repeat ALL - rape victims are blameless! The one to blame is the perpetrator, the rapist, not the victim. I sincerely hoped attitudes like yours towards rape had become extinct with the dinosaurs but obviously not. I dont care what a woman is wearing, that does NOT make her to blame for someone raping her.
    Right on sister!


    • #92
      Tom....I have no trouble with your outfit if you are a dude on a computer somewhere not meeting with the public ....big problems with the outfit if you are a physician or a dentist for example ....not sanitary, for one thing... I'm more into the whole public health problem with the whole thing LOL!

      My whole point is that neither you nor the SWs make any distinction between the two...And, your argument is out the window in any case, because if we should 'all be able to totally express ourselves by wearing whatever we want whenever we want to', then why have a concept of public decency or public decency laws at all then, eh?

      Oh, I would love to wear the outfit, except that I have arthritis and cannot manage the heels any more... if you substitute ballet flats....then - you're on...
      Last edited by cappuccina; 06-20-2011, 11:28 PM.

      "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


      • #93
        The argument is out of the window cappuccina? So you are suggesting that there is no right to free expression because if somebody wore no clothes at all that would breach decency laws? So that apparently means those women did deserve to be raped? Despite the fact they were not naked? Nor wearing so little their genitalia were on display? Or even at work?

        Decency laws are a caveat, not an argument against the right, and there has been no suggestion the law was broken. If it hadthat still does not justify the assumption that the girls were to blame for their assualt. If you want me to ammend my statement "The right to freedom of expression means people can wear whatever they wish (as long as their genitalia is covered) and not get raped", then I can't. Because there is a difference between not expecting to be raped and expecting to cause ire in the workplace or to get arrested. Even if somebody chose to stroll around naked it is not justification or an incentive to rape them.
        There Will Be Trouble!


        • #94
          Oh no............

          Originally posted by TomTomKent View Post
          Give me permission if you like Bumpkin Dimwit. But I will stick to the name you deserve untill you earn some respect.

          And yes, the girls in that picture appear to have vastly more dignity than you. "Little Man."
          LTT is trying to be macho!! If I was looking for respect LTT I certainly wouldn't bother if I got it from a person who has great difficulty spelling simple words like you!

          I also find it strange making such a statement about dignity without knowing anything about me. Perhaps I ought to post some pictures and let everyone else decide.


          • #95
            Words of wisdom

            Originally posted by cappuccina View Post
            In all seriousness, it's a balancing act...

            OTOH no one EVER has the right to violate anyone's person...

            OTOH, everyone needs to have some common sense about safety and public appropriateness...

            This doesn't mean women (or men...LOL) need to dress like nuns....However, some common sense like not walking in big city neighborhoods at 3:00 a.m. in your underwear, or even not in your underwear but unaccompanied is also a good idea...

            Yes, in a perfect world we could all wear whatever we want wherever and at any time, and could walk anywhere without fear. However, that is not the case...nor will it ever be the case....

            Yes, rape is primarily a crime of power...And in most cases what the victim is wearing vis a vis sexual assaults does NOT look at specific situations where a woman has been followed from a bar or club of some type...and then what she is wearing can come more into play...

            I often hear from young women...we should be able to walk wherever we want to alone at any time....of course I agree with that! However, that's simply not reality. Fact.

            Even though my daughter is 6 feet tall and EXTREMELY strong and physically fit (she can "upend" men her size and considerably bigger than her ), there are situations where she should NOT be/walk alone, and she is smart enought to know that...

            Well put.


            • #96

              Originally posted by cappuccina View Post
              Tom read what I wrote again, and look at what I am saying....if you have kids, you will understand it perfectly...It's about using common sense, really...
              Which is what I've maintained all along, but with Little Tom Tom expecting him and common sense to collide is a bit of a forlorn hope.


              • #97
                More nonsense from Babybird

                ALL - i repeat ALL - rape victims are blameless! The one to blame is the perpetrator, the rapist, not the victim.

                Utter tripe!


                • #98
                  *Removed at poster's request for inappropriate content.
                  Last edited by Admin; 06-21-2011, 08:15 PM.
                  There Will Be Trouble!


                  • #99
                    Surely the argument is whether or not "dressing like a slut" is tempting providence or not.In the" right" situation,with the "wrong" people present ,it most surely would be.Thats not to say only sluttily dressed women get raped ,obviously....or that the rapist is entitled to rape.I dont believe anyone has suggested that,in all fairness.Why the vitriol?
                    To me, it appears this discussion is now being used as an arena for petty point scoring tactics and personal attacks.Tis a pity.


                    • Surely the argument is whether or not "dressing like a slut" is tempting providence or not.In the" right" situation,with the "wrong" people present ,it most surely would be.Thats not to say only sluttily dressed women get raped ,obviously....or that the rapist is entitled to rape.I dont believe anyone has suggested that,in all fairness.
                      If the mode of dress does not entitle rape then the statement was not tripe. Bob said the statement was tripe, meaning that the rapist is not to blame alone, and the victim is not blameless. Bob has to all intents and purposes argued exactly those points. If there is no argument to be made for the state of dresss of the victim, there is no need to attribute any responsibility to them. Which. LittleBobby-boo has.
                      There Will Be Trouble!


                      • Nothing ENTITLES rape,its not about entitlement.Its about whether some women contribute,in measure large or small, to their own demise.
                        Like the person who kills both of his parents ,then complains because hes an Orphan.Maybe not a pefect analogy,but .......

                        Likewise.. Is a person who walks round Brixton late at night with £50 notes bulging from his pockets and visible to all entitled to be robbed? No he isnt-but he most certainly will be if he does it often enough.
                        Is a person who leaves his car unlocked outside on the street every night entitled to have his car stolen? Answer..ditto
                        Is a person who is naive and too trusting entitled to be ripped off?..answer ditto

                        Now what have all those individuals got in common? They didnt commit the crime,They didnt want the crime to occur,but they all contributed to the likelihood of that crime being committed.
                        Last edited by glyn; 06-21-2011, 03:12 PM.


                        • I cannot BELIEVE some of the comments and views being expressed on this thread.

                          Without exception, women have the right to walk the streets at any time of day and night dressed in whatever they wish WITHOUT being molested. So do men.

                          Anyone who rapes or sexually assaults another person is entirely responsible for their actions and should be punished.

                          If you disagree with this view – then consider this scenario. A man I knew some years ago thought that any woman wearing a skirt that was not below knee length was a slut. Most people would not hold the same view. So – does that man then have the right to attack women wearing skirts on or slightly above knee length because he considers they are inviting it for being sluttish? Who is going to decide what is and is not acceptable?

                          Furthermore, it is disrespectful to men to assume that they cannot control themselves sufficiently when confronted with a woman in a short skirt or low cut top.

                          IF there are individuals out there who think a bit of flesh on show is an invitation to attack a woman then they should be LOCKED UP.


                          • Originally posted by glyn View Post
                            Nothing ENTITLES rape,its not about entitlement.Its about whether some women contribute,in measure large or small, to their own demise.
                            When it comes to rape they don't. Apparently it is incapable of getting through your and your fellow neanderthals heads that it has been proven that attire has nothing to do with rape! Women are raped while dressed in business suits, women are raped while dressed in freaking burkas. How one is dressed has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether one is targeted for rape. How hard is that for idiots to understand?

                            Likewise.. Is a person who walks round Brixton late at night with £50 notes bulging from his pockets and visible to all entitled to be robbed? No he isnt-but he most certainly will be if he does it often enough.
                            No, the analogy would be if a person walks around Brixton wearing nice, expensive clothes that show he isn't a bloody pauper, does he contribute to his being robbed? Should you have to go around wearing cheap, crappy rags so as not to be robbed?

                            No woman who is raped was first lying naked in the streets with her legs spread and directional arrows painted on her thighs which is your "visible to all" scenario.

                            Is a person who leaves his car unlocked outside on the street every night entitled to have his car stolen? Answer..ditto
                            So by this analogy, if you don't wear a protective chastity belt, you contribute when I come up and stick a dildo up your ass. It's your fault for not taking proper precautions?

                            There are no precautions one can take in regards to wardrobe when it comes to rape. Name a single piece of clothing that will prevent a rape.
                            Last edited by Ally; 06-21-2011, 03:46 PM.

                            Let all Oz be agreed;
                            I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                            • Originally posted by glyn View Post
                              Nothing ENTITLES rape,its not about entitlement.Its about whether some women contribute,in measure large or small, to their own demise.
                              Like the person who kills both of his parents ,then complains because hes an Orphan.Maybe not a pefect analogy,but .......

                              Likewise.. Is a person who walks round Brixton late at night with £50 notes bulging from his pockets and visible to all entitled to be robbed? No he isnt-but he most certainly will be if he does it often enough.
                              Is a person who leaves his car unlocked outside on the street every night entitled to have his car stolen? Answer..ditto
                              Is a person who is naive and too trusting entitled to be ripped off?..answer ditto

                              Now what have all those individuals got in common? They didnt commit the crime,They didnt want the crime to occur,but they all contributed to the likelihood of that crime being committed.
                              Don't blame me officer! He thought he could walk down the street with a wallet. It is clearly his own fault I mugged him. Blame him!
                              There Will Be Trouble!


                              • And was it not the point that the rapist felt entitled to rape the victim?
                                There Will Be Trouble!

