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Aussie Rules Football

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  • Aussie Rules Football

    Hello there everyone... this is my first attempt at a thread...and the reason is.. well I am a huge Footy fan but alas i live in the United States (and yes i was born and raised in the States.. became a footy fan by accident many years ago) I guess i am starting this to.. well maybe get to talk to some other Footy fans (as there are none here) and well, actually hear feedback from people on how the games go week by week, reading about them is fine and all.. but nothing beats hearing from a fan.

    It's sad that I can hardly get any games here, i can get Setanta Sports on satalite however, i can not get a dish in my if i get to actually watch 2 or 3 games a year i'm lucky...

    So I guess I'll start this off by saying.. I am a big Brisbane Lions fan and am a club supporter (yes even living in BUffalo NY)..... now don't hold that against me... and not post (as it seems every time i do meet a Footy fan and they find out i am a Lions supporter... well there is lotsa of laughing and making fun of me..

    Now lets try and get a good Thread going as the season starts in about a Month and I look foward to talking to other Footy fans (even if you support the Swans!) so come on folks, lets have some fun this season.......and please tell me.. isthere anyone who can beat Geelong.......

    -----Go Lions!!!-----

  • #2
    Hi steadmund Brand

    Carlton supporter for decades. Go you Navy Blues!

    You might find what you need for next season here

    if you can tune in via the web thingy. They already have an American dude as one of their tippers on Lindy Burns' Drive spot.

    Just give us a few weeks to get over the crigget, mate
    Chief Superintendent Brownlow: "Are there any Tension Indicators? Over!"

    DI Galloway: "Tension indicators?! They're throwing bloody petrol bombs. Sir."


    • #3
      Hello Phryne Fisher.. and thanks for posting... and thank you so much for that link..... Carlton supporter eh.. well we will see you in the second round .... GO LIONS!!

      it's such a great sport, I wish it would catch on more in the States... but our country is crazy for American football... which I must admit I find rather boring.. and I am a big sports fan.

      Again, nice to talk to you, and hope we can again as the season goes on (even if after week two you wont want to as the Lions will thrash your Blues......cheers!!)


      • #4
        Seems to have gone quiet here.. come on people the seaon starts in a few days!!!!

        GO LIONS!


        • #5
          Yeah, sorry steadmund, not much to say so far except that Carlton beat your mob in a practice game last weekend (but practice games mean bugger-all; we'll see what happens in the second round, eh?).

          Oh, and your new champion player, Brendan Fevola, is in trouble again:

          For anyone who's interested, and doesn't know what I'm talking about, Fevola played for my team, Carlton, for 10 years or so, until they finally sacked him at the end of last season after one-too-many instances of public drunken shenanigans.

          It's a great shame; I loved Fev - on the field, anyway. Gotta admire a bloke who wins the Coleman medal (for most goals by any player in the League) the year his team comes stone motherless last. That's what I call a champion. Unfortunately, off the field he's a champion dickhead

          Maybe we'll get some Collingwood supporters on here, steady; I love giving Maggie fans a hard time.
          Chief Superintendent Brownlow: "Are there any Tension Indicators? Over!"

          DI Galloway: "Tension indicators?! They're throwing bloody petrol bombs. Sir."


          • #6
            Check this out for some classic VFL


            • #7
              Yeah yeah Phryne.. i knew that was comming thats right.. wait till April 1st and you know how embarrassing it will be to be beaten by the Lions what with their ugly new gurnseys? (is it sad that I may still buy one.....).. oh and thanks for the news update.. no I had not seen that (I know.. being an American you knew I wouldnt have.. so thanks again!)...but wow thats not bad at all compared to what our American sports stars do... he would be considered an angel here...... again.. thanks mate!

              Belinda... welcome to the thread.. and thank you for the link! you didnt tell us who you support though?... please do.. tell us a bit about yourself and look foward to talking to you all more........oh and by the way.. HAppy Birthday soon.. (saw you are the 13th.. I'm the 15th... happy happy to you)

              don't like the MAggies eh Phryne? I myself got my brother into footy a few years ago and he is now a Geelong supporter (always back a winner eh?) as i said.. just happy he's not a Swans fan

              talk to you all soon!!!

              GO BRISBANE!!!


              • #8
                Welcome Belinda; do tell us who your team is

                Sorry I can't watch your linked vids; I'm working with a sullen old bitch of an out-of-date computer that decided some months ago that she didn't want to look at video links any more: my browser crashes every time I click on a You Tube link, dammit

                For mine, the 1970 VFL Grand Final was the best afternoon of footy ever. Yes, it was between CARLTON and collingwood. We Mighty Blues were 44 points down at half time. We won by 10 points

                One of the many useless facts stuck in my sad old head is the number of people at that 1970 Grand Final: 121,696*. Now that's a crowd. The 'G, what with its renovations since then, can no longer hold that many people, so I guess it's an all-time record.

                Google it; it's magic!

                *I wasn't one of them, unfortunately; I watched it on the telly in my parents' home in Canberra.
                Chief Superintendent Brownlow: "Are there any Tension Indicators? Over!"

                DI Galloway: "Tension indicators?! They're throwing bloody petrol bombs. Sir."


                • #9
                  Wow Phryne what a great memory.... i cant say that I have one for Fotty that can compare... now for other sports I have many (especially boxing... now that is my true passion.... and profession in a way.. more on that at another time... or if you are at all interested.. but this is a footy thread)... I will say watching the Lions win back2back was amazing.... falling short the next year was hard (but not as hard as not even making the playoffs for the next 5 years hahaha)..... now I would like to ask a few questions if I may.... how big is Footy there.. I have heard from people that it's really not as big as it once was.. and that rugby and cricket are much bigger (and that American baseball is really growing there... not that that is a bad thing.. baseball is my 2nd favorite team sport afterall).. my other question is.....why oh why are the fight songs oh so terrible hahahaha (fight songs are kinda odd to us Americans anyway.. seeing as it is more a college thing.. pro sports here dont seem to have them).

                  I want to thank you again for posting and keeping up the thread... and hey maybe if you'd like we can trade Jerseys or something... I can get you any American pro sports teams Jersey if you could Pick up one of the new (ugly but new) Lions ones... I mean.. up to you...

                  So so you have any interest in any American (or north American... we can count Hockey) sports?

                  good talkingt o you again.. and keep in touch.

                  --Steadmund Brand---


                  • #10
                    I barrack for Sydney Swans! GO SWANS!

                    "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


                    • #11
                      OH NO a Swans fan!!!!! well I do have to admit I am a fan of Barry Hall... but wow... I was in Vegas one night a few years ago...was looking all over for a place that would be able to show a game ( and there is no betting on Footy in Vegas.. strange eh?) anyway while in one sports book i ran into two guys from Sydney.. the Swans were playing the Lions that night... led to a long night of drinking and and Footy talk... was quite nice... and to make it even better Brisbane won by I think 30 some odd points that night.... good on ya boys!!


                      • #12
                        Supe A Swans Fan! I'm having Warick Capper flashbacks Oh no now I'm remembering a Pink Ferrarri

                        I don't actively follow football but I have a soft spot for Collingwood because my Grandfather was going to play for them but he got Polio

                        Do any of you remember Mark "Jacko"Jackson? He looked and even sounded alot like my Grandfather


                        • #13
                          Hello again all... Awww sad story Belinda... my grandfather was drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals.. but was shipped off to WWII instead where he came home with a leg full of metal.... his baseball career was over.. and he remained a nasty bitter old man till he died.... hmm wow reading it like that doesnt sound so charming

                          well just a few more weeks till the season starts.... I can't wait.... Brisbane made it back to the palyoffs last season so this season I have high hopes... or maybe I'm just high.... but that cant be as i am sober.. of well..

                          look foward to hearing more from you all... Go Lions!!


                          • #14
                            Only 3 days until Brisbane starts the long climb towards the grand finals!!!!

                            let the games begin!!


                            • #15
                              Sorry to burst your bubble here, but I'm afraid it's going to be the mighty Richmond Tigers to take out the flag this year, under the leadership of Damien Hardwick....

                              Now, we just need to convince the greatest of great full forwards, Matthew Richardson, to come out of retirement....or wait for his son....


