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  • Yes, I agree, I Want To Believe wasn't upto much, I mean what was the point of Billy Connolly and the visions, when all the time we were looking for Russians with a two headed dog!

    I am halfway through series 2 at the moment, and just watched the 3 parter where Scully is abducted, and X kills some bloke! All very exciting!
    Regards Mike


    • Well if you guys are recommending films I guess I should stand up for; THE READER..

      Thought provoking, if a little slow to start. Beautifully shot and great performances. Easily the best film of the year leaving Australia and Benjamin Button far behind.

      It avoided the usual Nazi clichés and gave a small window on the futility of war..

      The only film that I’ve watched the extra scenes and thought why did they cut them out?

      Touched by humanity, highly recommended.



      • Yes, I'd like to see that

        I keep meaning to do it.

        Have you seen Pan's Labyrinth, Pirate - that's an uncomfortable film to watch, and quite profound? Your comment about the futility of war brought it to mind, as I recently watched it. It's one of those films that stays with you long after it's finished.


        Best wishes

        Jane x


        • A couple of months ago the Sunday Times gave away a DVD of 'Cabaret', which I hadn't seen for a good 20 years. This has to be one of the greatest films about music (as opposed to a musical) ever made, and although I'm rather cynical about such self-laudatory matters, Liza Minelli was a deserving Oscar winner. Joel Gray as the MC was (disturbingly) brilliant, too. The scene in which the (supposed) Nazi youth-anthem 'Tomorrow Belongs To Me' is for me one of the most chilling in modern cinema. And I mean chilling....I knew the version by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band before I understood what it was all about....

          I lent the sodding DVD to a 'friend' (yeah?) who proceeded to bloody-well lose it...


          We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


          • Pans Labrynth is an excellent, if dark and difficult to watch, movie!
            Just happy to be alive.


            • Hi Jane

              Yes I’ve seen Pans Labyrinth, but some time ago. A very good film I shall re -visit it as recommended…trust you are well!

              I watched the AVIATOR tonight. While being a big admirer of Leonardo DiCaprioI I thought the film didn’t get inside the MAN..

              But then I’m a big fan/enthusiast of Howard Hues and his strange life…can you believe that he survived three air crashes!

              Some of us are never satisfied…

              Sweet dreams all



              • I wasn't impressed with the Aviator either, it just seemed to scratch the surface rather than dissect it!
                That said I enjoyed DiCaprio and Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can, which is an easy going, well crafted movie, which features a cautionary tale, "Don't trust DiCaprio"

                My son has a thing about war films at the moment, so rather than show him the rose tinted movies I thought I would throw him in at the deep end with Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, and Pearl Harbor.
                Regards Mike


                • Pearl Harbor was puerile nonsense, and not a patch on Tora, Tora, Tora!.

                  We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                  • Some of my favorite war films are Stalingrad and Enemy at the Gates as well as Ryan and Tora.
                    This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                    Stan Reid


                    • He's only 5, so Tora Tora Tora will come at a later stage.

                      I loved Enemy at the Gates, I still have a lot of promo material from when it was released.

                      I watched Journey to the Centre of the Earth last night, purely because it was on TV and there wasn't a lot else on. It was the Brendan Fraser movie, and sucked! Even the wife turned around and asked...."What game are you playing on?" thinking it was a game because the visual effects sucked!
                      Regards Mike


                      • Hi Mike,

                        I watched Journey to the Centre of the Earth last night, purely because it was on TV and there wasn't a lot else on. It was the Brendan Fraser movie, and sucked! Even the wife turned around and asked...."What game are you playing on?" thinking it was a game because the visual effects sucked!
                        Couldn't have been much worse than the 1959 version with James Mason and Pat Boone(!)

                        I too was bored last night so watched 'Life Of Brian' for the umpteenth time - it never fails to make me hoot with laughter.


                        We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                        • I saw the original at the theater in 1959 and remember all the girls squealing during Pat Boone's "nude scene". For the boys, the highlight was the preview for Fire Down Below.
                          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                          Stan Reid


                          • Originally posted by Graham View Post
                            I too was bored last night so watched 'Life Of Brian' for the umpteenth time - it never fails to make me hoot with laughter.


                            Next time I get tempted I am going to roll the DVD out and watch Life of Brian again. Both that and Holy Grail have me crying with laughter!
                            Regards Mike


                            • Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
                              Next time I get tempted I am going to roll the DVD out and watch Life of Brian again. Both that and Holy Grail have me crying with laughter!
                              He wanks as high as anyone in Wome!

                              We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                              • Hi all,
                                Could not resist to add comment on Life of Brian - possibly the funniest movie ever made. There are scenes in that movie that never tire and still give me 'real fits'.

                                Brian is put in a cell with an old man , with a grey beard,who watches as a Roman gaurd spits in Brian's face. The old man declares to the gaurd that it is " Bloody Favouritism".
                                Brian replies that he does not think it such an honour, or something to that extent. The old man's response " I often lie awake at night dreaming of what it would be like to be spat at in the face".
                                That one scene still has me floored for half an hour.

                                Then there is John Cleese's famous Quote to ceasar ." Bicus dicus - it's a joke name sir". Ceasar replies thus " I have a fwend named Bicus Dicus." . " he has a wife too, incontinentia buttox".

                                I agree that most modern movies are crap. The remake of Planet of the apes is a good example. I did enjoy the original with Charlton Heston - an all time classic. In the remake, it is all special effects and nothing to back it up. When the main character arrives( Goldman, I think,) on the planet, he is not even slightly peturbed by the fact it is run by apes. Hard to see.

                                Hollywood lost the plot a long time ago. It now gives us nothing more than boring, predictable, production line movies. They are unrealistically boring,have few good actors and have no mystery. They are a good add for reading , or going online. Thanks, Q.

