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  • Terminator 4
    Rounded up a few loose ends, and I actually enjoyed it.

    Transformers 2
    I enjoyed it, it had big bangs and robots that could be cars! Oh and Megan Fox!

    Night in the Museum 2
    I fell asleep! Woops!

    Ice Age 3
    Fantastic installment to a great series for all the family.

    Monsters Vs Aliens
    Amusing adventure with monsters from earth fighting aliens from space!

    Quality tense thriller with Cruise supported by a fantastic cast.
    Regards Mike


    • Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
      Terminator 4
      Rounded up a few loose ends, and I actually enjoyed it.
      I enjoyed it too--I think it could've been better, but it was okay.

      Night in the Museum 2
      I fell asleep! Woops!
      I thought this was pretty good too. It lost some of the whimsy of the original, but Jeremy Irons is a hoot as the bad guy.
      “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


      • Watching an interesting Asian epic called "The Shadowless Sword".

        It's pretty darned good--lots of action, great visuals, simple but well-executed story. It's no "Red Cliffs", but then what is?
        “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


        • I watched "No Country for Old Men" and did not enjoy it at all. It went by me completely. I have no idea how it won the Oscar for Best Picture.



          • I also watched "Vertigo", the classic Hitchcock movie with Jimmy Stuart and Kim Novak. Enjoyed that one.



            • I watched another classic Hitchcock movie last night "Psycho." Great movie. There is one scene where Norman Bates starts to get nervous and starts stuttering. Hitchcock chose to focus the camera on his neck as he speaks. You can see how upset and agitated he is by the way his neck moves. Pure genius.


              P.S. I will always remember the scene in "Dial M for Murder" where Ray Milland dials the phone knowing that when his wife answers it she will be killed. With each number dialed, Hitchcock switches to the phone exchange machinery and you see the levers moving bringing his wife one step closer to death.


              • c.d.

                Hitchcock was a master of suspense wasn't he? Still makes the old skin tingle watching Dial M for murder..

                best wishes

                Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                Justice for the 96 = achieved
                Accountability? ....


                • Hi Phil,

                  Yeah, Hitch was a master no question about it. There was something chilling about the phone machinery just doing its job in a cold and impersonal way.



                  • Paranormal Activity - This movie came with a great deal of hype...scariest movie ever etc. I liked it and thought it was pretty damn scary. Got a lot of bad reviews on It is totally a psychological thriller and if you are use to chain saws and decapitations you probably won't like it.

                    Mr. Deeds Goes to Town - With Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur. A classic by director Frank Capra. Nobody does these types of feel good hokey movies like Capra. It was very enjoyable.

                    Jezebel - With Bette Davis and Henry Fonda. Enjoyed it a lot. Bette was one of a kind.


                    P.S. I got a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) from my cable company. It looks just like a regular cable box. All you have to do is go to the schedule of what is playing, highlight what you want to record and hit the record button. That's it. No muss, no fuss. It is a great way to record things that are on when you are not home or are asleep. Watch them whenever you want after they are recorded. Highly recommended.


                    • I watched the new Sherlock Holmes last night.

                      Despite all the criticisms I heard, I rather likded it. There's definitely a chemistry between Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law, the plot is solid, and it looks great.
                      “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


                      • I just watched "Sunset Boulevard" with William Holden and Gloria Swanson. Well not actually with them because they are dead but you know what I mean. Directed by Billy Wilder. I had always heard that this is a Hollywood classic and it definitely is. Great movie. If you've never seen it, do yourself a favor and rent it.

                        "All right Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close up."



                        • I bought 'up' in HD for about 15 quid through my Playstation3. I had never bought a film in that way before, once I had downloaded it I own it forever on my PS3 HDD, or if I loose it by getting a new, bigger HDD I can simply download it again.

                          I bought it because one of my friends said that despite it being an animated motion picture it was still a sensible and well written movie.

                          Crikey they were right.

                          UP is a brilliant film, please don't let the fact that it is a 'cartoon' put you off.

                          give it a go.

                          ..."(this is my literary discovery and is copyright protected)"...


                          • Just saw "Sleepy Hollow" directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. Very good with incredible sets. I recommend it highly.



                            • c.d. I agree wholeheartedly. I thought Sleepy Hollow was brilliant.

                              Finally got around to seeing Iron Man this weekend. Surprisingly good. That's twice that Robert Downey Jr. has earned my respect in the last couple of weeks (his brilliant Sherlock Holmes being the other).
                              “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


                              • Just saw "Pulp Fiction." Never really had a desire to see it before thinking that it was just not my type of movie. It is definitely a like it or hate it movie and few people will be in the middle of the road. I thought it was good.


