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On The Trail Of The Forgers

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  • [QUOTE=JSchmidt;17924]"Money is not the only possible motive. Sometimes it is horribly hard to extricate yourself from a situation, especially if were convinced of your position and told that with vigour."

    Wise words JSchimdt, this takes courage and honesty .. if one finds oneself in such a situation .. don't cringe, think of it as a great opportunity.

    "I'd give people the benefit of the doubt, "it's all about money" says more of your preconceptions and not necessarily something about the person you are talking about."

    I'll pay that one .. true, and wisely spoken.

    "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
    of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


    • Originally posted by Maria View Post
      Caroline knows that I will remind her of her own words everytime she tries to get away from them. She believes the above, whilst she doesn´t mind saying the opposite in order to sell books, that is dishonest in MY book.

      Dear Maria,
      so far I have not been involved in this argument, so I'm not sure about the chronology of it.
      This quote sounds pretty clear. But I do not know if she did change her mind after that because she got to see new evidence or if she offered a contradictory statement at the same time without further explanation. So I can only refrain from judgement on that.
      As I said above, even if she offered contradictory statements, that does not necessarily mean that she is after money. We might speculate that, but we also might offer the explanation that I offered above, that it is hard to admit that you might have been wrong. Loss of face is another valid explanation.
      We only have circumstantial evidence about motives and even about that I'm not really sure at all. So personally I can only say that I am unable to judge in this case and that you should try to be less accusing as a) it is not necessarily intended as a personal affront against you and b) the motives you see there may not be the actual motives.
      "The human eye is a wonderful device. With a little effort, it can fail to see even the most glaring injustice." - Quellcrist Falconer
      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" - Johannes Clauberg


      • The Real Diary House.

        Here Troopers is the real building where the diary was written.
        It sits on the clifftop at Cronulla facing the vast Pacific Ocean.
        The present residents even have a flag in the window of the very apartment
        where young Steven Park once sat, pen in hand, staring out of that very window while writing his story.
        (Photo courtesy of Victoria)

        Steve Powell.
        Attached Files


        • Room with a View


          I know Steven had his own reasons and motives,
          for his inspiration to write the diary ........

          didn't need the help of the wonderful ocean sounds
          and vista, but he was fortunate to have such a 'room with
          a view' to contemplate and work from.

          Hope the book and research is going well,

          "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
          of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


          • Meeting at the pub: George gives advice.

            They can never poke you in the eye
            with your hands like that.
            Ain't that somethin' dal?
            Attached Files


            • H.H. 'Thirsty for the Truth'

              The Dalai Lama replies,

              "You are very funny George, I like to laugh,
              and what you say is true, but only worldly .. wise,
              like you.
              George we must also remember why we are here ...

              'This pub is dedicated to revealing the truth behind
              the hoaxing and forging of the Maybrick diary'
              ... those were the publicans words, and I have faith
              that the truth will be revealed to all.
              So join me George for a cool glass of refreshing truth,
              whilst we wait ... "
              "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
              of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


              • The Dregs

                Originally posted by Maria View Post

                Of course Caz is missing the point because she can only see it from her own point of view. She knows perfectly well this is a hoax but she doesn´t mind conning the public, so long as it sells, it doesn´t matter to her if its her grand-mother she is selling.
                Of course if Maria was not such a stranger to the truth, and was not in the habit of mangling practically every bit of information she ever comes across, then I might have worried about people taking evil lies like this seriously. I know I have not conned the public out of a lousy stinking penny. And anyone whose opinion means anything to me does not doubt it.

                As it is, the only people who should be worried are the poor sods who see things from the same point of view as Maria. A ham sandwich has the same chance of seeing the light.

                Originally posted by Maria View Post

                Except that Caroline has already said to everyone the following and I quote:

                " I believe in the diary because I know it exists. If you mean ' I still believe ' it was penned by James Maybrick aka Jack the Ripper, then you are quite simply wrong because I cannot ' believe ' that and never have been able to believe it " Unquote...

                ...Caroline knows that I will remind her of her own words everytime she tries to get away from them. She believes the above, whilst she doesn´t mind saying the opposite in order to sell books, that is dishonest in MY book.
                I wonder what 'the opposite' would be, in Maria's mind?

                And I wonder where she thinks I have said the opposite - anywhere, and for any purpose?

                Not that it matters really, considering her track record for getting everything backwards. I may as well ask the cat.

                Maria tries her best, bless her. But all she does is demonstrate why this thread is stuck down the pub, with dregs like mythical trips to Australia to conspire with mythical hoaxers.


                Last edited by caz; 05-16-2008, 06:24 PM.
                "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                • Of course, Caroline is right about this much... The hoaxers are "mythical" -- at least until someone provides evidence linking them to the diary's origins.

                  And speaking of unseen evidence and the diary's origins....

                  Nah, it's too easy.



                  • Originally posted by Omlor View Post
                    Of course, Caroline is right about this much... The hoaxers are "mythical" -- at least until someone provides evidence linking them to the diary's origins.

                    And speaking of unseen evidence and the diary's origins....

                    Nah, it's too easy.

                    Mr O,

                    Who, in your honest opinion, produced the 'Diary'?

                    I live in hope,

                    We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                    • Graham,

                      I honestly don't know.



                      • Originally posted by Omlor View Post

                        I honestly don't know.


                        Well, you can't be fairer than that. An honest answer to a straight question.

                        I'm almost beginning to like you...


                        We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                        • Originally posted by Omlor View Post
                          Of course, Caroline is right about this much... The hoaxers are "mythical" -- at least until someone provides evidence linking them to the diary's origins.
                          Hi Graham,

                          Do you think John is finally getting the message, concerning everyone who has been blamed over the years for hoaxing the diary - or watch (and everyone who has claimed over the years to know who hoaxed either of them)?

                          This is the most positive I have ever felt about this thread.


                          "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                          • If Caroline Morris can show me one post I have ever written here or anywhere else during all the years I have been posting where I have specifically blamed anyone or even seriously accused anyone in particular of hoaxing the diary or the watch, I'll happily send her a hundred dollars cash.

                            Of course, she can't.

                            So nothing I have written here lately, including saying that I don't know who actually wrote the words in the diary, is in any way a departure from what I have been writing all along.

                            I do, by the way, know who did not write those words. The real James Maybrick.

                            Of course, nothing at all is new in any case. We still have people like Steve Powell and IKJ and Keith Skinner, all of whom claim in public to have evidence concerning the diary's origins but who won't present it to the public (for reasons that remain unclear).

                            In fact, now that I think about it, Steve actually hasn't claimed to have any evidence. He just says he knows who did it.

                            It's only Keith and old IKJ who claim in public to have the secret goods that would tell us all about where the diary came from but who refuse to put up the goods.

                            I'm glad if all of that gives Caroline a positive feeling.

                            But it's still the same old game.


                            PS: To be fair, I think at two different points I did accuse Chris George and Martin Fido of writing the diary. But other than that...
                            Last edited by Omlor; 05-19-2008, 10:23 PM.


                            • not crazy

                              So ...
                              after all of the above, and what has gone before ...
                              the name of this thread is still very relevant,
                              On The Trail Of The Forgers

                              It seems agreed by the 'experts' here and the ordinary folk,
                              that it was not the real James Maybrick,


                              "The hoaxers/forgers are mythical .. at least until someone
                              provides evidence linking them to the diary's origins".

                              So if Steve, who by the way, really is telling the truth,
                              can find the 'evidence link' ....
                              (I know that he is trying his best to do so)
                              (Just on that point, why would someone go to such lengths,
                              trying to find 'physical' proof, if you knew you were lying ..
                              that would be crazy.)
                              .. then it will be case solved, game over ...
                              what shall we do next ?..
                              have a drink ..
                              or a mineral water ..
                              or just go home.

                              "This is the most positive I have ever felt about this thread".
                              (in the words of Caz)

                              "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                              of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                              • Hi Victoria,

                                Love the way you put the word experts in quote marks. Quite right too - there are no real experts when it comes to the diary’s true origins.

                                Originally posted by Victoria View Post

                                (Just on that point, why would someone go to such lengths,
                                trying to find 'physical' proof, if you knew you were lying ..
                                that would be crazy.)
                                Does it not occur to you that this is exactly what Steve wants everyone to believe about Paul Feldman? We are asked to believe that Feldy went to quite extraordinary lengths, trying to find proof for his belief that the diary was genuine, apparently knowing all the time he was lying because he had been instrumental in creating it in the late 20th century.

                                So if you think the lengths to which Steve has been going would make it crazy in his case, you need to multiply it by about a thousand to get anywhere near the craziness in Feldy’s case.

                                If you can believe it about Feldy, then you’d better start believing it about Steve too.

                                If you can’t believe it about Feldy (and at the moment I think it’s just you and Maria who are even entertaining such a crazy idea), then you’d better start questioning everything else Steve has been claiming.

                                Meanwhile, I'm more than happy to let Omlor say it like it is:

                                Originally posted by Omlor View Post

                                The hoaxers are "mythical"

                                "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov

