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Bible John (General Discussion)

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  • Just for anyone that hasn’t read the book this is from Glasgow Crime Fighter: The Les Brown Story.

    Brown was a Glasgow police officer and I have to admit that I haven’t read the whole book yet just the small Bible John content but having a quick skim it looks like a lively read and a trawl through some interesting Glasgow characters (perhaps none that you’d want accompanying you to a poetry reading though) He writes:

    Joe was of the opinion that Helen Puttock's sister was the key witness since she had spent time in Barrowland in the company of the man who killed her sister. I was not so sure that this was the right way to go. Instead, I thought we should be concentrating on women who may have been picked up by Bible John but not killed by him. However, Helen's sister was taken all over town and asked to be on the lookout for guys who looked like the man she shared a taxi with on the night of the murder. It didn't work.

    Because of the poster and the press interest, it seemed, at times, that the whole of Glasgow was on the hunt for the killer. Occasionally, possible suspects were picked up but they were all eliminated. One of them was a man called John McInnes but Helen's sister did not pick him out at an identity parade and other witnesses who had the chance to pick him out also failed to finger him. He committed suicide in 1980 aged forty-one. The rumours about him lingered on till the late nineties and only then, after his body had been exhumed and DNA tests carried out, was it finally confirmed that he was not the infamous Bible John.

    This puts some of the other ‘findings’ of the killer into context – including a couple of odd experiences I had myself. The Bible John case filled the minds of the police for years after the killings but life – or, in the case of the Serious Crime Squad, death – went on as usual.

    Two years after the Puttock killing, a colleague and I were driving eastwards along Argyle Street when we spotted a man and a woman in heated discussion. For some reason, we decided to talk to them and we followed them into George Square. We separated them and I spoke to the woman who said she only knew her companion as John and he had just picked her up at the Barrowland. The man gave a name and address – 28 St Andrew's Street in the city centre, opposite the old police office. The woman was allowed to take the bus home. The man went to the Central with us. The address he had given us was false. Back at the office, I handcuffed him to a radiator – something he took badly. This time he gave an address in the Gorbals.

    I went there, little thinking that my days at the Weirs plant in Cathcart would be brought back to me vividly. The man we had lifted stayed there with his elderly mother. She asked me right out if I thought her son was Bible John. I replied, ‘That's what we're looking at.’ The old woman said, ‘He could be – he regularly goes to the Barrowland.’ She went off to make a cup of tea and, as she did so, I had a look, as you do, at the photographs on the mantelpiece and got a shock – I recognised a man as Bob who had been an attendant in the power house at Weirs in my days there. When the mother returned I asked about Bob, her husband, and she told me he had accidentally gassed himself in the kitchen. I found it hard to believe. He had been in the Royal Navy and during his service he had been torpedoed twice so I just did not think he was the sort of man to do away with himself. Odd.

    I headed back to the office and, on the way, one of those amusing incidents that could only happen in Glasgow occurred. When I reached the CID car in the street, I found a man in it. He was smelling strongly of whisky and he was trying to start the engine with a key. I opened the door and asked if there was any chance of a lift. ‘Sure, mate,’ he replied, saying that it wasn't, however, his car and he couldn't start it. ‘Here, I'll try my key,’ I said and he popped into the passenger's seat. I drove to the Central Police Office where he got the chance to sleep off his whisky!

    I turned my attention back to the suspect and he asked how I had got on with his mother. I told him there had been no problem. I also said I thought he might be interested to know that I had once worked with his father. He had other things on his mind. ‘Do you think I'm Bible John?’ he asked. ‘That's up to you,’ I responded. ‘No, that's up to you, Mr Brown,’ was his reply. It was now 3 a.m. and I contacted Joe Beattie. Joe arrived looked him up and down and said that he ‘was the nearest yet’ but, according to Joe Beattie, he wasn't the serial killer.

    I wonder, however, if another incident was more important. Many years later, in the nineties, I was having a chinwag with Detective Inspector Bryan McLaughlin when the subject came round to Bible John. Brian bowled me over by saying he thought he once had him in cuffs but he had escaped. Intrigued, I got him to tell me the tale.

    On duty as a beat cop in the Barrowland area, Brian came upon a man urinating in the open in a nearby lane. Without warning, the man ran away and Brian gave chase. He caught up with the man in a backcourt and the man picked up a brick to strike him but Brian felled the guy with a blow from his baton. He hit him such a crack that he required medical attention and the mystery man was taken to the Royal Infirmary in handcuffs. The doctor insisted that he would not treat the man unless the cuffs were removed. Despite Brian telling him what would happen if the handcuffs were removed, they took them off anyway. And, just as Brian had predicted, the mystery man whacked the doctor and ran out the door. Brian thought that the guy would have made a good Bible John suspect. It gets stranger. I asked if he had got the man's name. He said that he had but it and the address he gave had turned out to be phoney. I asked what address he had given and I was stunned when he replied, ‘28 St Andrew's Street.’ It still makes me wonder what if …


    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • To save me having to search does anyone know when the ‘I am not Bible John’ cards were first issued?

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

        Could Jimmy McInnes have ‘invested’ in the HMO to top up his pension pot? There’s so much mystery in this case Ms D we could create a conspiracy/cover-up a day and who knows, one of them might contain a grain of truth. Interesting stuff though. It’s always good to hear from people with local knowledge, even if it’s only rumour or speculation.
        I guess it's not beyond the realms of possibility that Jimmy McInnes was the landlord of the HMO.

        I wouldn't read too much into this.

        As you say it's merely rumour and speculation, but it's interesting in it's own right as it gives an indication of how the neighbours were thinking shortly after the murders.

        Yeah, I should have asked my pal if he still has the card.

        I'd imagine it's probably been lost to the mists of time, but it would be interesting to see one.

        I'll ask him next time we meet up.


        • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
          To save me having to search does anyone know when the ‘I am not Bible John’ cards were first issued?
          I seem to remember it was after the release of the Lennox Patterson image when the police were swamped with information and following up on hundreds of leads, but then my memory is completely fallible, so treat that with caution!


          • Stoddart's book was published in 1980, so given that McInnes committed suicide in April 1980 it is unlikely Stoddart was aware of this when he sent his book to the publisher.

            This means that Joe Beattie (presumably the source for the Sunday Post article in 1979) was slightly psychic since he sensed that Lanarkshire suspects would commit suicide after leaving cryptic notes.


            • Originally posted by Ms Diddles View Post

              I seem to remember it was after the release of the Lennox Patterson image when the police were swamped with information and following up on hundreds of leads, but then my memory is completely fallible, so treat that with caution!
              All I was thinking was if the cards had been circulated say, after MacDonald, could the card that BJ showed Helen in the taxi have been one. I know, unlikely. This case gets you going down strange avenues.

              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


              • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                Stoddart's book was published in 1980, so given that McInnes committed suicide in April 1980 it is unlikely Stoddart was aware of this when he sent his book to the publisher.

                This means that Joe Beattie (presumably the source for the Sunday Post article in 1979) was slightly psychic since he sensed that Lanarkshire suspects would commit suicide after leaving cryptic notes.
                Perhaps someone with access to the newspaper archive might be able to find other references to this suicide Barn?

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                  Stoddart's book was published in 1980, so given that McInnes committed suicide in April 1980 it is unlikely Stoddart was aware of this when he sent his book to the publisher.

                  This means that Joe Beattie (presumably the source for the Sunday Post article in 1979) was slightly psychic since he sensed that Lanarkshire suspects would commit suicide after leaving cryptic notes.

                  Fair point, Cobalt!


                  • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                    All I was thinking was if the cards had been circulated say, after MacDonald, could the card that BJ showed Helen in the taxi have been one. I know, unlikely. This case gets you going down strange avenues.
                    Oh, I see what you're getting at.

                    That's an interesting idea.


                    • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                      Perhaps someone with access to the newspaper archive might be able to find other references to this suicide Barn?
                      I'll have a dig Herlock.


                      • Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post

                        I'll have a dig Herlock.
                        Cheers Barn.

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Originally posted by Ms Diddles View Post

                          Oh, I see what you're getting at.

                          That's an interesting idea.
                          But it couldn’t have been the card found at the scene because the ‘I am not Bible John’ card would surely have had the persons name on it as verification. There’s unlikely to be anything to this but it was just a thought.

                          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                          • Thanks Ms Diddles. I am sue you are correct with your local knowledge about people often going to the Ayr coast/moving there. I think I am thinking too deeply and it is a red herring. I have sort of put it out there to stimulate some thought.

                            I am going to be a pain again. I am struggling with the handbag found on Saltcoats beach. According to Jeannie, Helen didn't always use a handbag, but sometimes she did.

                            Now we are very confidant that Helen was having her period on the night she was murdered. Her sister Jeannie says that she thought Helen was changing herself when they both went to the toilet together in Barrowland's. Helen was an attractive fashionable person who cared for her appearance. Would she really have carried a spare sanitary towel in her coat pocket?

                            It is Jeanie who says she didn't have a handbag that night. All other references to her not having a handbag stem from Jeannie. Perhaps she was mistaken and she did.

                            On the subject of Jeannie I think the reconstruction of the interview with her on the podcast is very good and yes the found handbag is probably a red herring but I still think something is not quite right.


                            Jeannie (actor) on the podcast makes it very clear regarding her ID experiences. She states very clearly that all of the ID procedures were informal, looking at people in the street, at clubs etc and that she took part in only one formal ID at a police station (forget where now) where she did make an identification. Apparently this man was ruled out. Very strange as the police had gone to all the effort of putting the parade on and organizing the stooges (the innocent volunteers who make up the parade) Normally formal ID parades are arranged by the police at a point in the investigation where there is other evidence to implicate the offender and would lead to a charge.

                            Need to listen again to make sure but that's how I understood Jeannie's words. (it was on the bonus track)



                            • NW, I just looked at the transcript of Audrey Gillian’s interview with Jeannie and she talks about the time that they both spent in the Barrowland’s loo being a blank. She said that she thought that she’d asked Helen about John and that she could remember ‘wee things’ but she doesn’t say what. She said that Helen seemed happy then she mentioned Helen telling her that John would be paying for the taxi but it’s impossible to say if she said this while they were still in the loo or whether they had come out.

                              As far as the ID is concerned she talks about going to the dancing with two police women in the hopes of seeing John. She said that this must have gone on for a year and not only to the Barrowland but other dancehalls too. It started at just weekends but then happened during the week too but eventually Jeannie had to go back to work. She said that they would also take her into a room and a guy would be sitting there or they would take her to a cafe or a hotel or outside a workplace or they would sit in a car waiting for someone to pass or come out of a building. She said that there was only one ID parade and that was held at Partick Marine with 7 or 8 men.

                              I need to listen to the next part because the transcription is awful. Clearly done by someone who has never heard a Scottish accent. It says:

                              ”I mean, going up to this guy, I just wailed up. I had looked at the rest and I said, the whole lot, he’s the only one that would kind of fit the description. Do you know what I mean?”

                              I’ve an idea though that she was talking about seeing the Lennox Patterson picture.
                              Last edited by Herlock Sholmes; 09-09-2024, 09:48 AM.

                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • Thanks Herlock for looking at this. I suppose my main thrust with my comments is that although Jean says she didn't have a handbag that night I am sure she mentions (in the podcast) that whilst in the toilet Helen may have changed herself due to her period. My suggestion is that Jean may have been mistaken about a handbag because Jean would have to take a spare sanitary towel or two with her and it seems unlikely to me that she would carry those in her coat pocket. Also it is suggested that she carried her hair brush in her coat pocket as well. They checked their coats in at the club. How would she get her hairbrush and sanitary towel if she needed them during the night. My suggestion is perhaps on that night she did have a handbag. I dont know what this means but I am putting it out there.

                                Going off at a tangent again. I have become intrigued by the photograph of Helen. The one we always see. She appears to be wearing the black dress and outfirt that she wore on the evening she was murdered. Do we all think that?

                                Jean says that Hellen bought the dress from C and A that same day. My question is why the photograph? normally I would suggest somebody would take a photo of you in your new going out gear when its a special occasion. Who took this photograph? Where was it taken?

                                Another remarkable coincidence that if this is the outfit she wore that night and only purchased that same day that we have a photograph. Of course this may not be the outfit or its a made up photo or an earlier photo. If it is what she was wearing and the dress does look like the one described then very odd yet again


