Originally posted by NickB
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it certainly didn’t look much like a robbery by any usual understanding of the word Nick. The cash box being put back onto the shelf obviously leads some to conclude that someone had tried to steal the cash without Julia’s knowledge and this has to be considered of course. Question arise though. Why, after such a paltry haul, was no attempt to search for cash or valuables made? Julia’s bag for example was on a chair and contained her purse but it was left untouched. Drawers were left unopened and unsearched but one cupboard door had been broken off. Why go to the trouble of breaking off the door to a random cupboard but don’t bother looking in drawers and unlocked cupboards and bags for cash and valuables? It’s been suggested that the thief/killer just panicked and fled after he’d killed Julia. The problem with this though for me is that he’d had time to rather pointlessly turn off lights and to bolt the front door. He appears to have taken care not to get any blood outside the parlour (apart from fingerprints it’s difficult to see why a robber would be bothered about getting blood on a wall or a door handle?) And this was after he’d killed a woman who could have recognised and described him in detail even if he’d stolen the cash without her knowledge. Some will agree and some won’t of course but this just doesn’t resemble a robbery to me. It resembles a premeditated murder where the killer has tried to give the impression of a robbery gone wrong.
My other point has been a bit controversial in the past but I’ll float it again (actually Caz might have raised this point before I did?) If Wallace was guilty was he trying to throw Parry or Marsden under the bus? When Wallace gave the police his list of people that Julia would have admitted to the house the people on the list mainly got name, address and occupation except for Marsden and Parry. Parry virtually had an essay. The cash box being put back points to someone that knew where it was kept of course. The fact that Wallace should have had more cash than he actually did points to someone that knew his routine. This wasn’t a be all and end all of a plan because he couldn’t have known whether Parry or Marsden would have alibi’s or not but it might have been a case of why not? If either of them had been unlucky enough not to have one then the police might have had a serious suspect on their hands.