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Hammersmith Nude Murders (Stripper)

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  • Originally posted by Robert View Post
    Hi SC

    Rhyl and Abertillery are at opposite ends of Wales.

    Hi Robert, I don't think there's any connection between Elizabeth FIGG and Abertillery? She wasn't born until 1938, wasn't the Abertillery murders in 1921? But as I say, I'm no expert.

    One thing that I have also noticed which I found interesting is the second potential stripper vicitm Gwynneth Rees (another Welsh girl), was arrested in 1959 for soliciting in Backchurch Lane and taken to Lemen Street Police Station. In 1963 just before she was murdered she was last seen on the Commercial Road & New Road.


    • Here's some info SC.


      • Abertillery was the birth town of Harold Jones where he murdered 2 little girls. When he was released he lived right at the heart of the Hammersmith Nudes' murders. Google Dark Son - The Hunt For a Serial Killer to see 90 minute documentary.


        • Hi all

          I just saw Dark Son and was very intrigued!

          Unfortunately I can’t locate a copy of Neil’s book.

          Neil - if you’re out there can I please ask a few questions?

          Another poster (Trevor Marriott) raised the question whether Jones owned a car or had a driver’s license during the Hammersmith murders as he was depicted riding a bus on the doco.
          1. Do you know if it’s been confirmed he had a car or driver’s license during the Hammersmith murders?
          2. What year was he diagnosed with cancer?
          3. Was he ever charged or investigated for any other crimes after his release in 1941?
          4. Is your book going to be republished?

          I think he’s a much better candidate than most of the suspects in the public domain.

          Thanks in advance Neil.



          • Hi. New books - Who Was Jack the Stripper? are available from myself at £12.95 + £3.60 p+p with cheque made payable to Neil Milkins. My address is 67 Arael View Abertillery Gwent NP131SU. I believe Jones worked at Shaw and Kilburn's motor repair and car paint spray shop and had access to cars that way. I don't know the year he was diagnosed with cancer, only that he died in 1971. It appears he was never questioned or charged with any offence after he left prison. If you mean my first book being re-printed, that is being looked into at present.


            • Originally posted by Neil Milkins View Post
              . I believe Jones worked at Shaw and Kilburn's motor repair and car paint spray shop and had access to cars that way. I don't know the year he was diagnosed with cancer, only that he died in 1971.
              Hi Neli
              So many unanswered questions, which should have been addressed long before now. Working at a paint spray shop doesnt automatically mean he was able to take cars out for his own use. Has it even been established wether or not he ever held a full driving licence or ever owned a car himself?

              In the progam it was suggested that the paint samples came from another source


              • Hi Trevor. Your questions can only be answered by the Met. and hopefully will be answered soon. The programme correctly stated that the paint samples came from Shaw an Kilburn.


                • Originally posted by Neil Milkins View Post
                  Hi Trevor. Your questions can only be answered by the Met. and hopefully will be answered soon. The programme correctly stated that the paint samples came from Shaw an Kilburn.
                  Hi Neil
                  I stand to be corrected here but on two poinst you raised
                  The first I do not recall Shaw and Kilburns being mentioned in the program, and secondly wasnt it suggested that the paint samples were supposedly from a transformer at the abandoned factory site?

                  I know you have done a lot of work on him as a suspect, but do you not know if he ever held a driving license or owned a car?

                  Last edited by Trevor Marriott; 02-22-2019, 10:40 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Neil Milkins View Post
                    If you mean my first book being re-printed, that is being looked into at present.
                    Have you considered issuing it in Kindle format?
                    - Ginger


                    • From 1955: Click image for larger version

Name:	shaw kilburn 1955.png
Views:	559
Size:	31.7 KB
ID:	702140


                      • Comment

                        • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                          From 1955: Click image for larger version

Name:	shaw kilburn 1955.png
Views:	559
Size:	31.7 KB
ID:	702140
                          Hi Robert
                          I dont think there is any dispute that Shaw and Kilburn had premises in West London, but so did many other similar business across London, but is there proof that he worked there, and if he did from when to when and what was his job. There is an awful lot of speculation and conjecture being put forward to show him to be the prime suspect, at the moment is eem to be a case of trying to put square pegs in round holes.

                          This suspect was previously investigated as part of The Fred Dineage Televison Casebook series in 2011 involving the same persons Prof David Wilson and Neil Milkins what has happened in the past 7 years to warrant a second documentary, if they couldn't pin the tail on the donkey back then then?


                          • Hi Trev

                            I think the main thing is that it's worth an investigation by the police. Such an investigation might clear him, or prove he was guilty, or simply be inconclusive. But it's worth a go.


                            • Hi Trevor, Ginger and Robert. Shaw and Kilburn was situated adjacent to the disused electricity sub station which had belonged to the disused Napier Aero Engines factory. Paint particles were deposited onto at least the last 4 victims who are now known to have been stored in the unlocked sub-station. Jones' daughter said he worked in Acton and his son-in-law it seems to believe it possible that Jones was J.T.S. ("There's no smoke without fire," he stated.) I have not given up since the Fred Dinenage documentary in trying to prove what I believe to be correct. Fortunately Monsterfilms producer and director also believe what I believe to be true and secured unlimited B.B.C. and worldwide funding to produce the documentary. All we can do now is wait for the result of the Met. review. They would have access to Jones driving record and work record. And I am considering putting both my books on Kindle.
                              Last edited by Neil Milkins; 02-23-2019, 01:33 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Neil Milkins View Post
                                Hi Trevor, Ginger and Robert. Shaw and Kilburn was situated adjacent to the disused electricity sub station which had belonged to the disused Napier Aero Engines factory. Paint particles were deposited onto at least the last 4 victims who are now known to have been stored in the unlocked sub-station. Jones' daughter said he worked in Acton and his son-in-law it seems to believe it possible that Jones was J.T.S. ("There's no smoke without fire," he stated.) I have not given up since the Fred Dinenage documentary in trying to prove what I believe to be correct. Fortunately Monsterfilms producer and director also believe what I believe to be true and secured unlimited B.B.C. and worldwide funding to produce the documentary. All we can do now is wait for the result of the Met. review. They would have access to Jones driving record and work record. And I am considering putting both my books on Kindle.
                                Hi Neil
                                I admire you enthusiasm and tenacity ,but why wasn't all of this put to the met in 2011? and what new has come out between 2011 and the present?

                                What you and others and relatives believe is worth nothing in the grand scheme of things its simply conjecture.

                                As to the driving and vehicle issue, surely all those family persons connected with this should have been able to answer the questions, that worries me that all of these years since the first documentary those questions remain unanswered.

