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Madeleine McCann

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  • Originally posted by claire View Post
    Erm...I accused nobody of murder, least of all the McCanns. Go paint a picture or something. Clear your mind. Oh...oops...Sorry.

    I´m glad to hear that, since if you have not noticed yet, Bob and Caz think that the McCanns killed their daughter and had their eight other friends cover up the murder and the McCann´s got free because they think it was a conspiracy by the British government and influential people who got them away from their crime. I mean... more ridiculous than that could not be ? Of course, these two do not have a shread of evidence to support their beliefs except newspaper gossip and innuendo which for the most part contradicts each other.

    Beware... when Bob Hinton starts telling you " Dear " he does not really mean it, he just wants you to go on his side. He tried to do that with me on another topic but I´m an uncompromising person who does not believe in a pack mentality and can think by myself without having to join cliques.



    • Originally posted by caz View Post
      Hi Maria,

      So you do read at least some of my posts then? Any reason why you droned on and on about your own situation and personal experiences but still not a word about your claim that Kate gave her kids Calpol, even though Gerry categorically denied that they were given anything, effectively making one or both of them liars?

      You do have a very unfortunate way of picking your words. The irony just gets worse in your latest twaddle, because Kate admitted that Madeleine had reported to her over breakfast on the last day she was seen alive that she and the twins had been wailing and crying and deprived of a decent night’s sleep - because they woke to find they had been deprived of their mummy.

      Instead of reassuring the little girl, Kate not only did it again that very evening, but according to you she dosed the kids up with Calpol this time (presumably in the hope that they would not wake up and make another fuss when they found her gone yet again), and it was the absence of a responsible adult that paved the way for goodness alone knows what further horrors lay in store for Madeleine.

      Now that is what I consider torture (and let's hope it wasn't in a literal sense, eh? )

      And don’t be so dramatic, you soppy old sausage. I reserve the right to sign off with love after every post, whether I’m writing specifically to you or not (and I wasn’t in the one you quoted), just as you have the right to express views that seem to go from compassionate to cruel in a heartbeat, and are often so illogical and ill-informed they make me rub my eyes in disbelief - until I remind myself of who is posting.

      I may heartily dislike or disagree with most of what someone writes, but I can still send my love to them whenever I choose. I would never ask for any in return but if and when it does comes my way I don’t consider it good form to reject it.



      I talked about my own personal experiences as a doctor´s daughter because I can identify myself with that setting.

      The doctors and their families never mix in their private lives with the general public period. They work and travel together all the time, what you saw at the resort is that they were all staying at the same complex their apartments being not far away from each other, so there is a sense of security because your neighbours happen to be your friends, the same ones you work with at the hospital. As it happens, the McCanns and the other doctors did not want to leave their children with strangers when they dined as they were all only 40 yards away from where they were having dinner.
      and they were checking on their sleeping children every 10 minutes.

      Caz sleep deprivation is torture and I do mean it in the literal sense of the word, this is by the way one of the torture techniques in Abu Ghraib, the mind is like a computer which need a rest at night to order its files ( subconscious ) if you disturb this pattern of REM ( rapid eye movement, that is: Having dreams ) you can make a person lose his memory, become confused and disoriented, tired with aches, lack of concentration and prolonged periods of sleep deprivation can even cause death. So it is important that children have a good restful comfortable sleep in bed at eight O´clock maximun.

      Well you are calling me names the whole time, like "soppy old sausage " when in fact you are nearly the same age as myself, so I suppose that puts you as an old sausage as well. That is not what I would call an endearing tone and from you, I have not ever once had had a kind word ever, so for you to automatically sign love and a hug its hipocritical in the extreme, since you do not have those feelings for me nor anyone else, they are false, I hate false people. Sometimes I read what you write, other times I just find your style of writing boring and tedious and I cannot be bothered to read it all.

      Last edited by Maria; 10-02-2008, 12:07 PM.


      • Caz:

        What a coincidence, the feeling is the same, since I too find you illogical and ill informed you are mentioning newspaper gossip as truth or evidence. The reports have been conflicting, in one Madeleine is reported as " Having Had Her Best Day Ever " and her birthday was coming too, plus one sees photos of a smiling happy charming little girl, not a scared and neglected emanciated little girl as you want to paint the picture. Those photos are REAL evidence that this was a happy well nourished mischivious little girl.

        I have no idea why you say that I´m cruel. But then I have to remember who is writing this, don´t I ? You. The same person who spent SEVEN years of her life trying to convince the public that James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper and that the diary was not a hoax even though the handwriting of the real James Maybrick does not look remotely near like the forgers hand-writing in the hoax diary, but that was because you cinically wanted to sell your books to profit and line your pockets it did not matter to you, one whit that your were deceiving the public in order to make money and trying without success to twist history, but your plan failed because the public are more intelligent and clever than you are, and could see through all your lies.



        • Maria,

          Here in the US, the McCann's profession and social status wouldn't matter. They'd have been arrested for felony child neglect and child endangerment at the very least, and more, if it were found out they'd accidentally killed her.

          I think, BTW, that Bob and Caz may be thinking like I am, not that the McCanns killed Madeleine in a premeditated way, but that her death was accidental as the result of either neglect, or Kate's temper, and it was not reported, followed by a staged cover-up.

          If that is the case, the charges would be far more serious.

          In any case, here in the US, the remaining children would now be in the care of relatives, as the McCanns are clearly unfit parents.

          "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


          • Hi all,
            Propped up in bed,and following the thread....
            There are 4 "last pictures" all with differing hair lengths..the sun hat one has been altered..she has longer hair with a bead,and the addition of an arm,obscured in Kate's original.This is the one the public were mean't to find her by.The differing hair lenghts probably accounts for the many different and varying sightings,depending on what photo they were shown.
            All guests to the complex were issued with photo machines when they arrive.
            When processed they show date and time.The group were seen snapping away,especially at evening meals..including the night in question,by many witnesses.The police were anxious to aquire these and requested them to be handed over.Only daytime ones were given,as they took no evening snaps!!!
            (Obviously realising that they would be evidence for child neglect cases.)
            The McCanns were issued with the book "Leave no stone unturned" a police manual for officers,explaining how they investigate and gain evidence in these cases!!explains the forensics and how they work too...used as title of Maddie campaign.
            Mitchell previously worked for the government...he was used to troubleshoot when things got sticky,to smooth things over...used for Diana...and David Kelly,Dando and other high-profile incidents.Both the Blairs also aided the McCanns plight,and the first guest the PM G.Brown entertained at Downing Street...was the Portuguese Prime to discuss terrorism in the country and Maddie McCann.
            Interesting point to end on....When the McCanns were arguido's our police panicked,and they and the McCanns were informed of every move made by the Portuguese,in advance.The Portuguese reminded our police that if Maddie were found dead,the fund had already been dipped into and fraud charges would have to be made in this country,as it was set up here,which would cost us a lot of money.Which would mean the whole case being investigated again by us,properly.Many man hours also.
            Our police asked the Portuguese what their ideas were on the probable events of that night.
            They were told,that in their estimation,Maddie woke up while Gerry was in the toilet,and heard him leave.Then she hears him speaking to Jez outside and climbs onto the sofa,which has been pulled away from the low window previously by the parents,as a safety measure incase the window gets opened.She tries to reach accross to tap on the window to her daddy...and topples,hitting her head on the wall as she falls.Our police agree that this is the most likely course of events.They leave Portugal just after the McCanns...even though they were sent there to investigate Maddie's case...which means if they thought there was anything to investigate,they would have stayed.
            With the McCanns and Tappas group home..we would have had to have investigated what came next,and done the whole thing with the Tappas group involvement and any child neglect cases..which as I have said,cost time,men put on the case,and money.Don't forget,if you were a member of that group,you'd be worried about the fate of your own children and charges brought against you.In a flash of irrational thought,would you panic and help.
            Or tell,with your own neck on the line????Knowing the situation,was there outside help.........hmmm.Few things to ponder.
            That is where my notes came to an end.


            • only thing for me is this....It doesn't help Maddie,does it.

              Poor little sweet too.

              Would all boil down to money and police man hours etc...

              Same old story,really......

              ANNA.x......going to sleep now,little dumplings...too tired,pain etc...

              Love to all...catch you later.


              • Originally posted by cappuccina View Post

                Here in the US, the McCann's profession and social status wouldn't matter. They'd have been arrested for felony child neglect and child endangerment at the very least, and more, if it were found out they'd accidentally killed her.

                I think, BTW, that Bob and Caz may be thinking like I am, not that the McCanns killed Madeleine in a premeditated way, but that her death was accidental as the result of either neglect, or Kate's temper, and it was not reported, followed by a staged cover-up.

                If that is the case, the charges would be far more serious.

                In any case, here in the US, the remaining children would now be in the care of relatives, as the McCanns are clearly unfit parents.

                But then you do not have ANY proofs of all the gibberish that you spout, so it is all in your head and in the realm of your imagination.

                Here in Europe a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. Maybe in your country is the opposite, people are guilty until proven innocent.

                I prefer our system, it avoids travesties of justice.



                • Capps:

                  One thing is not true in your statement, you say that in the U.S. status, position, money and influence does not matter in a crime. I have news for you Capps... IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

                  If your name is Michael Jackson, you can get away with several child molestation charges, if your name is O.J. Simpson you can kill your wife and go scott free. Phil Spector recently was not jailed. George Bush can illegaly invade another country, kill thousands of innocent people and he is still free to run your country and pick-pocket the tax payers with 600 billion dollars. If your name is Britney Spears there are no charges for child endangerment either. Basically in the U.S. if you are rich and famous and can afford clever lawyers you can kill, molest children do whatever you want because they are above the law.

                  Last edited by Maria; 10-02-2008, 05:21 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Maria View Post

                    Bob and Caz think that the McCanns killed their daughter and had their eight other friends cover up the murder and the McCann´s got free because they think it was a conspiracy by the British government and influential people who got them away from their crime. I mean... more ridiculous than that could not be ? Of course, these two do not have a shread of evidence to support their beliefs except newspaper gossip and innuendo which for the most part contradicts each other.
                    Hi Maria,

                    Do you do this deliberately to try and make me cross? I don’t think anything of the sort and have never suggested otherwise. You only make yourself look stupid or dishonest by making up such blatant lies about beliefs I have not expressed and do not entertain.

                    Originally posted by Maria View Post

                    As it happens, the McCanns and the other doctors did not want to leave their children with strangers when they dined as they were all only 40 yards away from where they were having dinner…

                    …Caz sleep deprivation is torture and I do mean it in the literal sense of the word… So it is important that children have a good restful comfortable sleep in bed…

                    …Well you are calling me names the whole time, like "soppy old sausage " when in fact you are nearly the same age as myself, so I suppose that puts you as an old sausage as well. That is not what I would call an endearing tone and from you, I have not ever once had had a kind word ever, so for you to automatically sign love and a hug its hipocritical in the extreme, since you do not have those feelings for me nor anyone else, they are false, I hate false people…
                    The McCanns could have done worse than to leave their children with strangers. No wait, they did do worse. They left them to the mercy of any Tom, Dick or Harry who wanted to help himself. Fact, not gossip.

                    The children were also left to suffer sleep deprivation when they woke and cried in vain for their mummy. The following night was infinitely worse for Madeleine, with no chance of a good restful comfortable sleep in her own bed. Fact, not gossip.

                    I fully admit to being a soppy old sausage, and a daft old bat into the bargain, for even bothering to respond to some of your more horrible offerings. I don’t expect you to believe this but I meant the term affectionately because you make me laugh far more often than you make me cross. I think it’s hilarious that you can call me ‘La Vaca Morris’, accuse me of being false and say that you hate me and wonder why you have never once had a kind word back from me. When I foolishly agreed with you on one occasion recently you only threw it back in my face with even more venom than you usually manage.

                    Originally posted by Maria View Post

                    I too find you illogical and ill informed you are mentioning newspaper gossip as truth or evidence.
                    No I’m not. I saw and heard Gerry denying the children were given any form of medication. Fact, not gossip. You claim that Kate gave them Calpol. So is your claim just gossip, or did it come direct from Kate, making one or both of them liars? For some reason you seem incapable of addressing this very simple question.

                    Originally posted by Maria View Post

                    The reports have been conflicting, in one Madeleine is reported as " Having Had Her Best Day Ever " and her birthday was coming too, plus one sees photos of a smiling happy charming little girl, not a scared and neglected emanciated little girl as you want to paint the picture.
                    That would be fine except for one thing: I do not ‘want to paint a picture’ of Madeleine as a scared, neglected or emaciated child, so it’s gossip, not fact, for you to suggest it. Where the heck does ‘emaciated’ come from anyway? At least I can spell it, but I have never used the word before to describe Madeleine. I’m glad she was a smiling, happy little girl, but I doubt she was either while she was crying in the night for her mummy, or when left to her fate the very next evening.

                    Originally posted by Maria View Post

                    I have no idea why you say that I´m cruel.
                    What? I grant that you are only cruel to yourself when you repeat your bitter and twisted lies about me in relation to the diary.

                    But if you seriously have no idea how anyone could accuse you of posting in a cruel and heartless manner, just go back and look at the appalling way you treated the following post by Claire, within an hour of my observation.

                    Originally posted by claire View Post
                    Three, actually, and yes, IVF babies since my first husband was terminally ill. Apologies?
                    Only you could react in such a stupendously unfeeling manner and then wonder why you don’t get showered with kind words for your trouble.


                    Last edited by caz; 10-02-2008, 06:46 PM.
                    "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                    • Adventures in Maria World

                      Dear Capps,

                      Just had to post here. As usual I find poor old Maria up to her usual tricks, when she can’t make an argument she relies on personal abuse. Now she’s hoping I die soon! I must admit it does get rather tedious to keep on stating my position re the McCanns. Perhaps if I write it in really big letters she will at last cotton on.


                      Hope that does the trick but you never know.

                      Anyway back to the lunacy that is Maria world. She is very indignant about the legal system. She says:

                      “Here in Europe a person is considered innocent until proven guilty”

                      Apparently she doesn’t think that a very good system because next she says:

                      “If your name is Michael Jackson, you can get away with several child molestation charges, if your name is O.J. Simpson you can kill your wife and go scott free.”

                      Correct me if I’m wrong here but didn’t Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson both get a verdict of not guilty? Apparently in Maria world you are presumed innocent until proven guilty – unless of course Maria thinks you’re guilty!!

                      Anyway I invite you to become a member of VOMIT. Victim Of Maria’s Infantile Tirades.



                      • Caz:

                        If you take a look at Claire´s post in the Obama thread you will find that in there she said that she has changed her opinion about me and she told me I was generous. So I suggest you go and see that before making a fool of yoursef.

                        Everyone knows you were and are dishonest about the diary and that you lined you pockets with it. That is no secret. You have not even appeared in the Maybrick threads because no one believes a word you say.

                        About the Calpol... again it was something that appeared in the newspapers ( gossip ) So if both Drs. McCann have stated that they did not give Calpol to Madeleine, then I believe them. End of story. Actually, I believe the Mc Canns more than anything that comes out from your lying mouth.



                        • Bob:

                          You are older than me. You are in your sixtees and I´m in my early fiftees.

                          Age usually brings widom but in your case, the years have gone by in vain.

                          Bob if you read the book written by O.J. Simpson´s lawyers after he came out, they state that their client did it, for if you do not know this... lawyers have to defend their clients even if they are guilty, that is their job. There was no one else who battered his wife Nichole, she called the police several times in a panic when her husband was beating her up. She was always bruised and battered and in the end left the family house because she feared for her life. If you get clever lawyers that only money can buy, you can get free in an American court.

                          Michael Jackson was not the first time that someone took him to court over a chld molestation charge. There were at least three different separate cases. The man is weird with his own children, the staff who worked for him have testified in court about what happens at his house. Yet again clever lawyers got him out.

                          It is no secret that Brittney Spears neglected and endangered her children, this is why she lost custody of them, then she had them sequestered in her home and the police had to brake the door of her house to take them back to their father, in normal circumstances that would have been jail for an ordinary person but nor for Brittney Spears, so before you start saying silly things about me I suggest you check your facts first.

                          Last edited by Maria; 10-02-2008, 11:21 PM.


                          • Maria,

                            What do you know about me?



                            Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                            • What Maria Knows

                              Originally posted by Monty View Post

                              What do you know about me?

                              Dear Monty,

                              I wouldn't bother asking. Stating that I am in my sixties is just one more addition to the exceptionally long list of "Things Maria Doesn't Know". I see that she once again tries to wriggle out of a hole she has dug herself.

                              She now states that since OJ Simpson did kill his wife he was actually guilty although being found not guilty! She obviously didn't bother reading my post when I explained all this in great detail!

                              Presumably then this means the McCanns could be guilty of their daughters disappearance even though they have been officially taken off the suspects list?

                              Oh no of course I forgot we are in Maria world, where the thinking is this:

                              Everyone is presumed innocent until they are proved guilty.

                              Unless of course you have been found not guilty in court but Maria knows you did it therefore you are guilty. Presumption of innocence suspended in all cases Maria doesn’t agree with.

                              So the McCanns are entitled to presumption of innocence, just like OJ, they have been cleared by the authorities, just like OJ, but this proves that they are innocent but that OJ isn’t (because Maria doesn’t like him).

                              Phew glad we got that cleared up!

                              (VOMIT membership now exceeds 200,000!)


                              • Bob:

                                It shows you know nothing about the U.S. and how the un-equal system works. If you had been there during the time of the Rodney King saga, you would have seen that even despite the ovewhelming evidence ( like the video taken by a member of the public ) showing the policemen who kicked Rodney within an inch of his life, and despite being proved in court that Rodney King could not have been doing 150 miles an hour because his car only goes to 80 miles an hour maximum. The white policemen were set free of all charges. That was an injustice being committed because it had nothing to do with the false charges the policemen used to have an excuse to arrest him, but it had to do with race. The U.S. policemen as well as the U.K. policemen harass and arrest people and even kill them if they are coloured, they invent trump up charges in order to have an excuse to bully them and torture them.

                                After that injustice happened, the black community rioted in the streets of Los Angeles until a proper trial was held to correct the terrible injustice that had been done to Rodney King. As the city seemed to be in the brink of chaos, mayhem and anarchy, the government finally capitulated and promised that a fair trial was going to be conducted where Rodney King was finally compensated for all the injuries suffered at the hand of the L.A. police

                                So when the O.J. Simpson trial happened, his clever attorneys chosed the jury, the majority were people resented who were still bitter and angry about the racial injustice committed to Rodney King and they were determined O.J. was going to go free, regardless of whether he was guilty or innocent as in their eyes, only a white woman was killed. It had again, nothing to do with justice, it was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. There is racial inequality in the U.S. and besides that, there is a book written by O.J. attorneys AFTER the successful trial where they say O.J. was guilty but it was their duty to defend his client. Now, when his own lawyers opinion say that O.J. was guilty that has to be a powerful indictment against the man.

                                Last edited by Maria; 10-03-2008, 12:34 PM.

