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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • It is part of a Castle which was built in the 1200's! The only remaining sections are sub-terrainian and one such area is a hall which is alleged to have been built by the lords of the underworld! It is one of the earliest examples of Gothic Architecture and the gent who was lord of the castle was into the dark arts, black magic, devil worship and necromancy. In fact, it is rumoured he made a deal with the dark lord himself!

    Many have visited the castle and suffered a cruel fate, one gent was found with his insides on the outside!
    Another had a heart attack and died on the spot!

    One group recieved word from the other side that they would be removed, at any cost. Moments later the local police arrived and escorted them off the site!

    We have full permission to be at the castle, and it is the largest investigation we have ever carried out. What's weirder, is that we have been given permission to camp close to the castle, on the site of a mass battle!

    We have been undergoing pyschic protection and I have been working with crystals to ensure we are protected at all times.

    Technologically speaking, we are using every tool we have at our disposal to ensure we get as much documented, and my bill for batteries alone was £20!

    This is one of those investigations which will put us on the map!
    Regards Mike


    • When Cadets Attack.

      I would like to ask all you old-timers a question. Having only read page one and then ninety one and two of When flying Saucers attack(as I'm new and still negotiating my way around), I note that after a server crash it was mentioned that Tunguska was a topic that had been mentioned, My question is this- did anyone mention the theory that came from Nexus or New Dawn magazine about Tunguska and the fact that there were four fireballs(or Plasma balls really) that joined from different directions and then destroyed the meteorite or whatever and that traces of this early warning/protection system are still extant in Siberia. It wasn't a single article but three or four articles over a year or so. I have just posted my first post in new books/media about Joseph Lis or Joseph Silver the new JTR suspect, please comment on both. I appreciate the fact that other thinking hooman beans are interested in JTR.


      • Hi Ron, welcome to the casebook.
        I read Nexus and remember several of the articles on the case, and quite enjoyed them.
        Regards Mike


        • Originally posted by Ron Beckett View Post
          I would like to ask all you old-timers a question. Having only read page one and then ninety one and two of When flying Saucers attack(as I'm new and still negotiating my way around), I note that after a server crash it was mentioned that Tunguska was a topic that had been mentioned, My question is this- did anyone mention the theory that came from Nexus or New Dawn magazine about Tunguska and the fact that there were four fireballs(or Plasma balls really) that joined from different directions and then destroyed the meteorite or whatever and that traces of this early warning/protection system are still extant in Siberia. It wasn't a single article but three or four articles over a year or so. I have just posted my first post in new books/media about Joseph Lis or Joseph Silver the new JTR suspect, please comment on both. I appreciate the fact that other thinking hooman beans are interested in JTR.

          Hi Ron,

          Welcome aboard. We were just starting to talk about Tunguska but didn't get far on it. I think Vila had some sources on it. Also, I believe I mentioned Surendra Verma's book, which I'm slightly embarrassed to say I have not yet finished.

          I haven't seen much on Silver yet. There may be something under the suspects section on the main boards.

          Best to you. Hope you enjoy your time here.

          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



          • Mike, this sounds really scary. I hope you take extra people. Good luck and do be careful.

            Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
            It is part of a Castle which was built in the 1200's! The only remaining sections are sub-terrainian and one such area is a hall which is alleged to have been built by the lords of the underworld! It is one of the earliest examples of Gothic Architecture and the gent who was lord of the castle was into the dark arts, black magic, devil worship and necromancy. In fact, it is rumoured he made a deal with the dark lord himself!

            Many have visited the castle and suffered a cruel fate, one gent was found with his insides on the outside!
            Another had a heart attack and died on the spot!

            One group recieved word from the other side that they would be removed, at any cost. Moments later the local police arrived and escorted them off the site!

            We have full permission to be at the castle, and it is the largest investigation we have ever carried out. What's weirder, is that we have been given permission to camp close to the castle, on the site of a mass battle!

            We have been undergoing pyschic protection and I have been working with crystals to ensure we are protected at all times.

            Technologically speaking, we are using every tool we have at our disposal to ensure we get as much documented, and my bill for batteries alone was £20!

            This is one of those investigations which will put us on the map!
            "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



            • Originally posted by Celesta View Post
              Mike, this sounds really scary. I hope you take extra people. Good luck and do be careful.
              I will be extra careful!

              I have charged my crystals up, being taught pyschic protection methods and will have my bible packed!

              There is 8 of us going, one of which is a regular guide who is a good friend and lives close to the location!
              Regards Mike


              • Originally posted by Celesta View Post
                Hi Ron,

                Welcome aboard. We were just starting to talk about Tunguska but didn't get far on it. I think Vila had some sources on it. Also, I believe I mentioned Surendra Verma's book, which I'm slightly embarrassed to say I have not yet finished.

                I haven't seen much on Silver yet. There may be something under the suspects section on the main boards.

                Best to you. Hope you enjoy your time here.

                Thank you, Celesta! But no matter how much research I've done on Tunguska over the last 30 years, I'm no expert on it.

                Hello Ron, welcome to the insanity that is our beloved interest in all things unsolved. Yes, before the last server crash here on Casebook there were several posts on the Tunguska Event mixed in with the UFO and Paranormal posts. In the reconstruction of Casebook, I posted that it was one of the topics that I remembered being within this Flying Saucers Attack thread. We've not gotten back to it in any detail yet, but the future is, as yet, unwritten.

                One thing that one has to consider about Tunguska is that it happened in 1908. There wasn't any technology to shoot down airborn targets that was more advanced than anti-aircraft guns at that point in time. There wasn't any radar, fixed-wing aircraft were in their infancy, and the Soviet Union was not to exist until 1917 so Russia was still ruled by Tsar Nicholas II.

                If any aspect of the Tunguska Event involved advanced technology being used by humans of the period, no one alive at the time could have been involved except for Nicola Tesla. No one else on Earth had anything that could have fit the bill except for Tesla's fabled Death Ray and his very real system of transmitting electrical energy without wires. In fact, Tesla testing his wireless energy transmission system is one of the more popular "conspiracy theory" explanations that have been offered over the years for the Tunguska Event. That theory goes something like this: Tesla had been deprived of funding by George Westinghouse because Westinghouse couldn't see a way to bill people for the electricty Tesla wanted to supply to the world VIA his wireless transmission system. Running out of cash, and wanting to create a publicity stunt, Tesla supposedly struck upon the idea of creating a huge light-show that would only be visible to a North Polar Expedition that was going on at the time. The theory states that Tesla hoped to re-gain investors for his work by cashing in on any reports of the light show that would be made by the Polar Expedition - but somehow he miscalculated and caused a massive explosion in remote Siberia, rather than over the North Pole. In remorse/disgust, Tesla supposedly tore down his transmitter shortly thereafter, then spent the rest of his life trying to appear to be a crackpot in order to keep his most dangerous inventions out of the hands of the governments of the world...

                The reality is that some of the events used in the formation of that theory are indeed real; Tesla was cut off from Westinghouse's funding, there really was a North Polar Expedition going on at the time, Tesla was trying to attract investors in the wake of Westinghouse withdrawing his support, Tesla did spend the rest of his declining years making fantastic and startling announcements of incredable inventions that never seemed to come to light afterwards, and the explosion in Siberia did happen.

                It's been estimated to have been a 10 to 15 megaton airburst explosion occuring 5 to 10 kilometers above the ground. There was no crater, because the only thing that hit the ground was the force and heat of the mid-air explosion. Tiny grains of elements common to asteroids, meteors, and cometary nuclei (but uncommon on Earth itself) have been found in the peat moss of the swamps near "ground zero" of the airburst. The timing of the event coincides with the Beta Taurid meteor showers that happen every year and actually peak on June 30th. The Beta Taurid meteor shower has been linked to the short-term comet Encke, but there are arguments that comet fragments are too fragile to survive entry so deep into Earth's atmosphere. The experts arguing thusly propose that the Tunguska Event was due to a small asteroid, rather than a cometary fragment. Micro-miniature Black Holes and micro-particles of antimatter have also been proposed as solutions to the mystery- as have exploding flying saucers, whopping huge clouds of methane gas released from the swamps, and the failure of one of Nicola Tesla's experiments that I described above.

                In short, it is still an unsolved mystery and will likely remain so forever. Personally, I used the Comet Encke theory as well as the Tesla theory in my online novel "Fly By Wire" after deciding that a combination of the two was the most dramatically interesting for use in a work of science-fiction. Even after 30 years of reading everything I can lay my hands on about it, I can't claim to be an expert, or even to be correct when I state that I believe that the Tunguska Event was caused by a fragment of the core of Comet Encke. All I can say is that this is one of the most fun of all the enduring real mysteries that I've ever looked into.

                Thanks for the use of the soapbox, folks.

                "Extremely difficult. Virtually impossible - However, it should only take me ten minutes or so..." - Brice Linch: Max Headroom
                Dan L Hollifield
                Senior Editor/Publisher: Aphelion Webzine


                • I saw a show not too long ago that theorized some sort of super ball lightning.
                  This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                  Stan Reid


                  • The latest issue of Fortean Times blamed it on "Gully Bull" and a giant fly swatter!!
                    Regards Mike


                    • The mother ship probably just backfired
                      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                      Stan Reid


                      • Celestial craft practising burnouts and doughnuts over the forest!
                        Regards Mike


                        • Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
                          Celestial craft practising burnouts and doughnuts over the forest!

                          Hunh! What was that about Celesta's craft? Burnouts? Doughnuts? Hmmph!

                          Stan, I meant to say your new grandbaby is beautiful.
                          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                          • Thank you Celesta
                            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                            Stan Reid


                            • Solar Energy Breakthrough

                              Hey Gang,

                              I hope you are all doing well on this hot Friday. I posted this link to an article on the Obama thread, but wanted to put it here, too. It's a new report on a supposed breakthrough in solar energy. As we are all in a stranglehold by the energy companies, I thought you might like to see this. I suspect that the energy companies will try to squash it if it has any merits. It may be a dud, but it does sound hopeful. Best to you all and have a nice weekend.

                              "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                              • As this thread is about mainly quirky odds and ends,I wondered if anyone was familiar with the "talking mongoose" tale that apparently fooled quite a lot of people way back. just goes to show......
                                Celesta ,
                                The solar energy thing might only be a partial answer ,but its a start....apparently wind farms arent going to help too much,but im sure science will find an has got to....investment,as always, is needed...trouble is whoever develops these things will want to make money ,rightly so I believe, but others are against that, so one problem solved will lead to another...and another ......but answers will be found,of that you may be reasonabley certain.

