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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • Hello all. Celesta, tried that link but could not get anywhere with it(module inactive?) Don't think many others, if any , saw what I saw. For one thing I had a vantage point from the top of a highrise and it was the middle of the night. As I mulled over what it could be, I was thinking maybe it was one of those giant mobile searchlights, or maybe they were filming a movie.
    But as I stated, upon further investigation the next day, there was no evidence of euipment being moved in. Just one big flattened scorched circle, and nothing else at all. No litter or dedris, no disturbed plant life around the area. Being a skeptic of all things paranormal, I basically just shrugged it off thinking there is a logical explanation.
    But for the record, it would be an ideal spot for an alien craft to make a landing to gather specimens, or make repairs,etc. And yes it was dark, no lights whatsoever in the area, and no way in for vehicles.
    Oh, and did consider there was a fire and the fire department was up there putting it out, but that would definately leave a trace.


    • Hi Plang,

      I wondered if it could have something to do with the golf course, but of course you said it was dark.

      Sorry you didn't see the link. It wasn't much. I couldn't figure out how to see the pictures either. Was that any time near the time you saw the lights? Or did you even get to see what was written on the link?

      Time to go to sleep. 'Til later.
      "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



      • No Celesta, Fraserview Golf Course is not lit up at all at night. Used to trek through it at night to check the conditions to get an edge on the competition.Was always stalked by packs of yipping coyotes. On the east side of Kent St. was untouched land reserve. My suite was the big sundeck you see in the first highrise on the south/west corner of Marine and Kent.
        Don't have Google Earth, what do you see?
        The link only took me to the first page, would not respond to my commands?


        • Hi Mayerling. If I wanted to make up a story, I could do much better than that!
          Re: your post 447.


          • Originally posted by plang View Post
            No Celesta, Fraserview Golf Course is not lit up at all at night. Used to trek through it at night to check the conditions to get an edge on the competition.Was always stalked by packs of yipping coyotes. On the east side of Kent St. was untouched land reserve. My suite was the big sundeck you see in the first highrise on the south/west corner of Marine and Kent.
            Don't have Google Earth, what do you see?
            The link only took me to the first page, would not respond to my commands?

            I saw the highrise. Across from it, east of Kent St. there are a handful of low buildings, apparently something industrial, a parking lot on the east side of those, then a woodsy, scrubby area, with either a small creek or an drainage ditch. This area is south of Marine Dr and Marine Way. The area is somewhat grown-up. The Park is surrounded by housing developments and the high rises are along the river. Along the river, there's a huge paved area, with painted zones on it, but it's empty. There are logs on the river to the south of this. Is this paved area something to do with the lumber industry? I see something that looks like a crane, which could be used to remove things from the river.

            Can you get just plain google maps? It will show the satellite and street maps.
            "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



            • Hi Stan,

              Did you feel the earthquake? Hope you are alright and had no damage. What time did it happen? We are an hour ahead of you, but I felt something very odd this morning, right after I had sat down with my first cup of coffee. It was strange, as if something had passed under the house, then something in the kitchen popped. I didn't have the tube on and knew nothing about the quake. My first thought was "Was that an earthquake?" This was a strange feeling that I have never had. This was around 7:30 a.m. our time, maybe a little earlier. Later I heard that the quake was felt on the "outskirts" of Atlanta.
              "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



              • Hi Celesta,

                Yes, I'm fine - thanks for asking. We just had a another earthquake a few minutes ago. The first one was at about 4:35 in the morning here. The windows were rattling which woke me up. I guess I need to check for damage. They're supposed to be checking the bridges now. New Madrid must be getting ready to buckle. Maybe we'll finally have some mountains here in Illinois.
                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                Stan Reid


                • P.S.

                  We had some aftershocks about the time you felt yours so maybe that's what you felt. Some of my cousins, who live farther south, had the chimney knocked off their house. The only sign I've found so far here is that some of the stuff is jumbled a bit on some of my shelves.
                  This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                  Stan Reid


                  • Hi Stan, Glad to hear you're alright then. After I heard the quake was at 4:30, I started wondering what it was I felt. But, as you say, maybe it was the after shock I felt. The New Madrid fault potential is frightening.

                    Hang in there. Let's hope it's just a burp.

                    "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                    • Let's just hope it doesn't awaken our own, long dormant, Godzilla.
                      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                      Stan Reid


                      • Now, that would be reeelly scary!
                        "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                        • Earthquakes. The pacific coast is going to slide into the ocean, one day.
                          Celesta, the parkland reserve is on the north side of Marine, directly east of the golf course. I travel along there often, still looks bushy to me, but don't have a vantage point from the penthouse. Those money grubbing developers are capable of destroying anything. Money talks as we all know.


                          • Originally posted by plang View Post
                            Earthquakes. The pacific coast is going to slide into the ocean, one day.
                            Celesta, the parkland reserve is on the north side of Marine, directly east of the golf course. I travel along there often, still looks bushy to me, but don't have a vantage point from the penthouse. Those money grubbing developers are capable of destroying anything. Money talks as we all know.

                            I think that's the park I mentioned. Crowley Park? Anyway, you are right about the developers. I despise them.
                            "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                            • Happy Birthday Jeff!
                              This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                              Stan Reid


                              • Number 54 - I feel old.

                                Hi Stan,

                                Thanks for the birthday wishes. I certainly had a good weekend - I did some shopping yesterday, and picked up three interesting autographs. My sister and her family and some cousins came for dinner last night. I just stayed home today.

                                Plang - actually your experience sounded fairly convincing to me. I just hoped that Celesta would come across some additional information that might have bolstered some more. And if you made it too convincing it probably would not have been believable. When too many details are arranged prematurely they are not usually convincing because most people would not notice that many details to begin with.

                                I have some paperwork to do before I go to bed tonight. So take care everyone.

                                Best wishes,


