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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    Back to the murder of Tippet. Every eye witness who saw the murder of Officer Tippit gave contradictory descriptions of Tippett's killer(s). I say 'killers' because at least one witness claimed there were at least two individuals involved in the shooting of Tippet. One witness, Benevides, later retracted his statement to law enforcement after his brother was murdered. Both he and his brother looked alike, and it is believed that the murderer of his brother (who was never found) mistook his older brother for him.​
    Yet more lies from your source.

    * The witness descriptions were not copy-paste identical to others, but five people ID'd Oswald.
    * Only one witness, Acquilla Clemens, claimed to have seen two men leaving the scene. Most likely it was salesman and former marine Ted Calloway, who took Tippit's gun to hunt for Tippit's killer and taxi driver William Scoggins, who mistakenly though Calloway was police or Secret Service.
    * "The testimony of Domingo Benavides was taken at 2:30 p.m., on April 2, 1964". He never retracted this testimony.
    * Eddy Benavides was shot to death in February 1965. long after his brother testified.
    * Eddy Benavides' killer, Radford Lee Hill, was caught, confessed, and went to prison.

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    The next lead the Dallas PD followed came from a shopkeeper, who claimed a man walking down a street had passed in front of his display window and "looked suspicious". This suspicious man entered a movie theater (adjacent to his clothing store) without paying. That may seem like an observant citizen, who was looking for the murderer of Officer Tippit or at least the shooter of JFK and Gov. Connelly, only there's one problem. The APB was only broadcasted on "police frequencies". The commercial radio broadcasts hadn't circulated the description of Tippit's shooter(s) or JFK, only the shooting in Dealey. By the way, no one knows who reported the description to the Dallas DP dispatch.
    This is a mix of inaccuracies and outright lies by your source. Hardly surprising when it had already parroted Jim Garrison's lunacy about the Abundant Life Temple.

    Actual police tapes show a great deal of confusion on where Oswald went.
    75 NBC News is reporting DOA.
    Dispatcher That's correct.
    75 (?) That the officer?
    Dispatcher Yes.

    This is at least 8 minutes before Johnny Brewer saw Oswald.

    "A white station wagon believed to be P (Paul) E (Ellis) 3435, unknown make or model, late model, occupied by two white males, left this fellow's station going east on Davis and believed they had a shotgun or rifle laying in the back seat."

    "We're shaking down these old houses out here in the 400 block of East Jefferson right now."

    "Send squad over here to Tenth and Crawford to check out this church basement."
    223 (Tires squealing, noises) 223, he in the library at Jefferson - east 500 block Marsalis and Jefferson.
    223 223.
    Dispatcher What's the location, 223?
    223 (Ptm. C.T. Walker) Marsalis and Jefferson. In the library. I'm going around the back. Get somebody in front. Get them in fast.
    Dispatcher Any unit near Marsalis and Jefferson at the library.
    550/2 (Sergeant Gerald L. Hill) A witness reports that he last was seen in the Abundant Life Temple about the 400 block. We are fixing to go in and shake it down.
    Dispatcher Is that the one that was involved in the shooting of the officer?
    550/2 Yes.

    Needless to say, there was lots of police activity in the area before Johnny Brewer saw Oswald.

    Mr. BREWER. I looked up and out towards the street and the police cars----
    Mr. BELIN. When you looked up, did you step out of the store at all?
    Mr. BREWER. No; I was Still in the store behind the counter, and I looked up and saw the man enter the lobby.​

    Mr. BELIN. All right, you saw a man going into what you referred to as this lobby area?
    Mr. BREWER. Yes; and he stood there with his back to the street.
    Mr. BELIN. When did he go in now? What did you hear at the time that he stepped into this lobby area?
    Mr. BREWER. I heard the police cars coming up Jefferson, and he stepped in, and the police made a U-turn and went back down East Jefferson.
    Mr. BELIN. Where did he make the U-turn?
    Mr. BREWER. At Zangs.
    Mr. BELIN. Do you remember the sirens going away?
    Mr. BREWER. Yes; the sirens were going away. I presume back to where the officer had been shot, because it was back down that way. And when they turned and left, Oswald looked over his shoulder and turned around and walked up West Jefferson towards the theatre.
    Mr. BELIN. Let me hold you a minute. You used the word Oswald. Did you know who the man was at the time you saw him?
    Mr. BREWER. No.​

    Mr. BELIN. Then what did you see this man do?
    Mr. BREWER. He turned and walked out of the lobby and went up West Jefferson toward the theatre, and I walked out the front and watched him, and he went into the theatre.
    Mr. BELIN. What theatre is that?
    Mr. BREWER. Texas Theatre.
    Mr. BELIN. Why did you happen to watch this particular man?
    Mr. BREWER. He just looked funny to me. Well, in the first place, I had seen him some place before. I think he had been in my store before. And when you wait on somebody, you recognize them, and he just seemed funny. His hair was sort of messed up and looked like he had been running, and he looked scared, and he looked funny.
    Mr. BELIN. Did you notice any of his actions when he was standing in your lobby there?
    Mr. BREWER. No; he just stood there and stared.
    Mr. BELIN. He stared?
    Mr. BREWER. Yes.
    Mr. BELIN. Was he looking at the merchandise?
    Mr. BREWER. Not anything in particular. He was just standing there staring.​

    Oswald wasn't just "walking down a street". He looked scared and like he had been running. He ducked into the lobby of Brewer's shoe store when a police car approached, watched until the police car was gone, then ducked into the Texas Theatre without paying.

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    Mistaken. Although, from memory, at least one lied - as per other doctors.

    If you want your house re-wiring do you ask an electrician or a carpenter?

    If you want a wall building do you ask an electrician builder or a greengrocer?

    If you want to know about the nature of wounds do you ask a doctors who are trying to save the patients life or the doctors whose job it is specifically to describe the nature of the wounds?

    I’m almost tempted to accuse the Parkland doctors of being part of a conspiracy to discredit the autopsy doctors. This has been gone over numerous times. Bugliosi goes over it in minute details and, as ever, the reality is nothing like the conspiracists headline grabbing.
    Sorry I'm not buying that ,

    You can't just speculate they all lied.

    Remember they saw Kennedy 10 mins after he was shot, surely you dont believe they could have made all that up ? We are talking the president of the u.s . .

    The list of just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

    Let see who else we can add to it that makes the Warren Commission findings look totally stupid.

    Last edited by FISHY1118; 03-07-2025, 11:29 AM.

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    But don’t you think that the source is important. Any historian will tell you this. But how about this for evidence, posted by Fiver in response to points made by yourself:

    You didn’t respond (as expected) but how could evidence be stronger than this? Test done, the results of which totally refute your argument. Then 4 people tested independently and confirmed the original conclusions. Do you think that a jury would ignore/dismiss 5 independent tests all arriving at the same conclusion Fishy? This is evidence.
    There was more fragments in Connally .

    Nurse Audrey Bell . From the list of liars ,morons , idiots

    CE399 was in pristine condition .

    Every way you look at it c399 is the Warren Commission biggest lie .

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    From an interview with Clint Hill for The Guardian by David Smith in Washington in November of 2023:

    Hill jumped from his position on the follow-up car and ran toward the presidential vehicle but, as he approached, he “felt” the third shot hit Kennedy in the head. “It entered lower on the back of the head and blew out a section of his skull just behind and above the right ear.

    With that came blood, bone fragments, brain material. Mrs Kennedy then started to get up on the trunk: she was trying to reach some of that material that had come out of the president’s head. I grabbed hold of her when I got up on top of the car and helped her get back into the back seat. When I did that, the president’s body fell further to its left and his head ended up in her lap.”

    He continues in a steady voice: “I got up on the back of the top of the trunk and lay there forming a barrier so that nothing further could injure them. But I looked down and I saw the condition the president was in. There was a massive hole in the skull area: there was nothing there, no brain material.”
    You'll have to do better than than that ,

    The third shot had already hit Kennedy before hill got close to the limo . , how did hill know it "entered" Kennedy in the lower back of the head? He was a SS agent not a doctor .

    An interview from 2023 well best not go there . .

    Oh and umm your forgetting something , the big hole in the back of Kennedy's skull where all his brains yused to be .

    Know look at the autopsy pics ,what do you see ? Fake.

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