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Ripperologist 117

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  • #31
    To Tom Wescott:
    Although a tiny field per se, musicology appears huge compared to Ripperology, and there are tons of international publications, not necessarily competing with each other, at least not directly. Plus, even if there is antagonism (as in every field of scholarship), there's never been a precedent of sources been withheld between colleagues. Obviously we don't work at all with sensitive police files, but for opera we work a lot with politics and censorship, often researching sensitive matters (of the past) and financial records of people having engaged in not too clean business.
    I completely understand how it would be a huge faux pas to submit an article to 2 (or 3, but no more than 4, as this is all there is today) different Ripperological publications.
    As for editing, I wouldn't wish to work as an editor in a mag or publishing firm either, as I too lack the patience for this, and prefer to write my own texts. Although, to be honest, I prefer doing research even better than writing, or, more accurately, I prefer to present my text at a conference when it's done. Having to write it, at least in the initial state, brings up laziness and procrastination. The editing I'll do in my line of job pertains to Acts of conferences – as the 2 I'll be organising in the next 2 years, for which I was careful to invite people (young and old) whom I very much respect and admire, so that not only the conference is productive, but I won't be bored to death editing their texts for publication. (And for most of these colleagues it remains to be seen if I'm worthy enough to be “editing“ their written word.)
    Now back to my paper on deadline, for which I'm most deeply disgusted with myself for being so indifferent and lazy.
    Oh, and to attempt a (lame) return to the thread's subject, with most profound apologies to The Grave Maurice. Chris George just sent me Rip 117. How can one not subscribe after such a generous gesture?
    Last edited by mariab; 12-01-2010, 10:19 PM.
    Best regards,


    • #32
      To Tom Wescott:
      I forgot to mention (as I thought it was pretty obvious) that I would NEVER publish the same text in different publications. There are a few examples of people having done this repeatedly in my field (internationaly and with a changed title: this is the only way that such a practice works), and such practice is profusely despised by all. It goes without saying that, were my submitted text to be accepted for publication, I would immediately withdraw the other submissions.
      There's no copyright infringement when people publish the same article internationally (with a changed title). And in the humanities we're not payed for our publications (apart from tiny royalties), so obviously a scholar in the humanities is not in it for the dough.
      To be honest, after what you just said, Tom, I'm having second thoughts about submitting my article at those 3 American publications simultaneously (which would have been a first for me anyway). I think I'll submit it to the one periodical after the other, particularly thinking about the editor's perspective. I think you just gave me a very sound advice here, about things I hadn't realized before...
      Best regards,


      • #33
        Originally posted by Chris George
        This message has been deleted by ChrisGeorge. Reason: Meant to send private message
        LOL. I can only imagine what kind of PM my posts provoked in Chris and to whom he's writing. As Chris is one of the most experienced Ripper journal editors in the field, it would be nice to know his thoughts on the subjects being discussed.

        Yours truly,

        Tom Wescott


        • #34
          Originally posted by mariab
          Chris George just sent me Rip 117. How can one not subscribe after such a generous gesture?
          That's exactly how I got my first sub to Rip (and Ripper Notes) 11 or so years ago. Chris George was then editor of RN and sent me a free copy to check out. Remarkably, he also sent along a free copy of his competition (Ripperologist) for me to check out and I subscribed to both! Keep in mind this is when both mags were print publications, so Chris' personal expense was considerable, and with no guarantee I'd get a sub. By coincidence, that issue of Rip was #28, the first edited by Paul Begg, who would later bring Chris into the Rip fold.

          Yours truly,

          Tom Wescott


          • #35
            A THOUSAND most profound apologies to Chris George for having discussed his PM in a public thread. I can't wait to read Ripperologist 117 and to subscribe in time for Ripperologist 118 – after things quite down a bit on my front. I swear that my faux pas was committed in innocence (and stupid ignorance of online etiquette).
            I apologize again, it must be obvious that I'm presently not operating on all cylinders, but I'm in a bit of a stressful situation right now, working like nuts on an overdue conference paper requiring to be finished by dawn tomorrow. I just produced 2 new pages in German, requiring at least 13 more. Ironically, I have the perfect fitting text in English from 2 other conference papers, but it's quicker to write from scratch than to translate from English to German, as the sentence structure between these acquainted languages is too dissimilar. I hope that people will not consider it unethical when one presents thematically acquainted papers on conferences. It's a whole another matter than publishing the same paper, again and again! Plus, in all honesty, these papers were REALLY written from a different approach each time. Are you OK with that, Tom? Won't attempt any implications on my integrity?
            I too would be very interested to hear Mr George's thoughts on editing, but then again we should possibly change the title of this thread? On the other side, the fact that Mr George is the editor of Ripperologist doesn't take us too far away from the subject proposed by The Grave Maurice.
            Best regards,


            • #36
              Tom Wescott wrote:
              That's exactly how I got my first sub to Rip (and Ripper Notes) 11 or so years ago. Chris George was then editor of RN and sent me a free copy to check out. Remarkably, he also sent along a free copy of his competition (Ripperologist) for me to check out and I subscribed to both! Keep in mind this is when both mags were print publications, so Chris' personal expense was considerable, and with no guarantee I'd get a sub.

              Actually I happen to know that moving story, from having read old threads on casebook. I recall that Chris George's explanation of this was that he had a bunch of Ripperologists pushed on to him at the latest US conference, and he sent over one of these freebie copies to you. (Which doesn't make his gesture less graceful and gentlemany.) Stupidly my sieve-like memory process retains things like that, while it took me about 10' minutes to locate a quote by Robespierre from my own dissertation I needed to use for the paper I've just started writing. But this can probably be explained by the fact that my dissertation's 2 1/2 year old, while Ripperology has clearly started swallowing me up recently – hopefully not with disastrous consequences?
              Best regards,


              • #37

                Hello All. What a great article on evil I've found in the current issue of the Ripperologist! This is good stuff and covers the same material as one of my introductory philosophy lectures.

                But, best of all, the author knows how to spell "mediaeval." I'm so happy, I could cry!

                Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine!



                • #38
                  Originally posted by mariab
                  A THOUSAND most profound apologies to Chris George for having discussed his PM in a public thread.
                  No biggie, he was the first to mention it. LOL.

                  Originally posted by mariab
                  Actually I happen to know that moving story, from having read old threads on casebook.
                  Yeah, I tend to be very repetitive in my story telling.

                  Yours truly,

                  Tom Wescott


                  • #39
                    Hey Lynn,
                    I expect you'd totally like the Robespierre quote (I'm using in my paper) about the “acceleration of time“ and how the French perceived this due to the constant changing of regimes and to sudden highly developing urbanism in the 40 years after the French Revolution, apart from the constant talk of “accelerating the Revolution process“ during the French Revolution.
                    Is the article on evil by Corey? (On second thought, no, I think something like this pertains to a future article by him.) And I guess “dimittere“ means “dismiss“.
                    Deepest apologies for another excursion away from the thread's theme(s).
                    Best regards,


                    • #40
                      Hi Lynn, are you referring to Eduardo's editorial? Yes, I have a feeling you'd like most of his stuff, since you're into big words spelled correctly. Also, he wrote the first and still the best full length article on the IWEC. I was surprised that article did not make it into Rip's Best Of book.

                      Yours truly,

                      Tom Wescott


                      • #41
                        Tom Wescott wrote:
                        Yeah, I tend to be very repetitive in my story telling.

                        Me too, I'm afraid. But, worst of all, I'm too inquisitive for my own good. (Although my paranoia keeps saying that one can never be too inquisitive.)
                        Best regards,


                        • #42
                          Tom Wescott wrote:
                          Also, he wrote the first and still the best full length article on the IWEC. I was surprised that article did not make it into Rip's Best Of book.

                          I've recently found out that Edoardo Zinna is a Spaniard (the multilingual and erudite part I was already aware of.) His famous IWEC article is one of the (rare?) ones missing from my back issues collection.
                          Is there a Best of Rip publication?!? Maybe I can order that somehow?
                          Best regards,


                          • #43
                            Yes, it's called Ripperology: The Best of Ripperologist Magazine. It was published a few years ago by Barnes & Noble press. Should be easy to order a copy relatively cheap. One drawback is that it doesn't contain the illustrations that accompanied the articles, but unless you plan on getting a complete set of Rips, you'll want to have the book.

                            Yours truly,

                            Tom Wescott


                            • #44
                              To Tom Wescott:
                              Thank you so much for the information. I'll definitely order it (next week), as a complete set of Rips is not an option, due to storage problems (both electronically and in my apartment).
                              Best regards,


                              • #45
                                Best of Rip is a neat little book, containing some very decent articles.

                                Wonder if a second book is in the pipeline.



                                Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


