Tom, without yet having managed to read Examiner 2 (but I will soon, maybe even tonight), it's crystal clear that you are considering Le Grand as a manipulator of Packer. I'll read it and see what I think of it. On my account, your “stationary shop“ doesn't bother me in the least, since I'm used to spelling it precisely like this in American-English. (I would spell it “stationery“ in British-English, without feeling the least bit “schizo“. Language has a way of evolving by itself, which we cannot control and should not try controlling. Idiomatic, differentiated speech and spelling in different geographical/cultural environments is a natural part of cultural evolution.)
I'm posting this from South Africa (from the Stellenbosch University campus by Cape Town, which looks a lot like Italy and California, with vineyards everywhere, until one notices the buffalos, leopards, and ostriches running around the premises of the local farms.) Since monday afternoon I've taken 3 flights and slept 90`minutes. I'm about to loose conciousness, so
don't bother to revitalize me...
PS.: By the way, there's a new thread discussing the (alleged?) fact that 3 witnesses have (supposedly?) mentioned grapes by Stride's body. Don't recall anymore where it was, but I'll look when I wake up. Until then, if no grapes, vineyards (where leopards run around) will surround my inanimate body...
I'm posting this from South Africa (from the Stellenbosch University campus by Cape Town, which looks a lot like Italy and California, with vineyards everywhere, until one notices the buffalos, leopards, and ostriches running around the premises of the local farms.) Since monday afternoon I've taken 3 flights and slept 90`minutes. I'm about to loose conciousness, so

PS.: By the way, there's a new thread discussing the (alleged?) fact that 3 witnesses have (supposedly?) mentioned grapes by Stride's body. Don't recall anymore where it was, but I'll look when I wake up. Until then, if no grapes, vineyards (where leopards run around) will surround my inanimate body...