Hutt joined the City Force January 1879 (23rd January to be precise, and fully accepted on 31st January).
His records show that his first number was 623, however as we know it was altered to 968. These are the only two numbers George Hutt had throughout his service with the City Force.
Stewart Evans showed that Harveys Collar number was the same in 1886 as it was in 1888. Seeing as Harvey and Hutt were in the same force its logical to assume they altered their numbers at the same time, ergo sometime prior to 1886.
The news clipping Lynn have provided is dated the summer of 1879, when Hutt was in possession of Collar No 623.

PS Apologies Rob, just saw your post.
His records show that his first number was 623, however as we know it was altered to 968. These are the only two numbers George Hutt had throughout his service with the City Force.
Stewart Evans showed that Harveys Collar number was the same in 1886 as it was in 1888. Seeing as Harvey and Hutt were in the same force its logical to assume they altered their numbers at the same time, ergo sometime prior to 1886.
The news clipping Lynn have provided is dated the summer of 1879, when Hutt was in possession of Collar No 623.

PS Apologies Rob, just saw your post.