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Possible explanation for Maxwell Discrepency?

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  • packers stem
    Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
    Hi Packers.
    It isn't a case of believing Barnett. If you dismiss him altogether you have nothing, no name, no history, no named relatives, nothing.
    You may prefer to invent your own version of who the victim was, and if you do, what name are you going to use to start your search?
    Hi Wickerman
    Didn't say there's a reason to doubt the details he gave about her past. He would have seen them as irrelevant details anyway so no reason to make anything up.
    Let's not forget he 'had to read everything about the murders to her'.... Do you believe she was illiterate then despite McCarthy saying she was receiving letters? Because that's what Barnett's comments suggest.
    There's now no way on earth to know who the victim was other than she was almost certainly in my view one of the two women seen by Kennedy with Kelly being the other but the only way to prove it would be to look for Kelly AFTER November which would be difficult as she would not be using that name and probably not in the UK....I have my suspicions that dieppe may be a good port of call

    And this is because it is not possible to tell bloodstained hair from a true redhead?
    Are you being serious?
    Of course I'm serious.You're forgetting that there are many different types of seem to be presuming a 'ginger'. Truth is like much about Mary Kelly, we just don't know.You're also forgetting again the possibility that Barnett's ID is a deliberate lie to help her disappear, doesn't have to be a mistaken ID at all

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  • Rosella
    Originally posted by spyglass View Post

    What got me thinking about this today was by chance reading Simon Woods casebook article about the Kelly crime scene photo's possibly being tampered with, and possibly staged.

    One thing also bothered me is that if Maxwell did see Kelly alive and well returning from the milk shop, then where was she going ? Surely not I hope to a carved up body.

    Spyglass, I post on the Lizzie Borden Forum, and photographers fiddling around with the crime scene and moving furniture happened in the Borden home too after Lizzie's parents were murdered. In one photo Andrew Borden may well have had his shoes put back on to have his photo taken, with half his face caved in! The couch where he was killed was certainly moved. (This was August 1892.)

    While I was looking on that particular occasion for crime photos something bobbed up about photos taken in the (Julia) Wallace home, where objects/furniture were moved in the process of being photographed. This was Liverpool in the early 1930's! You would think by then the police and their photographers would have been better, but apparently not.

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  • Rosella
    ^ As far as mistaken identities are concerned can I tell you a story and I'll make it short!

    For over twenty years I have been working part time in a community centre, with many of the same staff. On Mondays I work in the same office with a woman I've become friendly with, we are about the same age, both short, plump, short hair.

    We have lost count of the times Dawn has been greeted with an 'Hello, Ros' by fellow workers as we pass in the corridors, and I have been greeted with a 'Hi, Dawn!'. Over the years it must run into the hundreds.

    The people who mistake us, and have done for years, includes a man I serve on committee with. This is not someone who has seen either of us occasionally, as Caroline Maxwell did with the woman she saw.

    I can assure you that my fellow worker and I are not twins, nor do people see us in a half-light in the early morning.

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by packers stem View Post
    Hi Wickerman
    I think there's a really good chance that Wynne weston Davies may have found her by chance anyway.
    What good reason do you have for believing Barnett above all others? There quite frankly is none.
    Hi Packers.
    It isn't a case of believing Barnett. If you dismiss him altogether you have nothing, no name, no history, no named relatives, nothing.
    You may prefer to invent your own version of who the victim was, and if you do, what name are you going to use to start your search?

    If Kelly was disappearing then Barnett could have covered for her anyway so all other arguments become irrelevant.
    Ok, so lets say everything we have been told is a lie, so where do we go from here?

    Anyone killed in that manner would end up with red hair
    And this is because it is not possible to tell bloodstained hair from a true redhead?
    Are you being serious?

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  • Abby Normal
    cue the "twilight zone" music

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  • packers stem
    Originally posted by spyglass View Post

    What got me thinking about this today was by chance reading Simon Woods casebook article about the Kelly crime scene photo's possibly being tampered with, and possibly staged.

    One thing also bothered me is that if Maxwell did see Kelly alive and well returning from the milk shop, then where was she going ? Surely not I hope to a carved up body.


    It's an excellent piece spyglass MJK3 was probably a total fake as Simon says
    But MJK1.... therein lies the answer

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  • spyglass
    Originally posted by JadenCollins View Post
    I'm actually glad you're thinking that too. Most of the people only see what they wanna see; the same old theory.

    What got me thinking about this today was by chance reading Simon Woods casebook article about the Kelly crime scene photo's possibly being tampered with, and possibly staged.

    One thing also bothered me is that if Maxwell did see Kelly alive and well returning from the milk shop, then where was she going ? Surely not I hope to a carved up body.


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  • JadenCollins
    Originally posted by spyglass View Post

    Sorry, haven't read all the back posts.
    It was just that I've been thinking about this all day ( coincidence )
    I hope I haven't plagiarised someone else's theory by accident.

    I'm actually glad you're thinking that too. Most of the people only see what they wanna see; the same old theory.

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  • packers stem
    Originally posted by JadenCollins View Post
    That's what we're trying to say. But Abby doesn't agree with us.
    Hi Jaden
    Abby can't find her way past Hutch the make believe lookout I suspect

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  • spyglass
    Originally posted by JadenCollins View Post
    That's what we're trying to say. But Abby doesn't agree with us.

    Sorry, haven't read all the back posts.
    It was just that I've been thinking about this all day ( coincidence )
    I hope I haven't plagiarised someone else's theory by accident.


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  • packers stem
    Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
    Hi Packers.
    People can only work with the evidence they have.
    What name do you suggest they look for?

    It looks like you confuse what Barnett said, with what others said about Barnett.
    Like, Barnett never claimed to be drinking with Mary at 10am., that is claimed by someone else.

    - People slept on chairs, or on the floor when there was no room on a bed.

    - Like I said before, we do not know if Barnett arrived at Millers Court before, or after, the door had been forced.

    And many do not agree.

    How many red-headed women of that age & build should he expect to be found on his old bed?
    Hi Wickerman
    I think there's a really good chance that Wynne weston Davies may have found her by chance anyway.
    What good reason do you have for believing Barnett above all others? There quite frankly is none
    If Kelly was disappearing then Barnett could have covered for her anyway so all other arguments become irrelevant.
    Anyone killed in that manner would end up with red hair

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  • JadenCollins
    Originally posted by spyglass View Post
    Hi all,

    Has anyone considered that the whole kelly murder/murder scene was all staged?
    How about Kelly, Barnet, Hutchinson, a few high up coppers, a dodgy doctor,and possibly a few other players were all involved in the deceit.
    The dodgy doctor can get hold of a body with no back story so won't be missed.
    Pay off Kelly, Barnet and Hutchinson ( all who just disappear gradually )
    Kelly has no back story either so no one can be traced to her.
    Maxwell claims she saw her, whether she did or not, this causes those involved to panic and thus causing all the conspirators to muddle up things in the investigation ( this is when Hutchinson is introduced ) turn the inquest into a confusing debacle, Barnet says "yes..that's her" and job done.
    Of course some other conspirators can't help themselves by saying things like " I know more about this then you're ever know" or words to that effect.

    If you were to ask me why all this...I haven't a clue.

    That's what we're trying to say. But Abby doesn't agree with us.

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  • packers stem
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    to Jaden and packer
    little green men.

    Ill pass.
    Or Hutchinson even rofl

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  • spyglass
    Hi all,

    Has anyone considered that the whole kelly murder/murder scene was all staged?
    How about Kelly, Barnet, Hutchinson, a few high up coppers, a dodgy doctor,and possibly a few other players were all involved in the deceit.
    The dodgy doctor can get hold of a body with no back story so won't be missed.
    Pay off Kelly, Barnet and Hutchinson ( all who just disappear gradually )
    Kelly has no back story either so no one can be traced to her.
    Maxwell claims she saw her, whether she did or not, this causes those involved to panic and thus causing all the conspirators to muddle up things in the investigation ( this is when Hutchinson is introduced ) turn the inquest into a confusing debacle, Barnet says "yes..that's her" and job done.
    Of course some other conspirators can't help themselves by saying things like " I know more about this then you're ever know" or words to that effect.

    If you were to ask me why all this...I haven't a clue.


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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by JadenCollins View Post
    But Abby, we come in peace...
    All jokes aside, you should really consider it..
    haha. Yeah suuuuuure you do.

    No thanks.

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