Originally posted by A P Tomlinson
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Anyone who looks at the reports and understands that if they didn't accept it they would have questioned it.
If they didn''t understand what he meant, and didn't accept that it was wholly accpetable to say that he sat on the steps but didn't go into the yard, they would have been faced with an insoluable issue that would create a massive conflict. The one YOU think you've uncovered. They were able to intervene with comments and questions. I;m not sure Baxter was particularly keen on it, but they DID
Are you trying to suggest that they would have simply ignored all that?
You've made FAR more posts than me, so clearly have read more than me... at any point have you come across Wynne Baxter?
The coronoer who accepts in his summing up that the body wasn't there when Richardson was there.
Who said they accepted it???
By accepting it as part of his closing summary to the jury! None of whom chipped in with, "Hold on... maybe he was wrong and was standing right at the top of the steps and that bit about sitting down was a blundering lie of contradiction! What have we been doing here? Is there peyote in the water? Has someone been piping opium into the room? How did we MISS THAT???"
Or... they simply, and straightforwardly accepted and understood that when he said he didn't go into the yard, but he sat on the steps just makes sense.
The Jury then accepted it, demonstrable by them not discounting it.
As far as you not being able to see something goes, that only holds water if you LOOKED.
(Thouands more posts than me... you MUST have seeen this stuff...)
Every time in those reports the phrase, "By The Jury" appears, it refers to a juror asking a question. One of them even chips in with a bit of a "Moral High Horse" on day 2.
And for Gods sake that's pretty much all Wynne Baxter DID for four days, ask questions, and challenge people. THAT was how he was able to summarise it all on Day 5!
He challenged Richardson to the point of sending him home to fetch a piece of evidence. If he as the cornoer felt a piece of evidence was flawed or inadmissible he would have instructed the jury to discount it.
Your argument is getting to the point of being so thin, Channel Five will soon be inviting it to appear on a reality TV show about eating disorders.
Fishy... I'm not sure if you are just taking the piss now.
