Originally posted by Fisherman
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Injecting one's self in police investigation physically by becoming a recorded/observed/interrogated witness/body discoverer is one thing. Taunting the police via direct or indirect (through the press) correspondence is another thing. Zodiac and Berkowitz did it. Ted Bundy offered to "help" police prior to execution, to con his way out. Ian Brady and his blonde cheerleader tried to "assist" the police to gain time or simply some fresh air. Brady was definetely a narcissist with many antics and stunts.
No serial killer though, to my knowledge, has stepped forward prior to arrest in his physical presence , asked to be interrogated and provide info as material witness/body discoverer. Not that serial killer science, as any theory, should move with absolutes (religion does, science doesnt). But science can have axioms, until noted otherwise of course.
I mention Hutch as "shady" not to make a case for him being our man. I believe he was in on the blackmailing scam that our man was "hired" to eradicate via executionary-style murder. I do think, though, that Hutch was a shady "street ear"/muscle boy who interjected to the police process at a much later date to be presumed genuine (if flawed) with an all-too-precise vision of someone (if you have such eye-opening info, you go straight to the police). My assumption is that he did it after being coached to by what little was left of that blackmailing scheme, in order to show publicly that, even if MJK gone, those few left behind could still identify their "Target of blackmail" -- a desperate move to carry on the scheme, knowing that our man wouldnt assassinate men cause that would force him to "break character" -- and indeed he didnt. He settled score with the loose ends/"back benches" of those tragic women in 1889 and 1891.