Originally posted by Harry D
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Try a perspective where no Phillips is involved and no TOD is offered. What would happen? Personally, I would nevertheless have problems with Cadosch and Long and their mutually gainsaying timings. If I needed to opt for one witness being better than the other, I´d go for Long who claimed to recognize the woman she had seen as Chapman. it puts her a level over Cadosch.
As for Richardson, I´d not be happy about his evidence, but I think I would perhaps give him the benefit of a doubt anyway, and accept that he was there - he could simply have missed the body and even if he didn't, there would be legroom for Chapman having been killed in the dying minutes of darkness anyway.
Once Phillips enters the equation, the problems go away. We can confidently skip over Long and Cadosch, and we can see that Richardson must be wrong too. We end up with a nighttime slaying at around the same hours that the other weekday victims fell prey, and so we need not marvel at a killer escaping in full daylight, all bloodied and gory.
Its another case of witness fallibility, simple as that. Its not the first nor the last time it will happen.