Originally posted by corey123
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You believe. That doesn't mean it is. I believe that he is false. Again that doesn't mean it is.
Of course, understood. Just my thoughts on it.
Im not so sure the case being that he lied to anyone, just that he didn't see everything that happened and fillled in the holes himself.
Then what happened in your opinion and what were the holes he filled in?
I agree with you suggestion that she was in no dangher, this is the point I am trying to make
OK-but my point is that she may have thought that she was still in no real danger because she thought the man was not JtR, just a man that was pissed off because he had spent some time and money on her and had not got his way. hence she was only yelling for him to stop (so not so loud), not screaming bloody murder for anyone to help her (which would have been louder).
This only works if you think BS is "Jack the Ripper".
I think there is a very good chance of it.
You do realize once her throat was cut, she would be able to makew no sounds whatsoever apart from the weird gurgling sound you expect to hear when ones, carotidu artery was severed.
Not sure if I believe this totally as i think that if the larynx is not cut than you can still vocalize, even with a cut throat/artery. But whatever, this was just a second less possibility that I had brought up and less likely than my main/first scenario which was him dragging her into the alley/yard after scaring off IS and then cutting her throat.
Could you elaborate what your opinion/theory is of what hapened with stride that night?