Originally posted by gnote
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So for example, I don't trust Victorian forensic science enough to take the coroner's word for what knife was used. Though some of the science we use today was used then. And I think they made fair estimations. But they speak in specifics where they should have used generalities. So when someone says "bayonet" what they really mean is "dual edged blade anywhere from 5-14 inches in length and less that two inches in width." (which is the description of any bayonet available at the time) Which I think is correct. And that could be a bayonet, but it could be a dagger, a custom blade, a surgical tool, etc. But the point is that the wounds in question attributed to a bayonet could not have been made by a pen knife, a kitchen knife, a craft blade, a clasp knife, a sword, an axe, a spoon, etc.
But I do accept that the coroner found cuts on the underside of Eddowes liver along the track where the killer was taking out the kidney. Since it is unreasonable to assume that he stuck a one sided blade in and cut the liver, and then rotated the blade to take out the kidney, and because doing that leaves a ton of damage that is not described, I accept that the knife he used on Eddowes was double edged. And given that cutting out the kidney with a knife that is 12 inches long is ridiculously difficult, likely impossible, I think the knife has to be shorter. But since there are cuts of the liver, and thats an inch or so away from the kidney, the knife has to be long enough to cut the liver while cutting out the kidney, so more than three inches long. A lot of knives are 5 or 8 inches long, they are standard blade lengths. But he didn't chop up the intestines getting into the abdomen, so either he was in complete control, which seems unlikely, or it was a shorter blade. So I'm betting a 5 inch blade. And since the knife has to be strong to get this done, It has to be a fixed blade. A 5 inch double edged fixed blade. A dagger, to use the general term.
I don't need to trust the coroner's opinion, or his grasp of forensic science. I have the information I need to make an educated guess.