Originally posted by Pirate Jack
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Yes, i am aware that the cannon is a more modern term, but it has been described as that for more than 5 years though, so that would be my meaning of Tabram was left out of the cannon by some experts for years. Also i am not aware of Swanson's report about cutting of the neck on Tabram, as others have said stabbings to the neck of Tabram, but by my notes Tabram has 21 stab wounds all around the upper half of the body, although i do have a note on 39 stabs in total, but my notes do not say where these other stab wounds are, which would be totalling 18 stabs that my notes do not account for. killeen himself stated that death of Tabram was due to loss of blood, Fisherman tells me that Killeen says that the wound to the heart alone was capable of causing death. I admit i have never heard of Tabrams neck being cut, i'm sure that this would have been mentioned by Dr Killeeen.