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Murder, what murder?

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  • #61

    Hello Natasha. Thanks.

    Might try the left sidebar at Casebook. Should find the photos and documents you seek.

    Regarding Kelly's infirmary records--perhaps:

    1. Kelly is the wrong name.


    2. Her Welsh antecedents were fabricated.



    • #62
      Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
      Hello Natasha. Thanks.

      Might try the left sidebar at Casebook. Should find the photos and documents you seek.

      Regarding Kelly's infirmary records--perhaps:

      1. Kelly is the wrong name.


      2. Her Welsh antecedents were fabricated.

      Hi Lynn

      I'm not talking about the pictures taken at Millers Court. I think it would be feasible that a picture was taken at a mortuary. I think it should have been after the body was cleaned

      In regards to the infirmary reports etc, I mean all of the collections (for certain parts of Wales) of the files are gone, so even if you were to check under one of those names, there would be no point coz there are none of them files left in the first place. So we don't know who was in those files.

      If the welsh connection is fabricated, then the next step is to review infirmary files elsewhere.
      The issue of the lungs, firm adhesions on the lungs, Kelly could be telling the truth and may have had TB etc, or these adhesions could have been due to lividity.


      • #63

        Hello Natasha. Thanks.

        Are we sure she was in the infirmary?



        • #64
          Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
          Hello Natasha. Thanks.

          Are we sure she was in the infirmary?

          Hi Lynn

          No one can say for sure. I did point out that she had adhesions on the lungs and there COULD be some possibility she was in an infirmary/hospital, but I also said these adhesions could have been due to lividity


          • #65
            Originally posted by Natasha View Post
            I'm not talking about the pictures taken at Millers Court. I think it would be feasible that a picture was taken at a mortuary. I think it should have been after the body was cleaned.
            Such a photograph may have once existed - it still might, indeed. Sadly, given the utter carnage wrought on Kelly's face, not even the most skillful mortician could have stitched it back together such that it could be used for ID purposes. Her features were destroyed to such an extent that all you'd see would be the occasional island of puffy flesh in an ocean of stitches.
            Kind regards, Sam Flynn

            "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


            • #66
              Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
              Such a photograph may have once existed - it still might, indeed. Sadly, given the utter carnage wrought on Kelly's face, not even the most skillful mortician could have stitched it back together such that it could be used for ID purposes. Her features were destroyed to such an extent that all you'd see would be the occasional island of puffy flesh in an ocean of stitches.
              Hi Sam

              I did think that myself

              Maybe if the face was delicately cleaned of the blood, and devoid of stitches it might have looked a teeny tiny bit clearer, although I know it would be highly unlikely if Eddowes's face is anything to go by.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Natasha View Post
                Maybe if the face was delicately cleaned of the blood, and devoid of stitches it might have looked a teeny tiny bit clearer, although I know it would be highly unlikely if Eddowes's face is anything to go by.
                Quite so, Natasha.
                Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                • #68
                  G'day Lynn

                  Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                  Hello GUT. Thanks.

                  Could be, PROVIDED not nee Kelly. Welsh colliery explosions have been investigated and NO Davies had married a Mary Kelly.

                  I trust you have the late Chris Scott's book on "MJK"?

                  I had it but was foolish enough to lend it to someone. One thing that I am wary of though are birth and marriage records, if records are to be believed my Great Grandfather was never born and a his dad never arrived in Australia even though he died here and was married here.
                  G U T

                  There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
                    Hi Natasha,

                    My sad McCarthy effort below was not entirely tongue in cheek, though. It has always struck me as a bit of a coincidence that he chose that morning to chase Mary for the rent.

                    Hi Mr B

                    Regarding McCarthy. McCarthy was born born in Dieppe France, didn’t Kelly say she went to France?

                    MJK had his picture by her bed, according to Kendall

                    I don't think the rent was the motive. I suspect the landlords in those days would not allow the rent to get in arrears to the amount Kelly's was in


                    • #70

                      It probably depends on how kind a man, McCarthy was, or indeed how shrewd a business man he was. After all debt is a sort of possession. She couldnt leave, could she? She had the same problem as Oscar Wilde when the hotel found out that he couldnt pay the bill and so wouldnt release his clothes. So he had to stay there until he found the money.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Hatchett View Post

                        It probably depends on how kind a man, McCarthy was, or indeed how shrewd a business man he was. After all debt is a sort of possession. She couldnt leave, could she? She had the same problem as Oscar Wilde when the hotel found out that he couldnt pay the bill and so wouldnt release his clothes. So he had to stay there until he found the money.
                        Hi Hatchett

                        I just feel that if Kelly couldn't pay her bill, McCarthy would kick her out and put the arrears down to a loss rather then increase the debt and lose more money when he could rent the room to someone else. I suspect Kelly was on really good terms with McCarthy for him to allow the arrears to increase. And if he was somehow involved with her murder what else, rather then the debt, would be the motive?

                        I get what your saying about the possession thing, could McCarthy have had more of an interest in Kelly for whatever reason, then Kelly had in him?


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Natasha View Post
                          Hi Mr B

                          Regarding McCarthy. McCarthy was born born in Dieppe France, didn’t Kelly say she went to France?
                          Hi Natasha.
                          Are you sure you have the right McCarthy?

                          The census for 1891 shows two John McCarthy's living at No. 27.

                          John McCarthy, Born Spitalfields, General Shop Keeper, and wife Mary.
                          John McCarthy, Born Dieppe, France, Grocer, and wife Elizabeth.

                          Who said this case was simple
                          Regards, Jon S.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                            Hi Natasha.
                            Are you sure you have the right McCarthy?

                            The census for 1891 shows two John McCarthy's living at No. 27.

                            John McCarthy, Born Spitalfields, General Shop Keeper, and wife Mary.
                            John McCarthy, Born Dieppe, France, Grocer, and wife Elizabeth.

                            Who said this case was simple
                            Just a thought, but I wonder if the two John McCarthys were related? Anyone know.
                            G U T

                            There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                              Hi Natasha.
                              Are you sure you have the right McCarthy?

                              The census for 1891 shows two John McCarthy's living at No. 27.

                              John McCarthy, Born Spitalfields, General Shop Keeper, and wife Mary.
                              John McCarthy, Born Dieppe, France, Grocer, and wife Elizabeth.

                              Who said this case was simple
                              Hi Wickerman

                              I was just going on what I read on the witness page under John McCarthy

                              You're right this case is a difficult one


                              • #75
                                Hi Gut.
                                There were three McCarthy's living at No. 27, but to keep things simple, the third one was named Daniel.

                                There wasn't a lot between their ages, brothers perhaps?
                                Regards, Jon S.

