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Mary Kelly-By Luck, or Design?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by perrymason View Post
    Being in her room with her permission while she is virtually undressed sounds very much like someone quite close....
    but as she was a prostitute whose recently split from her man, I would say it was a punter, Mike.


    • #17
      I think he "wanted" to kill Mary (like Kemper "wanted" to kill his mother), and killed her.



      • #18
        Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
        but as she was a prostitute whose recently split from her man, I would say it was a punter, Mike.
        In my annoying fashion, the above could have some legs Jon IF we had a reason to believe she had ever taken a client into her own room. In fact, we dont have that. We have her split from her live-in lover just over a week, and Maria takes her room I believe around the 3rd, so as of Thursday night at 11:45pm, she has only been alone in the room for about 3-4 nights, and there is no record of her using her room for her "work" before Joe's departure or after Maria's.

        To David, nice to see you first off,.....and Why the man killed Mary remains a pivotal point in the Who may have killed her arguments, and in typical Ripper backward ass fashion, I feel the first question may only be answerable once the second question is answered first. So Why or Who at this point needs to give way to What Happened That Night. From start to finish. Not just from the time they forced open the door, or looked through the windows.

        What the Ripper does to obtain his victims and who he chooses can be used to compare Marys death with, and we have at least 2 prime examples of work we can pretty safely say was Jacks...Polly and Annie.

        All the best.


        • #19
          Originally posted by perrymason View Post
          there is no record of her using her room for her "work" before Joe's departure or after Maria's.
          Mr Blotchy ?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
            Mr Blotchy ?
            Hi Jon,

            He would be the only known candidate, but I dont see singing that lasted over an hour off and on during a total period of time of 1 hour and 45 minutes indoors with light on as being a likely "trick" myself. If she did bed down with him after the lights were out just before 1:30am, it would mean she did so after the singing....and I cant imagine any trick waiting over an hour to get what he paid for. Nor can I see a street whore spending an unpaid hour with a client, singing.

            I can see her entertaining someone after being alone for a few consecutive nights...or thanking someone for a walk home by being friendly and singing.

            I think that evidence that Mary earned or attempted to earn any money on the last night of her life by soliciting customers, is absent.

            Coupled with her ongoing debt, and no mention of any actions taken by the landlord to evict or recover arrears...Its a safe conclusion. She had no pressing need, and she was.. by a courtyard witness, so drunk she was barely able to get "goodnight" out when she got home.

            Cheers Jon.


            • #21
              Hiddy-ho Jane,

              I've believed each of these options at one time or another! Good poll!
              "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



              • #22
                hello, I'm just a stray here, and a newcomer, at that, so I won't even try to have any ideas, but I do think, little as I know of the case, that MJK seems very different from the other C5 victims; much younger, and prettier. A completely different victim, if considering the case according to the classic serial killer.
                Is there perhaps something I'm missing?
                Anyhow, lovely being here, I enjoy just reading all the wonderful hypotheses there are, hope to become more knowledgeable soon.
                King Regards
                A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. (O Wilde)


                • #23
                  King Cat?

                  Hello Prowling Cat - I like your King Regards - are you secretly a Lion, perhaps?

                  I also am new, and managed my poll with help!

                  Celesta - Hello! I also have thought all of the above at one time or another, and continue to think all four on a daily basis - I'm tending more as time goes on to see this one as 'special' however. I do wonder if some level of deliberation was at work there.

                  Nice to see you both!

                  Jane x


                  • #24
                    hello Jane,
                    no, I'm not a lion, alas, just an awful typist. Let's say these are King-size ragards to all and sundry!
                    Great being here, and I do agree with you, there's something about Mary, poor duck.
                    All the best
                    A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. (O Wilde)


                    • #25
                      All four are possibilities above and they could have all happened at various stages in the build up to her death.
                      Last edited by halomanuk; 06-15-2009, 05:35 PM.


                      • #26
                        young age

                        after browsing I have seen that the age factor in Kelly's case is not considered essential by many. Of course, all women in the dark are beautiful, so the same could be said about their age.
                        I'm afraid I've probably been misguided by the representations given: her mutilations being so great, she is the only victim that has no ecognisable post mortem photo that can stop us from imagining her as we wish, and probably that accounts for the idealisation possible.
                        Or am I wrong, again?
                        All the best
                        A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. (O Wilde)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by prowling cat View Post
                          after browsing I have seen that the age factor in Kelly's case is not considered essential by many. Of course, all women in the dark are beautiful, so the same could be said about their age.
                          I'm afraid I've probably been misguided by the representations given: her mutilations being so great, she is the only victim that has no ecognisable post mortem photo that can stop us from imagining her as we wish, and probably that accounts for the idealisation possible.
                          Or am I wrong, again?
                          All the best
                          Her age is of concern to me Cat....and welcome.

                          She was approx half the age of the others, marketable and able to leave her home and get drinks bought for her without us knowing whether she did anything in return for them. Like for example her last night.

                          Jack the Ripper was known before Mary Kellys death to subdue middle-aged Unfortunate women in dark corners outdoors after midnight, cut their throats, then mutilate their abdomens. Sometimes taking organs, taking at least a partial uterus twice.

                          He was not known to have gone to women in their 20's rooms, get inside by invitation or break in after 3:00am, attack the women in their bed, and underwear, with a knife, and then slice her up like he is de-engineering a human being.....finally leaving a perfectly good uterus under her head with a breast and a kidney.

                          The man that killed Mary Kelly was definitely insane and quite lost by the appearance of that room...he didnt know what to do with anything except the heart, when to stop or where to begin. She has wounds on her that can only be his explorations....there is no logical need or answer for her right thigh.

                          Make up your own mind on these, dont let popular vote make something obvious an anomaly within the Canonical Group less suspicious.

                          Best regards


                          • #28
                            Thank you,
                            Michael, I'll see. Thank you for the summing up of the significant details.
                            As he's been dead these 100 years (give or take a few decades) I can take my time deciding. See you around,
                            All the best
                            A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. (O Wilde)


                            • #29
                              Im curious about this point as well.......what direct connection is there with the Ripper murders and Members of Parliament, the Post Office and the Royal Irish Constabulary?

                              Best regards all.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by perrymason View Post
                                Im curious about this point as well.......what direct connection is there with the Ripper murders and Members of Parliament, the Post Office and the Royal Irish Constabulary?
                                Probably no direct connection whatsoever, Mike. If there is, it's almost certainly tangential to the subject matter of this thread - unless those morbid sight-seers you mentioned (amongst others, no doubt, not mentioned by the papers) had a hand in plotting her death in the first place.
                                Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                                "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)

