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6d. Did Liz spend it, or die for it?

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  • Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
    (1) Quick kill, certainly, but that is not evidence that Jack the Ripper killed her, after all, her throat is cut once, (2) Liz was was once a registered prostitute in Goteborg, Sweden as a teen..had herself stricken from the register due to "legitimate" work being found..known to have been a maid and a cleaning lady...occupied at the time of her death, for several months, as a cleaning lady, cleaned rooms her last day, (3) knife...well thats just the most convenient weapon for the times, lots of people carried knives, for all sorts of reasons..(4) Liz may have been killed while falling, and was found on her side, not her back, like other alleged Ripper victims, (5) London? could have skipped that an gone to same vicinity for a better argument, but as it is she is the ONLY victim killed south of Commercial Street, and as such, her and Kate were not killed in the same "vicinity" as the others, which was Whitechapel/Spitalfield, (6-7) Late at night and dark? These are really silly and very weak Mike. But if you insist, She is killed earlier than any other alleged Canonical.

    What you have done is list some "circumstantial" points that you believe suggest that the same killer killed Polly, Annie and Liz,... while ignoring the vast differences in the kills and objectives demonstrated in the actual evidence.

    Im sure you would agree that evidence supersedes "belief" in Police Investigations at any time in history, why should this murder be any different?

    Cheers Mike
    The only real difference between Stride and the others is she was not mutliated. Thats it. if you start noting all the minor differences in Liz then you have to for all the others and conclude that they were all killed by different men.


    • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
      The only real difference between Stride and the others is she was not mutliated. Thats it. if you start noting all the minor differences in Liz then you have to for all the others and conclude that they were all killed by different men.
      Abby, I just listed some facts, hard evidence that discounts your conclusion, ...body position in death, victimology, single wound, no evidence of mutilation interest present,...and for the record you made your most observant and salient point last, yes.....when you do see differences in some major elements within the crimes, you do have to consider other killers aside from Jacky boy.

      Ive mentioned this before, and likely will again, but one of the most respected and scholarly contributors to the field of Ripperology was asked directly, by me, which Canonical murders in his opinion are most suggestive of the same killer. He said 2, or perhaps 3.

      Now, its one thing to disagree with me, after all Im just a student, and unpublished, and an armchair sleuth, ...but an expoliceman with that kind of pedigree deserves to be considered strongly.

      For me the actual number that is most probable is 2, but there's the unpublished student for ya.

      What youve shown above is that people make their opinions based on many of the incorrect ideas that they had preconceived, not on the actual facts. There are quite a few here who see an argument that cannot be denied and yet they contest it because it flies in the face of their beliefs.

      If nothing else, I would suggest that the opinions of people far more learned in this subject than you or I are better to use that our own instincts and biases.

      Cheers Abby


      • Abby,

        I have to agree with Mike. Of course there will be differences between the murders but there are major obvious differences with Liz which is why she's always been a 50/50 Ripper victim. Even the most influential in the field are split.



        • Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
          (but as it is she is the ONLY victim killed south of Commercial Street, and as such, her and Kate were not killed in the same "vicinity" as the others, which was Whitechapel/Spitalfield,
          And Kelly was the only one killed at Miller's Court, Chapman was the only one named Chapman, Nichols rhymed with nickles....whatever. You have no hard evidence. You do have a hard head, however because you are incredibly slanted to some sort of nonsense in order to separate yourself for whatever reason. No one disputes your points. Get that in your head. Some of us see things in a different logical way, one that incorporates a holistic view of things whereas you are confined to such a small space that you are boxed in. take the lid off and see outside.



          • Mike,

            I don't think Michael has seperated himself at all. You know as well as I do that the biggest names in Ripperology can't agree.

            Calling someone hard headed is a bit harsh as well. Thinking outside the box like you suggest doesn't necessarily make you smarter. Thinking outside the box could just as easily make someone ignorant for ignoring what is truth and what proof is staring them right in the face.

            If you have evidence Liz is a Ripper victim them please provide it. There are a lot of us that would eat crow for suggesting otherwise. Looking foward to it Mike.



            • If Stride is not a victim of "JTR" then who killed her? Please don't say Kidney. The number of women murdered by having their throats slit a year was low. What was the point in murdering her by slitting her throat. Sorry for crappy wording. It's late and drunk here. Hullo everyone, by the by!
              Valour pleases Crom.


              • Originally posted by DRoy View Post

                Calling someone hard headed is a bit harsh as well.
                What would you call someone who over and over again tells people the "facts" though we disagree with them? It is a daily thing. What would that be...opinionated?



                • Murder, he wrote.

                  Hello DDW.

                  "What was the point in murdering her by slitting her throat."

                  I'd go further, why murder her at all?



                  • Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
                    Abby, I just listed some facts, hard evidence that discounts your conclusion, ...body position in death, victimology, single wound, no evidence of mutilation interest present,...and for the record you made your most observant and salient point last, yes.....when you do see differences in some major elements within the crimes, you do have to consider other killers aside from Jacky boy.

                    Ive mentioned this before, and likely will again, but one of the most respected and scholarly contributors to the field of Ripperology was asked directly, by me, which Canonical murders in his opinion are most suggestive of the same killer. He said 2, or perhaps 3.

                    Now, its one thing to disagree with me, after all Im just a student, and unpublished, and an armchair sleuth, ...but an expoliceman with that kind of pedigree deserves to be considered strongly.

                    For me the actual number that is most probable is 2, but there's the unpublished student for ya.

                    What youve shown above is that people make their opinions based on many of the incorrect ideas that they had preconceived, not on the actual facts. There are quite a few here who see an argument that cannot be denied and yet they contest it because it flies in the face of their beliefs.

                    If nothing else, I would suggest that the opinions of people far more learned in this subject than you or I are better to use that our own instincts and biases.

                    Cheers Abby
                    Hi Michael
                    I think its safe to say that most experts(including the ones there at the time!) would venture that at least 4 of the 5 C5 were killed by the same man, with stride being the odd victim out. And I would concede that out of the 5 that she would be the most likely to have been killed by a different hand. (Also, we are not even including the other possible victims Tabram and mckenzie which also could very well have been by the same killer).

                    However, when you start getting into 3 (or even 2 IMHO) different killers for the C5 I think you are getting into highly unprobable territory.

                    The Bottom line, is either you see more simililarities than differences in the murders, and when you look at the big picture taking into account all circumstances then I simply see them as in most liklihood from the same killer.


                    • Originally posted by Digalittledeeperwatson View Post
                      If Stride is not a victim of "JTR" then who killed her? Please don't say Kidney. The number of women murdered by having their throats slit a year was low. What was the point in murdering her by slitting her throat. Sorry for crappy wording. It's late and drunk here. Hullo everyone, by the by!
                      Hi Digger
                      Thats actually 2 good points. Who did kill her-this is another unsolved murder in the midst of a series of unsolved murders. And if you look at the work of Colin Roberts who showed the number of women who died by cut throats in the years preceeding and after 1888, it is relatively low, with the number in 1888 spiked to an additional 6 or 7 (i beleive it was this amount-could actually be higher).

                      Oh and welcome-we could always use another drunk around here! : )


                      • Hello again,

                        I feel that I should address your comments Mike.

                        Your "holistic" view of these events dont seem to include the type of neighborhood these murders took place in, the socio-economic climate at the time of the crimes, and the fact that the Whitechapel Unsolved Murders file includes many knife crimes that clearly were not done by the same person. Nor do you seem to consider that this was the worst crime district in the city, and as such, held the most dangerous criminals.

                        Since my perspective is contrary to all who believe that Jack the Ripper was a serial killer of 5 in the Fall of 1888, I dont see how my views could be considered anything but outside the box. Your accept the conventional wisdom, thats fine, but my continual reminders are that there is no concrete evidence to link the crimes to any one person, there is no evidence in the Stride murder that should lead anyone to conclude a serial mutilator killed her....other than of course timing and geography, which would also include the known facts that other killers were living in the area at the time.

                        I dont pretend to know who killed Liz Stride, nor do I pretend to know who killed Mary Kelly. Ive never pushed any suspect for any of the Canonical crimes down anyones throat...including your own chosen go-to guy, Mr Ripper, the unknown serial killer. Ive said that I personally see no reason why Mary Ann and Annie should be considered killed by other than the same person, that Liz Strides murder is inconsistent with those 2 murders in some key areas, based on what has been learned about the man who killed Polly and Annie. Ive said there is no evidence that Liz Stride was killed by a mutilator, which the man who killed the first 2 women clearly was, and Ive said that there is no evidence that the killer was interrupted. You feel differently? Fine. Produce a single bit of physical evidence that denounces those claims. Ive said that I have serious doubts as to whether the man that killed the first 2 women also killed Kate, because again, of some very pertinent irregularities...not the least of which was evident skill with a knife and knowledge about what he was doing, and I believe that Mary Kelly departs from the conventions of all 5 murders to such a degree that it becomes a staged production of a Ripper murder.. Thats my stance on the 5....and I dont see where any of that is illogical or irrational.

                        I believe that joining together ill fitting pieces is not the way to create a jigsaw image, so I dont see why that approach would be valid here.

                        ps....I wouldnt have to repeat pointing out the known facts if people would stop assuming things which have no basis in facts or evidence. Like the interruption theorizing at Berner....a pleasing answer to some but without any evidence of it occurring in existence.

                        Maybe not having some answers Mike, like who Killed Stride, is better than just assuming someone in particular did it anyway.

                        Best regards


                        • Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                          Hello DDW.

                          "What was the point in murdering her by slitting her throat."

                          I'd go further, why murder her at all?

                          I think the reason that Kidney is often proposed as a suspect is that he appeared to be making some pretty drastic attempts to cut her out of his life, and while we don't know exactly what their relationship was like-- if there was a stalker/victim dynamic, and if so, who had which role, for example-- it seems pretty clear that the relationship was volatile, and also that either Kidney considered her some kind of legitimate threat, or, he was paranoid to some degree. Or, a little of both. (Saying he was paranoid is not suggesting he was schizophrenic-- while most schizophrenics have paranoid delusions, you certainly do not have to be schizophrenic to be paranoid.)

                          Why a knife is fairly easy. Guns were expensive, and being seen buying bullets was one way the police could track you down. Ditto for being seen buying poison. Pretty much everyone already owned a knife. I don't know how well someone could cut a throat on the first try ever, but I don't know that Kidney had never killed an animal-- or another person for that matter.

                          Cutting a throat, rather than stabbing, pretty much ensures that the victim won't scream. You have the problem of getting close enough, but since Kidney knew the victim, for him, it might not have been a problem.

                          Since serial killers don't tend to simply kill someone and then run away, and Stride is an unlikely victim of a murder for robbery, that leaves a personal motive, unless we accept the idea of a serial killer who was interrupted.

                          Not really trying to take a side, just trying to draw a flow chart.


                          • She's leaving home, bye, bye.

                            Hello Rivkah. Thanks.

                            "I think the reason that Kidney is often proposed as a suspect is that he appeared to be making some pretty drastic attempts to cut her out of his life."

                            Of course, she left HIM, right?



                            • I agree Lynn

                              The evidence, such as it is, suggests it's actually her trying to cut him out...

                              All the best



                              • back

                                Hello Dave. Thanks.

                                Yes, whilst he waits for her to come back.


