Originally posted by GBinOz
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Hi George,
Could you source this for me please, as I could have sworn the report you appear to be thinking of said something quite different? I thought Louis consistently said he noted the time as being one o'clock, but expanded on this in one article to say this was not his usual time, because he had left the Westow Hill market early due to the poor weather, so would normally have arrived back later than one o'clock. At the time I read the article in question, I thought this sounded consistent with his wife saying he had "suddenly" appeared at the kitchen door, as if she hadn't expected him back quite so soon. And she confirmed the one o'clock time, didn't she?
I don't recall reading anything to suggest that Louis had deviated from his one o'clock arrival/discovery time, let alone that he had slipped up somewhere along the line and said it was 12.45. Perhaps someone should have alerted Michael Richards to this bombshell a lot sooner.
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