Originally posted by Debra A
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Yes Debs, I'm quite familiar with the conspiracy theory, but its only a theory. The fact remains the stalk was there and acknowledged by Swanson, how it got there is another matter.
Also, how old those fruit stains were is another consideration. But, not knowing is no reason to dismiss the evidence.
How reliable could anything that man produced in evidence be?
Its all relative Debs. We tend to look upon the citizenry as honest and innocent yet this is the East end, an environment totally alien to our couch-potato lifestyle.
A local crook, confidence trickster, liar, charlatan, thief or pimp can still be a witness, especially as that might cover a number of the male population of Whitechapel at some point or other in their life.
I do accept Phillips may have been being cautious in his wording because he was not 100 percent sure about whether he saw grape flesh or not, although I did post the excerpt to show that grape flesh may not have been as invisible to the naked eye in the stomach contents as some were suggesting,
As long as both sides keep that in mind we'll all get along fine!

All the best, Jon S.