The Star report is at total variance with the official versions (Swanson and Abberline) on this point.
The Star states, 'A second man came out of the public-house a few doors off, and shouting some sort of warning to the man who was with the woman, rushed forward as if to attack the intruder [Schwartz]. The Hungarian states positively that he saw a knife in this second man's hand, but he waited to see no more. He fled incontinently, to his new lodgings.'
You apparently do not fully understand the police procedures and how they reported and submitted reports. I'm not quite sure what you think Abberline confirmed in The Star report that conflicted with what Swanson wrote. Below are extracts from the reports by Swanson and Abberline relative to the point.

Originally posted by Tom_Wescott
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The Star states, 'A second man came out of the public-house a few doors off, and shouting some sort of warning to the man who was with the woman, rushed forward as if to attack the intruder [Schwartz]. The Hungarian states positively that he saw a knife in this second man's hand, but he waited to see no more. He fled incontinently, to his new lodgings.'
You apparently do not fully understand the police procedures and how they reported and submitted reports. I'm not quite sure what you think Abberline confirmed in The Star report that conflicted with what Swanson wrote. Below are extracts from the reports by Swanson and Abberline relative to the point.